We need more gun control we need people to make it harder for other people to get guns because there is too much gun violence.
I decided to address the problem of Gun Control. People believe it will stop death but I believe it will only make it worse.
There is a lot of gun violence in the country. With more gun control the violence rate would decrease.
You may not realize but there are 11.7 million people that reside in the United States illegally. I believe its wrong! Read more to find out my opi...
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
52% of Hispanics have experienced discrimination. Our country is recognized for diversity, which we are proud of, so why do we treat the people tha...
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
Are you labeled a threat for owning a gun?
Stop gun violence.
"murder is wrong and it needs to stop with the government helping".
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
We need to find a way to help immigrants enter our country faster and try to protect our country and strengthen our border control.
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
Dear Future President,
Why gun control is necessary to keep the citizens of America safe.
This article is about gun violence and this article should tell the next president why this should be taken in consideration.
This letter entails my understanding and perspective of both the good and bad of immigration. Then I top it all off with what I think needs to be d...
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
Millions of illegal immigrants are being taken from their home each year. Help immigrants gain citizenship with immigration reform!
Illegal immigration is a ongoing problem in the U.S that needs to stop
My letter to the president is talking about Gun control.
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
how we should and help immigrants and how they deserve a better life
On the subject of immigration, I feel as this is a very controversial topic that needs to be solved. As a teenager and former resident in Phoenix, ...
There are lots of people that get into this country illegally. These people are not always a threat, but they can be. Some people who come int...
10/20/2016 Dear Future President, Throughout the United States there are hundreds of homicides every day, and taking away our right to the sec...
Get guns out of here.
Persuasive letter with reasons to stop illegal immigration.
What do you believe Future President?
My essay is about gun control, how we can prevent gun violence, and what I would like you to address during your term in office.
I feel we need to have more gun control or more security everywhere. We cant have innocent people being killed by crazy people just trying to make ...
Immigration needs to be legal and people should have the right to live where they believe would benefit their lives.
Help the children.
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
America was built by immigrants. We owe to them our freedom, our rights, our everything. And yet we want to get rid of them.
Injustice to refugees is a baseless, immoral act.
How we should keep guns out of the wrong hands, along with a better screening process to keep guns in the right minds. The statistics of how many c...
Persuasive letter to the next President to advocating immigration laws.
My essay is about how we should allow people to come into our country so that they could live a better life if that is what they desire.
With a whopping total of 90 mass shootings in the years 1966 to 2012, something has to be done about gun control.
Living with 2 immigrants parents isn't easy, hiding the shadows with them, living in fear and worriment.
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
I think gun violence is a huge issue and the next president needs to do something to address the issue.
Deportation is a parting a lot of families in the U.S . It is affecting kids and adults we could make a change .
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
Should we protect the second amendment or alter its restrictions? Currently America has the highest gun rate per capita in the world and it is stil...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to enhance the Border Patrol.
Why we should consider the amount of firearms dangerous.
If harsh rules for illegal immigrants did not work, why do people assume that deporting all illegal immigrants will work?
My summary is about Immigration life matter because immigration have a family and a life.
Gun control is a huge issue in today's society and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Take second and ask yourself this question: Why would making guns illegal stop criminals (Who work illegally) from obtaining them?
A letter about gun violence in The United States
Guns play a role in citizens lives everyday from protection, hunting, and sport; therefore, putting a ban on guns will remove the right to bear arms.
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
Please help us reform our current immigration crisis in this country today.
We need more laws to ensure guns don't end up in the wrong hands.
You sould read this because it is about immigration
Why guns should be allowed...
No one should be treated differently just because they are not from here and are here illegally. Believe me just here Martin Luther King Jr´s famou...
I am writing about immigration, because their is a problem. The problem is their isn't one! I don't see the problem with immigration! Here's why......
Can you help the child immigrants?
Immigration is a problem that needs to be addressed. Our immigration system is broken and we have more than 11 million illegal immigrants in our co...
The increasing abundance of refugees has led to an immigration crisis in the United States. We should call to attention the safety and security of ...
Gun Control is a problem in America, they lead to shooting and suicides.
Our nation is in a great amount of debt and have immigrants illegally living within our borders. Putting a stop to these problems could possibly be...
The process for immigrants to gain their citizenship is an extremely stressful and extensive process. The process can take up to 30 years. I'd like...
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
Gun control in the United States Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, Thank you for taking time out of your busy life and schedule to read my letter; I h...
Help change the world by putting a restriction on guns.
The main idea of my letter is asking the question, when and where will the president put the wall or the fence?
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
We need to focus more on the real issues that come with immigration
I made this drawing to show how we as individuals are destroying the U.S, whether it be by homicide, suicide, or committing some other acts of viol...
As a nation we need to fix gun control.
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
Gun violence has to stop!
Dear future president, I think concealed carry and owning guns is a very important thing right now because some people don’t want people to be ab...
Do you want to see people get hurt because of a gun
Americans should not close off our country. Rather we should be more open to newcomers because they benefit our society.
Reasons why we should have Gun Control Laws
This letter is about gun laws in America.
Anti-illegal immigration, Pro legal immigration.
My family has many firearms that were easy to purchase. If it was so easy for us to purchase them what is stopping someone else from purchasing one...
Immigration is important we should find a new way to stop immigration and stop tearing families apart.We can help immigrants stay with their family...
Gun violence is a law in my world. Gun violence shouldn't be used at any time. Gun violence is a big issue. They are dangerous to use it.
Immigration problem in the Untied States of America.
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
An analysis of barriers immigrants face in the American healthcare system, written by a high school senior.
This letter is about how immigrants should be treated fairly. I also address the general mistreatment of P.O.C in America in general.
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
This topic is about how police/Border pPatrol are being really brutal towards immigrants that are coming to this country for a better life.
The violence of guns in this country has gone up. Guns should not be taken from everybody though.
Crime in the United States of America has continuously rose due to the amounts of people carrying guns. The Pew Research Center found out that "mor...
I have a serious problem with illegal immigrants. Here is my solution if you do not have one or believe that there might be a better solution.
Talk about immigration and possible ways for the future president to change it. I share my grandparents story and how my family is where we are tod...
We should have an Immigration reform or change current immigration laws and policies to let immigrants come here to U.S legally to give their fam...
Some subjects that personally affect me or that I am concerned about, are immigration, unemployment, low income families, equal rights, for all sex...
Illegal Immigration is a huge problem that America is facing today, and we need a president who will end this crisis.
Gun violence in the U.S. is out of control and this needs to change.