What we need to do with immigrants.
Talk about immigration and possible ways for the future president to change it. I share my grandparents story and how my family is where we are tod...
There are lots of people that get into this country illegally. These people are not always a threat, but they can be. Some people who come int...
Racism is a large problem in todays society.
Most of the kids will die on their way to the U.S. The only reason they are coming is because they are not having a good life.
For my american history class, we were assigned to write this letter recommending our plans for immigration, and how our country should deal with i...
Dear Future President: The topic of Immigration has bee...
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
There are many issues with immigration that need to be addressed so that immigrants can be helped. Some of the issues include how many immigrants a...
Immigrants should be allowed to live in a place where many of us call it home. It's time to put yourself in our shoes.
Immigrants would really help our economy in the long run.
This is a paper about how we can solve and what is wrong with Illegal Immigration
Equality is something every man and woman should have.
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
We need to focus more on the real issues that come with immigration
The Syrian refugee crisis isn't something to joke about- the refugees are just going to keep coming. Will your presidency make the change?
This topic of illegal immigration should be a big concern for the next president of the United States, because they should be able to address this ...
Illigal immigration is a big issue in the US, help us put a stop to this nonsense.
We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, one that focuses solely on giving each individual equal rights and necessary protection; eac...
Stop Making These Families Suffer!
This is a letter to the next president of the United States about equality and it's affect on our society.
Please help us reform our current immigration crisis in this country today.
Illegal Immigration has become a top issue in our country, and mass deportation is not the solution to anything. Immigrants enrich our country and ...
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
The United States isn't very united.
This letter is about how immigrants and refugees are very important to our country, how we must protect them, and how we must be hospitable to them.
Why are Americans trying to kick out immigrants?
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
This letter is directed to the next president addressing current problems on immigration. This letter is packed with my opinions and ideas on immig...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to enhance the Border Patrol.
If all people were created equally, then why is their pay unequal?
Illegal immigration is clearly a problem and I have solutions.
This is a letter to the future president. Student Dawit Girma hopes the problems from immigration will be fixed and hopes that the letter is inform...
We do not need uniforms to express equality.
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
Racism needs to be solved or this country will go downhill.
We need immigration reform to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens.
How people travel over the world.
The 2016 Presidential Election is a mark of great change, a time at the cusp of progress. We need to act now, with a substantial, concrete Immigrat...
Dear Future President, Illegal immigration has been way out of hand and is causing America to be overflowing with drugs, filled with sexual hara...
America was built by immigrants. We owe to them our freedom, our rights, our everything. And yet we want to get rid of them.
Illegal immigration is a important problem we have in this country. In this writing I will tell you a series of facts on why this topic is bad for ...
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
According to The Manhattan Institute, many economists have shown that immigration increases the salary of Americans...
Persuasive letter to the next president, advocating modification towards the immigration system
Something is needed to fix equality around the United States
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
This is my letter on this issue of discrimination against the LGBTq community.
It's our time to shine
Dear Next President, Hate Immigration and this is a w...
Black lives should not be in danger because of misconceptions that people are having about them. They shall be treated with the same respect as eve...
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
Whether we like it or not, we wouldn't have this country if it wasn't for immigrants.
Living with 2 immigrants parents isn't easy, hiding the shadows with them, living in fear and worriment.
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
You sould read this because it is about immigration
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
Americans should not close off our country. Rather we should be more open to newcomers because they benefit our society.
Illegal immigrants have caused terrorist attacks in the United States. They are also stealing Americans jobs. All of the illegal immigrants need to...
Dear the next president of the United States,
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
Music programs in high schools should be given the same amount of money given to "important" sports.
America has many problems and one of them is immigration. Immigrants are a huge factor that makes up the U.S. There's lots of immigrants that don't...
Tampons are a necessity, but they continue to be taxed as a luxury in most states. This harms homeless women and unfairly taxes women for unstoppab...
How I Feel About Immigration
No one should be treated differently just because they are not from here and are here illegally. Believe me just here Martin Luther King Jr´s famou...
Everyone has the right to love and be who they are. We should be equal. We shouldn't be fighting.
The United States needs to implement more rehabilitation services for inmates and individuals in the criminal justice system.
My letter highlights topics thtat are bascially not talked about enough. Or are not covered in the main conversations
Gender equality is still a big issue/struggle in our world today. In the United States, men and women are not being treated the same in the workpla...
God made us equal. He created us to serve him. We were created to love each other and learn from each other's mistake. Did you know that this world...
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
On the subject of immigration, I feel as this is a very controversial topic that needs to be solved. As a teenager and former resident in Phoenix, ...
We have unsecure borders which does not protect us against drugs and criminals.
The oppression of the LGBTQ society is a growing problem in America
This letter is about how stereotypes affect us and how to get rid of them.
This letter is about the issue of immigration. No human is illegal. Leading our nation means being a leader of the world, and as such you have an o...
Today in the US, only citizens ages 18 and older and some 17 year olds in certain states can vote in the presidential election. This is unfair and ...
Once upon a time, weren't we immigrants too?
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
The amount of times people are killed because of stereotypes related to race is shocking. These killings not only affect the lives of those lost, b...
Sincere Letter
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
Illegal immigration happens all over the United States, and it needs to be stopped
The Reality of Immigration
74% of transgender teens have reported being sexually harassed and 84% of LGBT teens have been verbally harassed.
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
Although marraige equality is now a reality, the fight for complete LGBT+ equality is not over.
A heart-felt plea for immigration reform.
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
My summary is about Immigration life matter because immigration have a family and a life.
There are a lot of people who Enter this country Illegally . How can we change this? Should we give them an opportunity ? Find out about Immigratio...
Injustice to refugees is a baseless, immoral act.
Women employed through many professional work places are expected to choose between having children and working. This expectation is not only unfai...
Immigrants who have a child or children with disabilities
Persuasive letter to the next president advocating immigration.