Over time, the cost of college tuition has dramatically increased and is becoming a major worry for our future generations.
College tuition is increasing, leaving students unsure of their educational and vocational future.
It's expensive!!!!
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Standardized tests play a tremendous role in what college we get into. Should our futures be so dependent on one score?
In this brief letter, I am just going to talk about how college tuition is skyrocketing and how college is becoming less affordable.
The cost of college tuition is a huge problem, and it's leave many in post-graduate difficulties.
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
Too much debt for too many people
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
A letter to the next president about college tutition.
College students that graduated from college years ago are still paying for their college debt that should have been paid years ago. But, isn't col...
This is a letter discussing the concerning issue of college affordability.
College tuition is rising each year at a very unaffordable rate. Therefore causing many families and individuals to not be able to go to a college ...
Nick DeRitis has watched the price of college tuition triple in recent years. He hopes the next president will prioritize affordable higher educati...
My hopes for the economy, and topics on abortion and women's rights.
As college tuition begins to rise higher and higher many people can't afford college. How will the next generation gain a higher education?
With the continued inflation of the price of college, fewer and fewer students are able to afford what's seen as a necessity in the workforce.
The financial aspect of getting a college education can be deterring to a lot of teens aiming for higher education. This issue can be dealt with i...
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
Many American students are put beyond the reach of education due to high tuition. As a young student I have found the importance of getting an educ...
Addresses rising tuition, student loans and debt and the already high college tuition.
I want to focus on free education. A positive about free education is that students will be free from student debts. A negative is that some stude...
The cost of college is too high and we need to lower it.
College tuition is too much. College tuition has dramatically increased and is putting stress on students.
Free college will not provide the benefits needed to make the investment worthwhile.
Even though a college education is important, the expenses for going to college is egregious in the United States. Many students are required to ob...
I do not think that college should be free.
Cost of College expenses
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
I believe college should be free.
Around 20 million students attend college each year, which is about 68% of high school graduates. Why don't the other 32% attend? Most of it has to...
This video is about college tuition. The next president should address this issue.
The increase in college tuition is a common concern for most families and students
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
Looking at how the rise in college tuition costs has hurt the average family.
A college education is key for success in the USA and should be made affordable for everyone.
America is losing important professions.
All of the states in the U.S., expect for 12, make illegal immigrants pay out-of-state tuition in their own resented state. Illegal or not, they sh...
I feel that college should be free for all people. Everyone should have the opportunity to go to college.
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
Why students higher education so dependent on cost
While in the white house please make sure that you make us get out of the debt. As much as Obama was a good president, even though you are bet...
The cost of college is affecting our future and the people who want to go to college but can't afford it.
Student loans are sky-rocketing these days, to the point where it's getting nearly impossible to go to college. What do we do?
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
College Debt
The cost of higher education is out of reach for many that wish to go on to college.
The surprising increase in college tuition.
I want the future president of America to make education affordable for all.
College needs to be be cheaper in the USA because it will benefit us in the long run.
College is constantly on high school students' minds, and more importantly the price. Time and time again, the price of college has been brought t...
College affordability is a top concern for Cyncere Perston, who is working as hard as possible to earn scholarships for college and hopes the next ...
It is finally my turn to be going off to college soon, I am extremely excited, I've been waiting my whole life for this. The safety on college camp...
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
Worrying going to college and paying a lot of money and then not get a job.
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
College costs way too much. It's time that we did something about it.
The exorbitant cost of a college education is not something that we can keep living with.
We need to lower college tuition, so students can get a better chance to get a higher education.
If the college tuition decreased there would be more educated individuals that would go to college, so there would be more jobs, which would help t...
In 1980, under 10% of US citizens had a 4-year college degree by the age 25. We need to raise this percentage, and create a way that is affordable,...
Hello my name is Tyler Johnston I am 14 years old and I am from Seattle Washington, my letter is about how college tuition is too high and too expe...
As a citizen of the United States, it sincerely concerns me that college tuition is very high and very unreasonable.
Funding for Public Education
This letter exlpains the problems with college tuition and includes why is needs to be less expensive.
We need to limit how much college is.
Rape is everywhere so why would it not be at college.
Dear Next President: Should the government fund higher education? With rising costs in college education, the answer is YES! This infographic provi...
How free schooling won't work for the US.
The price of college is rising to fast and government is still making budget cuts. And many students that want to go cant afford it without scholar...
Letter directed to the next President of the US about lowering cost of college education.
A change needs to be made in the American college application process.
A college degree is a necessity to survive in today's world, but why does it cost so much to receive one?
The majority of recently graduated high school students plan to go to a college of university. The cost of tuition has made it nearly impossible fo...
High college tuition prices are hurting our present and soon, our future.
The cost of tuition is limiting people to go to college.
Why do I work so hard to pay for college, when all of my hard work will barely pay for a year of college?
I hope you will consider passing a bill for all the states to require a program for free community college for all the states, or some sort of prog...
Our minds should be focused on education not profits for test companies
College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
Michael Lobsenz wants the next president to enforce gun-free zones in schools. Produced by Devin DeAnda and Michael Lobsenz, students of Cedar Ridg...
Proposing the idea of a class for high school students that will help reduce College debt.
The increasing college debt is becoming more and more stressful for students
Education provides many opportunities and everyone needs education.
The students of America are our future. The absurd college cost, and the debt left in its wake, just lessens the chances of American children havin...
As if school/college is not hard enough and you have to pay for it.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
Growing up, college is seen as a necessity that everyone does but somewhere along the line of our lives, the reality changed. College prices became...
The cost of college is a major issue for many teens applying to college. It affects their present lives as well as their future.
College tuition today is extremely high. Lowering the cost will give students a chance to go to a college they feel is right for them without worry...
College Student Athletes work very hard to be great at a sport and handle school, but they aren't getting compensated.
College Tuition should I think be lowered.
rape needs to stop
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
Hope Johnson hopes the next president will recognize the growing cost of college and look for ways to make higher education accessible to everyone.
College Student Athletes should receive compensation for their contributions to their university.