Police brutality is an imminent issue that you should assess, because it first handedly affects the lives of our people in America; it further oppr...
Police Brutality becomes worse and worse each day. It's an important matter in our country and it needs to stop.
The next president needs to focus on police reform, according to Morgan Smith. She feels that better conflict resolution training and more judicial...
According to “The State Minimum Wages” post, people are taxed 10% to 39.6% which means that this benefits the wealthiest people that earned way mor...
The War on Terror has struck many people in our daily lives and maybe it has impacted you but, we have to take a stand against the Terrorists that ...
The role of immigrants and naturalization process reform.
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
Racial profiling and police violence needs to stop in the world and everyone needs to be equal.
Dear Next President: What if you were just walking and were mugged would you choose your belongings or would you run and most likely be killed or...
African Americans are now afraid that they will get shot by a cop for no reason. Black people are treated unfairly and accused of many things. All ...
Many families have suffered from police brutality and it needs needs to come to an end. Killing random citizens for unnecessary reason is a no go.
How should America deal with police brutality?
All lives do matter. It's time that the country acts like it.
Police Brutality is often triggered by Racism. People are often judged, mistreated and stereotyped due to ethnicity and due to the color of skin.
For many people unable to attend college, manufacturing and industrial jobs use to offer the chance to still earn a dependable and comfortable livi...
Cops need to stop letting this get out of hand
Police Brutality
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
We don't need a Wall of Separation, we need a Gate of Progression.
Things need to change, and you can make a huge impact being the person you are.
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
Are the cops the real problem in the Black Lives Matter issue or is the black community also at fault?
Without even knowing it, many social media sites and articles are helping terrorists. Here's how to stop it.
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
Many countries and millions of people are suffering while the US does nothing to help...
Police Brutality is destroying the lives of people in the world who didn't do anything.
it about how all of us can help this problem and how it happened
Dear President
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
I want the president to make these cops to act like cops and not like the kkk
The shooting has to stop.
My letter is about the Dakota Access pipeline. This is a big debate all over the country, whether the pipeline should be built or not. The pipeline...
Police brutality is a problem in the United States and should be put to an end.
This letter is about how violence throughout the nation is quickly spreading. This rapid spread of violence needs to be changed for future generati...
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a huge crisis in the U.S. Young teenagers (mostly African Americans), are meeting untimely deaths due...
Terrorism is everywhere! They are on social media, targeting teenagers and younger kids around our age. Even worse, they are spreading rapidly! We ...
America "The States" is often praised. Should the US also be ridiculed? Here I bring to you my view on some of America's problems & some solutions ...
Police brutality is an outrageous act and needs to be stopped
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
Bad Cops to Good Cops
There is many problems but I am here to focus on one, on police brutality. Police need to know that the first thing to do is not to shoot. They ass...
Dear President...
Shouldn't you call the cops when you feel in danger? They should protect us, but what do we do when they start breaking the law?
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
Police Brutality is wrong and it must stop!
I'm 17 years of age 5'9 African American and Today I come to tell you that I want Police Brutality to stop!!!! The year isn’t over yet, and police...
The idea of feminism should be changed, not completely abolished. Radical feminists should stop stereotyping men and focus on political and economi...
The police need to stop violence because it is affecting our community!
The education system needs to be fixed.
The paragraph is about the important things the United States needs.
Any officer violating an individual's right should be fined, charged, and jailed.
Concerned by recent cases in which police officers accused of violent crimes are acquitted in court, Jackie Payne wants the next president to addre...
This letter explains how some people think that police officers are targeting a certain race.
Police brutality is becoming a big problem facing America. Especially when it involves life and death.
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
What will we do when we meet our oil crisis?
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
My name is Dylan I'm at West Seattle High and I want to talk about Police Brutality.
Police Brutality across the United States of America is out of control and it is mainly targeting Black lives. As a nation, we need to stop these ...
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
Social Media is fun, but it can be very dangerous if used incorrectly. Bullies have no limits; they can hide behind fake screen names and never ge...
America needs to fix issues within the country before focusing on those who try to enter. By changing America's structure and fortifying, it can le...
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
A problem and proposal about the economy
I am writing this letter because this has always been an issue and it needs to be stopped.
There are many pros and cons of having police. Not all police shootings are aimed at African Americans.
Dear next president, The issue of police brutality has been a major problem and popular issue facing this country right now. The police are...
This letter is for the president about raising minimum wage. It is important for us to raise it.
Although it may sound desirable, the raising of America's minimum wage could have many negative repercussions that many people have not anticipated.
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
Police officers are getting out of control, the shooting numbers are higher than ever.
In this letter, I will be discussing the injustices against young Black men that are being killed on a daily basis.
What effect it has on the people and how to stop it.
Police body cameras should be worn so that the officer and civilian act better.
Police attacking the innocents
Almost 200 Black people were killed by the police only in the year 2016. This needs to stop.
This letter addresses the problems of the economy and unemployment in the United States.
Please fix this recurring problem,
You need to stop policemen from using excessive force because lots of unarmed people are being killed. You can do this by giving more money to the ...
Police Brutality is a very controversial topic, but it is a very important topic.
Police brutality is an onging issue in the United States. Police brutlity is a bigger issue than we let on because it is an issue that involves dea...
Its a letter
When an employer pays someone less solely because of their disability and the law condones it, it becomes an act of economic discrimination.
It is time to end police brutality.
Dear Next President: Soldiers deserve higher pay. This infographic compares the risks, salary, hours, and benefits of careers in uniform. What will...
This letter talks about what people do to themselves when they get bullied and how bullying could be stopped.
Police brutality and lack of equality for people of color is the most important and devastating problem in the United States right now because mor...
I am concerned because there have been many innocent people killed this may be because of possible untrained police officers.
Police Brutality needs to stop because people of my color are being shot at for no reason.
Police are using their guns way too quickly.
I am for Social Networking!
This is my poem about how police brutality is getting out of hand .
Censorship is just a word, its consequences are much more than that.
I propose higher pay for teachers and the elimination of teachers to increase competition and raise the standard of teachers