Every year about ½ million immigrants cross the border. Imagine how many years they have lived in fear? Having to hide their whole life. Many die t...
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
No human life should be taken.
I believe in pro-choice, but only to a certain extent.
Child Abuse need to stop because it's hurting kids and it's emotional.
"All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." -Yakima Humane Society
The United States has the highest rates of mental illness, and some of the lowest spending on mental health care in the world. This needs to change.
This letter is to the president telling my thoughts on gay adoption and why this could be an issue to many people.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
Animal abuse needs to stop. Just because animals can't stand up for themselves in the way humans can, or fight for themselves the way humans can, o...
Animals abuse is getting out of control.
Human trafficking is an international crime that enslaves people. Victims are abused, tortured, and often die due to neglect
Mr. or Mrs. President, suicide and mental illness treatment is a serious issue.
Homosexual people should be allowed to marry and adopt kids.
The Syrian civil war has been going on since 2011. More than a quarter of the Syrian population has been killed in this ongoing civil war. We're g...
The brains of Americans are sick. It is time to put a stop to mental illness through education.
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Mental Health in the US is getting worse, and people aren't receiving proper treatment for their problems. This is a crisis that NEEDS to be stoppe...
So many children taken at this very moment that we will never find.
Problems with our educational system and treatment of students
Child abuse can take many innocent children's lives.
Anyone who abuses animals should get in trouble with the law.
Donald J. Trump has many ideas and thoughts on how he wants to take care of some problems but the one that stands out to me, is the one on immigrat...
Multiple kids are being put in foster homes and not being adopted. There are also many kids being abused and we are not doing anything about it. Am...
I think all couples should have equal rights, between man and woman or same sex couples to have the ability to marry each other.
My letter is about gay rights. Mostly the important bits and pieces of why gay families, should also be accepted in other countries.
Cut loose the animal abuse.
Animal abuse is a problem, we can not get rid of it but we can minimize it. All animals doesn't matter their size are getting abused or aren't get...
Mental Illnesses are not a joke. They are a serious issue that haunts many families. It deserves the funding and attention as much as any other iss...
Is abortion really humane?
Animals around the world suffer everyday and go unnoticed, the U.S. Government needs to take action now to protect animals from abuse and cruel acts.
Conversion camps need to be made illegal in the US due to their abusive practices.
Many people argue that marital rape is not real or it is simply an excuse for some things.
Mentally ill people are being blamed for gun by politicians and media violence when the real problem for gun violence is poverty.
The way the American government and the general public trivialize mental illness needs to stop.
people who recycle help the environment to become cleaner.
We need to focus on finding homes for orphans and foster children.
Pro-choice= advocating legalized abortion Pro-life= opposing abortion and euth...
The safety net of the American mental health system is failing, and thousands of men, women and children are suffering the consequences.
My story is on Abortion. It is wrong and first degree murder. Killing babies is wrong since there are ways to prevent getting pregnant.
We need more orphanages.
Homeless Veterans need help.
Should abortion be legal?
American needs to control their actions.
Adoption is a hard and emotional process that can be made easier with a few changes.
I chose this problem because most family members are doing drugs or you know another family member that does or uses drugs. This can not only effec...
A plea for more funding for mental health treatment in our country.
I am concerned about animal testing.
We need to make sure there is accessible, affordable, and reliable resources that kids with mental health issues can go to for help, whether it is ...
Over the years I have noticed that areas where people don't have a lot of money are pushed to the side and not taken care of and the areas that are...
We as a nation need to take in mind that our mental health matters to.They don't realize what people feel daily fighting themselves alone if they'r...
We need to help support the people who are suffering with a Mental problem. We can help get medication and therapy to those who need it most. We ne...
There is a hidden illness sweeping the country, and it lives in our children's heads. Depression is prevalent, and many hopeless children are takin...
Mental Healthcare is not available for many citizens in the United States, and as President you need to fix that.
Based on personal experience, mentally ill people need to have better and more resources
This letter contains information about a big problem in our country that needs to be fixed: Mental Illness
Police are abusing unarmed civilians, especially those of color, and it needs to end. Now.
America is filled with broken and damaged people, ranging from the mentally ill who are locked away in prisons, to the homeless, to soldiers with P...
Farming & GMOs
There are many homeless and they need a place to stay.
Every year, an estimate of 900,000 abortions happen. These poor children will never have a voice, or a say in their community. If we're all educate...
Suicide is something that isn't looked at in the US as a big problem. It cannot go unnoticed. We as a community need to step up and fix this problem.
In this letter it is talking about why domestic violence is a bad thing to do to some one. This is a problem in the whole world and need to be addr...
There has to be a stop to poor, innocent children being affected be violence.
Us humans are destroying this Earth and we have to act on these actions.
The United States needs to implement more rehabilitation services for inmates and individuals in the criminal justice system.
Homelessness is an extremely prevalent issue that will only continue to grow if not addressed immediately.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
Everyday, people are being killed by unatural reasons, those being by the hands of another human being. Why isn't change happening to a world where...
The lives of animals should not be taken for granted. Don't treat them like they're garbage. An animals life is just as precious as a humans.
Pollution in America
Mental illness importance in the education system
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
This is my letter to the next president about mental illnesses.
Sure, adoption isn't quite on the list of most important issues in the United States right now, but it could be later. We must stop putting prices ...
They say there is equality here but there is actually not that much of it
Have you ever seen an ad on the TV where animals are really sad looking because they are abused? Well, animals are abused more than anyone thinks. ...
This is my opinion on how to stop animal abuse in the united states.
Gay Adoption rights belong up with the high problems in our nation because L.G.B.T+ people matter too and should be able to be parents.
Every year 1 million animals die in connection with domestic violence. Are you just going to let this happen or are you going to do something about...
While many suffer from mental illness, especially in the United States, some citizens still aren't getting the proper help they need for their illn...
The adoption system is no longer safe or helping these instant children. Children get abused everyday in foster homes without anyone knowing and i...
Abortion is affecting millions of young woman and girls, but listening to society, isn't always the best option.
If we all work together as one nation, then we can start to put a stop to violence.
Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States. Most abused children suffer greater emotional than physic...
Abortion should remain a woman's choice.
Domestic Abuse
The stigma and policy of mental health is a very important and relevant topic that a strong president must address.
Today many kids are being abused . Kids are getting taken advantage of and silenced by fear.
An urgent letter examining the many cracks in the once rigid structure of the criminal justice system.
The Foster Care System is broken, and children are being put into broken homes. This system needs more government funding.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Born or unborn, we are all still humans.
Rape culture is a huge problem here in america, but the first part of fixing the issue is addressing it.
The foster care system is full of many issues and those problems need to be addressed.
Mental health is an issue that seems to be taken lightly by the majority of the people that make up this country. From being mistreated and misunde...
This is about what the president should do about circus animal abuse.
Victims of abuse, whether physically or verbally, need to be heard.
Mental illness is a common problem in the US that is highly ignored. I ask the future president to spread awareness of these diseases and increase ...
Mental health is a serious problem effecting today's population. There needs to change.