Why Climate Change Needs More Attention Than It Is Getting
Animal Cruelty is a huge problem in the United States and it must discontinue. Animals such as dogs and cats are being neglected and abused in pu...
Stand by those whose lives and lands are violated by the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Bees are more important than you'd think
"All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." -Yakima Humane Society
Animals shouldn't be in captivity. Instead they should be in their natural environment and not locked behind glass or bars.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is affecting humans and animals. I hope the next president addresses this issue and fixes it.
Cars, machines, and factories are slowly killing the planet, we have the power to change our source of energy.
Why I believe animals deserve to have rights.
Various factors such as climate change and pollution have lead to an acute decline in the ocean's health.
Global Warming is an actual phenomenon
Our planet needs our attention.
Climate change is hurting the environment. We must do something to stop it because global warming is caused by humans, and must be stopped by humans.
The environment is polluted and that needs to change.
Everyday animals get thrown out on the streets. It's time to show people that it is NOT RIGHT!
This letter is about animal abuse and cruelty In America and how stricter laws will help prevent it.
You would be horrified on the amount of animal abuse cases reported a year. Domestic or not I believe it's not just cats and dog who are opposed to...
Ocean pollution affects many organisms and many ecosystems. It affects marine life and even life on land. Ocean pollution can and will get worse if...
Waterfowl populations need to be protected.
Dear Next President, Congratulations! You won the 2016 Presidential Election! I have extremely high hopes for our country's future and the care al...
Animals have rights just like we do and they are not taken as seriously as the should be.
My letter here is a letter about animal abuse problems. There is also some solutions
Our marine life is dying, and it's our fault.
Climate change is a human-caused issue that needs to be stopped.
Dear Next president, ...
Negative impacts of factory farming and how every aspect of our Earth and community is harmed.
Animals are being abused, please put yourself out there and help them.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
Has the thought of calling the authorities for these innocent animals ever cross your mind? Do you really want to let these animals suffer in anima...
Do you ever see people begging for money and food, with their family or animals on the street? I do all the time. My goal is to make Shelters easie...
Stop animal cruelty and dog fights in the USA.
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
This letter address how Green Roofs can help improve our environment.
My thoughts on factory farms
Recycling is becoming a large issue in our nation and a solution needs to be reached. Everyone needs to recycle in order to help our environment. ...
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
Animals have a life just like us, and they are being the treated like objects. Not only is animal testing cruel, its ineffective, humans have a ver...
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
Most people live their lives without thinking about their effects on the world around them. Of course they have heard about the effects of global w...
Traditional energy such as fossil fuels will eventually ruin the world. Taking this into consideration, people need to dramatically increase the us...
Reliance on coal energy can have large impacts on the health of U.S. citizens. We must bring a new wave of renewable energy to reduce health risks ...
Our world today is majorly affected by pollination, yet in the future we could see a decline in bees and the many things that bees pollinate and pr...
Animals are great pets, but using them as experiments is not okay. What did the animals do to deserve this cruel treatment?
Global Warming is a Real thing with REAL effects on us and on our earth. We need a change right now, before its to late.
Reasons why President should make environmental protection important and more involved in our community.
Reasons that the President should change energy that we use
The longer we ignore the state of our environment, the more detrimental it is to our future.
The overstocking of Nuclear Weapons is an undermined concern today. With the surplus of these dangerous weapons, our human population is at risk du...
Dear Future President, I am well aware, that the topic of climate change has not been honored as an important issue concerning the American peo...
The way animals are raised in America needs to change.
Every minute of the day, an animal is always being abused or suffering. The President should really do something about this! Read on to learn more ...
Farmers, by dumping waste, are making irreversible dead zones in the oceans.
Cut loose the animal abuse.
In this letter to the Next President I inform you of the importance of cruelty and endangerment towards animal victims
Over a million animals lives are wasted due to animal testing
Planet Earth is greater than the United States alone; how can we support the global effort to take care of our globe?
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
Dear Future President, I am always out on the water and on the beach. Mostly every time I am, I see garbage. “An estimated 14 billion pounds of ...
Animal abuse has been going on for a long time and its increasing over the years. Animals deserve a life too, so this needs to be stopped.
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.
An animal should not be abused so next president please HELP.
Animals have a soul, do you?
Renewable energy is the future of our world and our nation has not done enough to institute them. However, it is not too late, together we can work...
Many animals are being mistreated and abandoned when they're not "needed" anymore. We need to take a stand and help these innocent animals.
My letter is about ending animal cruelty, it must be stopped. You think it's sad seeing animals locked up in cages.. Imagine how they feel looking ...
We need to put an end to gas/oil powered cars.
Animal Abuse is wrong and shouldn't be taken lightly. Humans have feelings and so do animals.
Industrial abuse and exploitation is a serious and neglected issue that needs to be acted upon immediately. Every day these horrific events happen ...
Emissions produced by conventional vehicles are harming our environment and our health. We need a way to cut down the amount of these emissions.
Have you ever wondered how an animal feels to get abused
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
As a hunter, my concerns of deforestation continues to grow.
Animal cruelty needs to be stopped and there needs to be more punishment for people who abuse animals.
Whats really going on behind the scenes in zoos!
This letter is about how I think the president should stop animal neglect.
Animals all over the world are being abused.
Do you wonder why people care about the well-being of animals, do you want to raise awareness of domestic violence or gun violence, or do you want ...
Animals that have done nothing wrong are being abused. We need to stop all kinds of animal cruelty.
Animal abuse is wrong and should be stopped.
Animal abuse is a very mean thing and we need to end it now.
We need to talk.
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
Why we should put a tighter hold on preventing animal abuse.
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
Steps to slow down and the effects of climate change should be taken to decrease how much ice is melting every year due to carbon dioxide levels.
This letter is about how their is too much animal abuse happening in this world.
The end of 2015 was the second time in history humans have found more oil than we used
Do you know how serious animal abuse has become?
This letter is about people hurting, abuse animals.
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
In my letter I explain the truth about the meat, dairy, and eggs that are in your fridge and how it can affect our world. Turning into a vegan can ...
Dear Future President of the United States, Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
Dear Future President, In your first term as president I feel like you should work to try to improve our countries environment. There has been a l...
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
Animal cruelty is very prominent around the country. I believe that dog fighting and horse slaughter are some of the top problems when it comes to ...
More than one million animals die due to animal cruelty each year. This needs to stop.
This letter is about Animal Extinction. It talks about why animal extinction is a bad thing and what cause's it.
Animal Abuse is becoming a big problem in our area. It's becoming too hard to handle. This letter showcases how animal abuse is affecting not only ...
Protecting our water. Protecting our land.