Airport security has changed since 9/11, but more needs to be done to ensure our safety.
We're spending more on our military budget than the next 7 countries combined. Here is how we can stop it.
This is my opinion on terrorism and what should be done about it.
I talked about ISIS and other terrorist attacks and school meals.
ISIS is a terrorist group that must be stopped. In this letter we explain the biggest issues with them and what you, as the next president, should ...
Striving to protect our country from all possible dangers.
We do not need further military spending.
ISIS has been causing a lot of damage around the world and I think we should stop them before they get ahead.
Red, White, and Blue.
Make America Great Again with Clean Renewable Energy Policies
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
Dear Future President, ...
Terrorism is a growing threat that needs to be neutralized as quickly as possible, by elected officials in the American government, to protect and ...
Creativity should be used for the mending of problems both national and international.
Illegal immigrants have caused terrorist attacks in the United States. They are also stealing Americans jobs. All of the illegal immigrants need to...
17% percent of the homeless population used to be in the military. This is a really big problem and we might not have very many people in the milit...
Stolen valor is the act of an individual portraying themselves as current or former military members when they have never served or completed servi...
Immigrants and refugees that can possibly pose a threat to innocent U.S. citizens should not be entering our country too easily.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of defeating ISIS
How can America combat domestic terrorism?
As many candidates have stated ISIS is a world problem with the potential to become a global movement. Unlike some candidates I think ISIS is very ...
My letter is about how immigration is killing our country and all the problems immigration has done.
This is a brief letter on the debate over interrogation techniques used by the CIA.
Would you want to live in an area where you could get sick because of the military system?
Gun violence in the United States kills thousands of people each year. I believe that there are things we can do to bring these numbers down.
Terrorism has been going on for over a decade, we need too stop it!
Drug abuse in America does not benefit anyone,proving that drug abuse needs to be stopped and controlled.
Illegal immigration is a important problem we have in this country. In this writing I will tell you a series of facts on why this topic is bad for ...
Are you scared to step outside today in our modern world? Guns have been one of the most dreadful things in our country. Massacres have occurred ...
Americans' security should be the number one agenda for our future president.
Mass Middle Eastern migration has caused many problems for Europe. The United States must learn from the European Union's mistakes and halt migrati...
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
My letter is about sports players getting paid more than the military.
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
Terrorism is bad
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
This is just a letter saying that all terrorism should be shown, not just the ones that have a lot of deaths.
My stance on two major issues that the future president needs
The fight against ISIS has already lasted too long.
“What do you do about terrorism?” There are a lot of terrorists in the world. Groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban,Boko Haram cause havoc arou...
Terrorism and Islamophobia are unfair and need to stop, for their sake, and the sake of our country.
Issues addressed involving our national security, nuclear weapons and our military.
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
As president, there are many problems that the United States is facing that you must work toward ending, such as immigration and terrorism.
We need to stop terrorism now with are next president. If we don't then they will take advantage of our country.
A letter to the next president about renewable energy and how it will benefit this country
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
The letter ask about how are you going to keep our military safe.
This letter mainly focuses on terrorism.
We need to live in a safe country. This letter addresses ISIS and terrorism.
I am here to state, from Miami,Florida , that innocent people are losing their lives in different countries through out the world, therefore, Isis ...
This letter is about how violence throughout the nation is quickly spreading. This rapid spread of violence needs to be changed for future generati...
This is a letter addressing the problem of terrorism.
Refugees should be able to make a home in the U.S.
how are you going to help the country?
The War on Terror has struck many people in our daily lives and maybe it has impacted you but, we have to take a stand against the Terrorists that ...
Donald Trump plans to build up our military by increasing the size of each branch and investing in new and more advanced technology. Is this the be...
Terrorism and how it is ripping the world apart by the second.
The national debt for the U.S is a concerning issue.
Terrorism is a major problem in the United States and needs to be dealt with.
We need to stop living in fear and make America a better place!
This is a letter to the president about terrorism
The reasons why we are against the War in Afghanistan
A description of the history,attacks,and threat of terrorism.
I feel that the issue of racial profiling in America is a topic that needs to be discussed. I feel that discriminating against people because of th...
In a world that is becoming increasingly ever connected, we need to know how we'll be protected from threats over the internet.
Terrorism is a big problem in the United States.
We should support Israel in the Middle East.
In my letter I am addressing the immediate threat of the organization, ISIS
We need to change a lot of things is our country
Terrorism is a big problem and should be stopped.
Taking down terrorist groups together.
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
We need to form a plan that is going to defeat ISIS once as for all
The United States of America does not need to raise its Minimum Wage to $15.00 dollars and hour, It will only hurt us more!
Killing people is no joke.
Soldiers do everything for us. They fight for our country for a minimal wage, and that needs to change as soon as possible.
America needs to focus more on the terrorism happening inside our country rather than letting it hide in the shadows of international terrorism.
Many people in the military are not being funded as much as they should be for the sacrifices they are making for others and their country.
Stop Terrorism
Is the military members treated fair enough. Shouldn't military be paid more than entertainers? lowest paid pro athletes in the Nba are paid more t...
The U.S. needs nationwide laws on comprehensive sex education because everyone deserves to make educated decisions on their health and safety.
This is my opinion of some of the things spoken about.
We need to put an end to Terrorism in the U.S.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
About what our next president should deal with
My name is Baylee. I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and this letter I am concerned with the topic: should the US legalize marijuana
It is important to care for those who do so much for this nation.
Stolen Valor is an issue that needs stricter laws.
Islamophia is an increasing issue for Americans today, and we need a solution to stop it.
Our military needs to know how to organize military funding and train troops better.
Illegal Immigration is a serious issue in the United States and needs to be handled by the next president in order to make American interests come ...
Syria is threat to the United States.
Those on the "no-fly" list are prohibited from boarding planes because of their potential threat. In order to prevent future terrorist attacks, gun...
Women and men are getting raped/ sexually assualted overseas
Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
This letter is about illegal immigration. How the president can make sure, people in the future don't waste their tears, because of an illegal immi...
Persuasive letter to the next president about fighting ISIS