Our country currently does not have enough gun control, we need to pass much more legislation prohibiting people from having guns.
Gun Control and Immigration
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
The Dark Web is a dangerous place for dangerous people. The government must find a way to shut it down before more people get hurt or killed.
I feel Gun control should be enforced more than it already is, to many people have been killed because of these loose laws.
Dear Future President, we live in the (not very united) United States of America.
We should have stricter gun control laws
The issue of gun violence is plaguing that streets of America. The results are high crime and murder rates due to easy access of guns. A change nee...
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Gun violence has become one of the main issues in the United States which is why the future president needs to take action before it gets too late.
This is a letter to the future president on my opinions on the issue of guns in our country.
My letter is about gun rights. It argues against gun control and gives alternate solutions. It also states why guns are important to Americans.
Gun control laws in the U.S need some refinement
Do not disregard our civil rights.
Police need to be better trained to avoid shooting incident people.
Gun control can change the world if it comes into view.
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
Michael Lobsenz wants the next president to enforce gun-free zones in schools. Produced by Devin DeAnda and Michael Lobsenz, students of Cedar Ridg...
Gun control can easily be handled with the help of our president. The involvement of the president is very important to the lives in the US. The de...
I think that you as president should make laws and regulations against gun use and gun violence.
As history continues, immigrants have done a lot for nation. treating it as their own motherland by helping it to prosper to the nation it is. It ...
This letter mostly talks about how to better gun control.
Limitations on the second amendment
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the United States.
Pistols, machine guns and other automatic weapons should be banned. All it does is cause problems.
Why is gun control such a big issue? How important are guns? Here is how to think about firearms and their regulation.
No president should be able to take our guns away, but we need to do everything we can to keep the mentaly ill and gangsters off the streets.
Police Brutality can be signified in many different ways. The most common form of police brutality is physical force. Even though policeman have th...
why I think Hillary is better than Donald Trump because, he can rude in different ways.
Gun control has always been a pressing matter in the U.S.
Gun violence has to stop!
Gun control should be stricter.
Gun Control is a serious problem. The government shouldn't make a new law. Click here to learn more about Gun Control.
Guns are bad. Get rid of guns.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
My opinion on gun rights in the USA and how they could be changed or made better.
The government should increase gun control to save thousands of lives.
My letter is about why there should be an extensive background check on people who try to purchase any kind of gun.
Hypocrites of our Congress have held moments of silence for the Sandy Hook School Shooting but will not do a thing about it. Kids have been shot, b...
This letter explains my opinions and beliefs on gun control in America
Guns should be prohibited for everyone except for the police.
Guns don't kill people , people kill people
Why we should consider the amount of firearms dangerous.
Dear future president
How Gun Control and violence affect the United States and what should be change to insure the safety of the people.
This is a letter to the next president about gun control.
Gun control in America
Gun control has been a major problem in the U.S. Why haven't we been able to control this problem? Should we have more in depth background checks?...
Some people can use guns wisely. most of human society can't use guns properly. I type this letter to inform you of gun control. You should conside...
I want the future president to say no to gun control.
My letter to the next president.
I believe the next president should address the issue of gun control.
Gun related deaths and incidents are getting out of hand and need to be stopped, and the main ideas against gun control are heavily flawed.
Don't take away our right to keep ourselves safe. Keep firearms in civilians' hands.
A metaphor of gun violence in our country. Mass shootings keep occurring...and we keep ignoring them. You need to take action before you find yours...
Gun control is the protection of the use of guns and it needs to be changed.
Gun safety in the United States
The amount of gun related deaths in the United States is undeniable. There has been about 30,000 gun related deaths per year.
A letter to the future President involving the idea of gun control. These dangerous weapons affect many communities.
We need more gun control we need people to make it harder for other people to get guns because there is too much gun violence.
Many people have died from the use of firearms.
We Need More Gun Control
This is a article about gun control and how it should not be enforced.
My opinion on Gun Control.
In the U.S over 32,929 people died in 2015 alone. This number is rising every year and needs to be taken care of. People have argued over this fore...
If our future president enforces a strict gun control policy, the only guns that will remain will be illegal and held by dangerous people who do no...
Gun control is no longer a question of if, but how much. A hard-line approach to the matter that incorporates the ideologies of both of the nation'...
A overview of gun control, mental health, and hatred. The main topic: The people.
Discusses the controversial issue of gun control and why American citizens should be able to keep their right to own firearms.
To be armed, or not to be armed; that is the question.
Let's face the truth, gun control laws don't work on criminals. We need to teach our nation how to be gun safe and smart.
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
I have buried twelve of my bestest friends. I am only 15 years old. Gang violence is out of control and it has to stop. This is my plea to save the...
I believe in the Second Amendment and believe that we should keep it.
Letter to Teump about gun control
More gun control and restrictions because too many people die from gun related accidents.
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
How taking military grade weapons off the market could reduce some crime and terrorist threats.
I think gun violence is a huge issue and the next president needs to do something to address the issue.
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
Letter to the POTUS about gun control
The topic of gun control has been very controversial for a lot of time. This letter shows the importance of addressing this topic
Gun control is a big issue in the United States.
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
I think that we shouldn't take away someones right to bear arms, so that people can protect themselves.
Gun violence is a huge issue in America, and I would like to help put an end to it.
We need more gun laws and more control over people that have them.
According to PBS "There were 372 mass shootings in the U.S, in 2015 Killing, 475 and wounding 1870."
Gun Control is a very controversial topic in the US. There have been many recent mass shootings, riots, and more. If there are laws put in place th...
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
This is about why kids should not play video games that include violence, and gangs, etc. which leads to very bad consequences
Gun control would disarm law abiding citizens while criminals will still have weapons
This is my opinion on gun control
How to solve this growing problem.
My opinion on gun violence and what can be done to reduce the issue.
This letter is about gun laws in America.
Tighter laws on who can buy or own a gun.