The United States of America should be a nation that provides everyone the same educational opportunities. America is known as the land of opportun...
illegals immigrants are great
People get distracted while driving and get in a fatal car crash
I chose this topic because, I think that so many family members are introduced to drugs and it can affect others in the family. This is impor...
This is about how guns are sold illegally and how guns should be sold and police should crack down on illegal gun dealers
Pro-choice= advocating legalized abortion Pro-life= opposing abortion and euth...
Something needs to be done.
The White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Washington, DC 20500 I am a resident of Sunny Isles Beach, FL, and I am writing this letter becaus...
I am a resident of sunny isles beach and I’m writing you these letter because there is a lack of future vision to what is going to happen to the bu...
Lowering the price of college for students via grants
My letter to the next president about the cons of extracurricular activities.
We should decrease corporate tax income for businesses. There are many benefits for decreasing the rate. High income taxes are bad for companies an...
College tuition is on the rise, destroying the drive of the future generation of America.
I feel that the issue of racial profiling in America is a topic that needs to be discussed. I feel that discriminating against people because of th...
Benefits of Renewable energy sources
My opinion on immigration is that I think everyone should all have an equal opportunity to better their lives and their kids lives. The american n...
My letter to the president brings to attention the problems with the American dental care system.
With increasing tensions between Russia and The United States, how will our next President handle these problems and what course of action will he ...
The legalization process should be made more effective and easier for the people coming into the U.S.
Police brutality is becoming a big problem facing America. Especially when it involves life and death.
If we keep cutting down the trees the world will die....
Is Anything ACTUALLY Free?
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
How is your education? Is it bad, or is it good? In many towns across America, education is poor, and it is hurting students learning abilities. Wi...
Mr. or Mrs. President, suicide and mental illness treatment is a serious issue.
Mental Health in the US is getting worse, and people aren't receiving proper treatment for their problems. This is a crisis that NEEDS to be stoppe...
With increasing terrorists attacks, the question arises, should we use drones to fight with us?
Our country's infrastructure is in ruins.
Fixing the world one step at a time by taking drug abuse seriously
Gun Control is a serious problem. The government shouldn't make a new law. Click here to learn more about Gun Control.
This letter is talking about how "#Black Lives Matter", and how the community is getting affected by this. Not just black lives matter, all l...
Climate change is affecting our weather, our oceans, our plants, our animals, and our people. Something must be done.
My letter is about Racism and how as a country we the people need to end racism and stay united.
To find a cure for people who have had strokes.
Abortion should be illegal
How Title IX unintentionally hurts the less popular men's sports programs.
We are concerned with the lack of girls and minority boys entering STEM careers. We think that schools, parents, and the government should work to ...
Medical Marijuana in America
The issue of drugs are getting out of hand. We must take action towards it because it has been increasing at an alarming rate and prescribed medica...
Why education is important and needed in kids' lives
Every time I hear about a test or quiz, I find myself memorizing things I don't understand, and forgetting the second I finish my test. This is not...
When it comes to school budget cuts, the arts are first to be eliminated when they hold more value than the athletic programs that continue to rece...
CTE and wood shop classes are being shutdown all around the country, but wood shop classes teach lots of things that benefit kids. Schools should b...
Millions of college athletes play sports and work hard to be in sports their for I think they should be paid for playing sports and keeping their g...
The American People Need Gun Rights.
Ocean pollution is a problem that we need to fix to save our marine life and us.
What we need to do in order to make college education more affordable and accessible to everyone
Politicians tend to overlook the issue of Climate Change.
A problem that has plagued the human race for years is the lack of trust and respect we have for one another.
Let's make guns illegal.
Cancer is problem for people worldwide, let's put a stop to it in america then continue and help the rest of the world.
The violence against African American citizens has to STOP!
Why the death penalty should be illegal.
I believe that a very important matter is criminal injustice. I believe this for many reasons and many which include racism, and inequality.
The president should make a home for each and every homeless person.
How can you improve a policemen life
Gender issues such as same sex marriage are causing protests and putting people and children in danger.
How can America combat domestic terrorism?
An analysis of the flaws in the American education system from a presidential standpoint and how best to fix them.
Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
The increasing college debt is becoming more and more stressful for students
Although you might not think so, homework must be increased.
This letter is talking about the trouble Isis is causing problem. This also talks about how to stop Isis and what they are doing to the world.
Abortion is a very serious matter and is just being pushed to the side or being ignored. Abortion should be illegal no matter what the circumstance...
Illegal immigrants should have an easier path to citizenship.
The U.S. needs to move away from nonrenewable energy sources like fossil fuels because these sources are not able to be replenished in a lifetime, ...
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
Every day in America kids are being served tasteless, unhealthy, cheap lunches. These kids are the future. Will we feed them with necessary food a...
Gun laws are the cause of much violent crime in America and need to be changed so that it is difficult to obtain guns and a person owning an illega...
solving terriosm
Why abortion should be a choice
Gun Control in America.
Students in the United States want to go to college to succeed in their lives, their communities, and their futures, and they want to achieve their...
More Gun Control would reduce more deaths
The only way to fix our country's financial troubles is to teach our youth about money.
Oliver Fox 11/4/16 Yellow Wallpaper Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Oliver Fox, I am 13 years old and I am the son of a hero. My fathe...
This is why there should be equality between men and women
Prohibiting abortion after we as a nation have come so far to support a woman's right to choose is simply regressive. It is forcing one of the most...
By Harper
The topic of Syrian Refugees has grown importance over the past year, especially during this 2016 election. I wrote this letter to demonstrate why ...
Gun control is unnecessary.
why we should fix air pollution now not later.
Poverty in the world has gone wild. We need to stop it and this is how.
There are too many animals that are killed in a inhumane way in the United States
As Pollution rates increase, our world decreases. Stop global pollution and keep our world.
My thoughts and ideas on gun control
John Hunter Mr. Smith English 11, Period 7 20 October, 2016 Letter to the Next President Dear Presidential candidates, many people die everyday fr...
Learn from me a 14 year old girl from Seattle, about drug abuse in the united states.
Immigrants should not be deported and should be given the citizenship if meets requirements.
Mental illness should be treated the same as physical illness in schools
The lives of the people in Central America are getting worse everyday, and because of that they migrate here to live a better life, but the U.S gov...
The U.S. has so many undocumented immigrants since the immigrant upsurge began. Most of the undocumented immigrants escape to the U.S. for a better...
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 ( rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
A letter from a frustrated young woman demanding social and political equality for an entire gender that has been trampled on since the dawn of civ...
Dear Mr./Ms. President of the United States, how will you deal with the current state of the U.S's racial and immigration situations? In my person...
Maintenance programs should be conceived to help reduce the number of deaths in our nation.
Did you know guns play a major role on the death rate across the nation?
We should be treating animals the way we want to be treated. We become so ignorant and say "They're dogs they don't feel anything", but they have f...
Schools should start later in the morning to empower students to be more successful.
I have an issue I would like to address about music programs in schools. Many do not have them, and many do not have very good ones.