Just because of one’s ethnicity, sexuality, characteristics, genetics, or ideas we forget that they are just as human as us.
My letter is about how transgender are denied access to the bathroom of their choice
LGBT+ discrimination has gone on too long.
There is a lot of racism in this country, and it seems to only be increasing as the days progress. I believe racism shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere...
Sexual identity discrimination in the workplace is defined as, “When an employee is subjected to negative employment action, harassment, or denial ...
Citizens of all races feel unsafe & some uncared for. We need to trust one another and care for each other to keep families and friends safe.
Police Brutality is often triggered by Racism. People are often judged, mistreated and stereotyped due to ethnicity and due to the color of skin.
Letter to the next president.
LGBT members are often discriminated just because they’re not straight and are often harassed.
Racism has been going on for a long time and it needs to stop now.
Increasing tension and hostility has affected society and its progress to peace.
Islamaphobia is a big issue in the United States. Innocent Muslims are being discriminated against for things they know nothing about, and this nee...
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
Racial Inequality has been a problem in America for centuries. People are being discriminated against because of their background or their skin col...
Discrimination is a major problem in the US that causes violence, and even death.
This letter talks about Black Lives Matter and my opinion on what I think of the whole situation.
Racism is a big problem, and it needs to STOP. The United States must to treat everyone equal and not treat people differently.
Discrimination is problem most people will at one point in their life. People often think that racism and discrimination are the same, in reality r...
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
In the United States the is a wage gap based on gender that shouldn't be there, everyone should get equal pay for equal work. With that change the ...
My main Idea is that Colored People need more rights.
Racism and how to handle it.
Discrimination is a never ending problem in our world which causes unnecessary pain and trauma. Discriminating others because of their skin color o...
Police brutality of African Americans needs to stop.
We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, one that focuses solely on giving each individual equal rights and necessary protection; eac...
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
Current issues about Racism.
This letter is written to talk about the problems people of 2016 have on social media and how it is related to Equality.
In this letter I intend to address some of the issues concerning violence and racism in our country, especially pertaining to recent shootings and ...
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
Problems about racial police brutality and what we can do to solve this issue.
I ask the next president to take a look at a few issues concerning racism in the U.S.
Racial Inequality
My letter is about all of the reasons sexism is a problem around the world.
In the world we live in today the color of someone's skin changes the way that they are treated and the opportunities they can acquire. This needs ...
This letter is about police brutality and Inequality toward Blacks and Latinos
While Americans, under the first amendment, are protected to freely express and practice their religion, hundreds of countries are not protected by...
Weren't we all born human? So, why should people be treated differently if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and so on? Problems like t...
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
Our issue is something that has been going on for a long time - the racial inequality against African-Americans.
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...
The United States isn't very united.
People in the U.S face discrimination.
One of the greatest problems that divides our nation today needs to be addressed first and foremost when our new president comes to office.
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
Immigration is a huge problem in the United States. Immigrants are taxpayers, entrepreneurs, job creators, and consumers.
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
This video to the president is about how he/she should run this president to make it strive.
Racial Discrimination in our country and how it impacts us as a whole.
Ever since humans were formed racism has been a problem. Throughout the years many people have tried so hard to stop this but despite their efforts...
This letter is about the police officers abuse against Latinos and African Americans.
My letter is about allowing the Syrian refugees into the United States.
The oppression of the LGBTQ society is a growing problem in America
This letter is about the gender discrimination towards women, and how it affects women all over the United States.
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
Racial Discrimination is a problem in the US.
Racial Discrimination is a problem in our nation, and we need our new president to fix our nation, starting with this.
This letter is for our next President, in order to change our economy for the better.
Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. As a result of this staggering number, we see the inequ...
My letter is about how we have injustice in the world and it addresses how we, as people can help to restore trust within our nation.
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
8% of the citizen of U.S. are born by immigrants parent
A short and sweet plea for equality.
Feeling belittled by a individual who feels they are in high society. In my poem video, it talks about how people feel toward this "high and mighty...
Examining how the media incites the racial tension.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
In America discrimination is a big problem. There are many types of discrimination but two main types of discrimination are gender discrimination a...
A letter to that talks about racial discrimination and my opinion about it.
The next generation is almost ready to take over, so this nation must be ready for them.
Many people are judged not by the continent of their character but by the color of their skin and it creates problems when people want to do things...
Can we fix our domestic policies?
Islamophobia needs to come to an end.
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.
Racism must end.
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
A Hispanic's point of view during all the racism happening around America.
Racism is an important issue around the world and it needs to be stopped now.
Cops need to be chosen correctly or trained properly, so they can do the job right.
Inequality and racism throughout the nation
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
This letter has been written to provide evidence for why gay marriage should be legalized.
Dear President
The importance of affirmative action in America and why it remains relevant.
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
a letter about racism/
My name is Timothy and I would like for Hillary to read this and help solve this number one issue in our country today. As we all know innocent Bl...
Xenophobia should be spoken about on larger platforms. Why is it okay to treat marginalized people differently over things that they cannot control?
Racial profiling and police brutality have become some major problems in our nation. Something must be done to fix these problems.
This nation of immigrants is plagued by an epidemic.
With everything that has been said in my letter all I ask is that you take into consideration how we feel about the situations going on in our coun...
The next president should do what is best for our country.
This letter is about how the police abuse different people.
There has been many disputes and violence in our nation. We need a change in the nation.