People of all types deserve Equal rights
Create outreach programs for urban communities and police officers to bond.
Racial discrimination affects your everyday life and it comes with consequences.
Racial Discrimination is a huge problem that faces out country. We need to see what we can do to address this problem and prevent it from getting w...
Police brutality is affecting the nation.
In our day and age, social media constantly updates us on the effects that racial profiling has all the way from discrimination of races to shootin...
Some people are contradicting the movement Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" which is not the issue at hand.
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
In our nation there are too many examples of racial profiling.
Racial profiling is a topic that needs to be addressed due to many people being falsely accused.
A wise man once said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their...
A little bit about possible solutions to police brutality.
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
Dear, President Although I am only 13 years old, I observed that racial profiling has become a great issue in our country. Yes, racial profiling ...
Racial Inequality is a prominent occurrence, even in 2016. How will the future president work to unite black and white American citizens?
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
Discrimination against other races
Racism must end.
There are many examples that show big differences in opportunities, especially between whites and blacks, in America.
Racism is ruining the feeling of equality in the USA.
In this letter I would like to talk about the very relevant topic of Black Lives Matter, and how it is important for people of color to be treated ...
Racism is something that is tearing apart our world and something that needs to stop. There are many things that the future president can do to red...
Will my social status drop or stay the same?
Popular entertainment outlets neglect the hardships that minorities face, opting for the flashy and comical outlook it has for oblivious and impre...
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
This is becoming a growing problem, and it needs to be solved. Dear future president, please try to help in getting rid of this growing problem.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
We teach our children that they can be anything that they want to be, so why are people afraid to be themselves?
Martita Ureño de Arias wants the next president to understand the impact of divisive language and work to stop children from being judged by the co...
Just because segregation is no more, does not mean that some people are on board with equality. Major issues about discrimination still exist in to...
Police officers abusing their authority and treating people especially minorities unfairly.
Racial discrimination has been a problem for a long time- but right now it is at its peak. If we don't take action now, we may never overcome it.
Give to the latin culture more opportunities to get in the USA by giving scholarships to the best students
Racism is still a big problem going on in this country and it needs to be addressed.
Too many black people are dying for no reason.
Written for the next president to base decisions on the concept of what America really stands for and not to single out groups of people or general...
We know it's a problem, but what's the solution?
I feel very strongly about the illegalization of racial profiling. It will bring Americans together, and make America a more sturdy nation.
Racism is still a huge problem in the U.S. People of color are getting assaulted, and sometimes killed because of the color of their skin. 896 peop...
This is my letter regarding the issue of racism in our country.
People shouldn't be prejudice about skin color because we're all the same inside and we all came from the same place, even if we don't know where t...
How should America deal with police brutality?
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
Have you ever learned about an officer of the law shooting citizens, or people walking around wearing or holding up a sign that reads ¨ Black Lives...
It's time that we work together to fix an issue that is long overdue. And act like adults while we do it, please.
This letter is about racism and how it effects people.Read this story to find out more about racism.
What comes to your mind when you hear the words Racial Profiling?
Racial Inequality is a major problem that is still happening in the United States.
In my letter to the president, I will address multiple topics including: immigration, race, and other influential and controversial themes.
This letter for the next President is about what I feel about Racism and what should be done with it.
Racial inequality needs to be stopped
Everybody should be treated equally and nobody should be judged because of their race.
Discrimination is a huge problem, and we need to work together to fix it.
No one should be kneeing for the National Anthem it is disrespectful.
In this letter to the next president I inform from you on a serious topic that is affecting the African-American and Hispanic communities.
Racial profiling is a terrible thing in the United States and it needs to be stopped.
Police Brutality
Discussing the social issue of racism and discrimination within the United States today.
If this continues, African-Americans will lose faith in the police and this problem will only grow worse. Peaceful protests will turn to angry riot...
Letter to the next president about equality issues in America.
Policeman should use care.
My letter to the president about racial discrimination.
My name is Timothy and I would like for Hillary to read this and help solve this number one issue in our country today. As we all know innocent Bl...
The law states that we’re all supposed to be treated equally, but we minorities beg to differ.
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
We thought racial discrimination was over after the Civil Rights Act in 1965. Today America still stands racially divided. Racism has spread so has...
Abuse from others is not new to African Americans, nor is it new coming from our law enforcement. But, it comes to a point where enough is enough. ...
Let's put racial profiling to rest for good.
There is a huge issue surrounding police brutality and would like to know what the future president will do to help stop this racial discrimination.
Racial discrimination is still around, 52 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed to stop it, and it is becoming part of the actions of...
Letter to the next president about racial Inequality
At a time when conversations about race and violence dominate every platform, Madyson Frame recites a spoken word poem describing her frustration a...
I believe Mr Trump in order for this place or world or whatever to be great again if stop you racial profiling and discrimination, Also Make it a l...
Mr.Trump is the next president-elect
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President: I believe the most valuable concern for our future leader is racial discrimination. The United States o...
Racial Profiling Needs To Stop Today!
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
Racism is ruining our country.
Racial profiling among police brutality is an issue, here is my stand.
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
Recently, there is lots of tension between the police and the community they are serving mainly because police are shooting black African Americans...
Due to certain beliefs toward African American because of their racial profiles. It leads them behave as the stereotypes being assumed about themse...
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
Police brutality can be stopped with the help of our next president.
My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
Racial Discrimination is a problem in the US.
Our country is dividing ourselves into groups rather than working together to fix our problems. I do not want to you tolerate me, I want you to acc...
Is the US law enforcement racist?
My letter is about the problems and suffering of our nation because of Foreign Relations. The United States chooses to get involved in every other ...
Racism is separating the country, does not support what America is known for, people are at disadvantages because of race, and has caused many viol...
Nearly everything that happens in the world will boil down to equality, which is a necessity as basic as oxygen.
I believe that in order for our country to efficiently solve problems and create a better country for ourselves and future generations, we need to ...
Dear Next President, racial inequality is still a prevalent issue in U.S. society. Racial discrimination is not just limited to social settings but...
Racial equality and inequality is getting out of hand, and needs to be addressed.
Should the average person of color fear for their life, or are they blowing this out of proportion?
There are so many racists acts around the world and there should be an end to it
My letter is about how we have injustice in the world and it addresses how we, as people can help to restore trust within our nation.
Sarai Martinez
The Black Lives Matter protest is a very important issue.