Awareness in Third World Countries
Congratulations on becoming POTUS! Please protect our inalienable gun rights! It is your duty as commander in chief to protect our constitutional r...
Police vs. Blacks
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
support the hard working police
Not everyone knows the entire truth to Black Lives Matter.
Popularity amongst teens is resulting in poor behavior choices and not focusing on "the big picture" in life
This country is filled with hate crimes everyday and if we don't make a change right now it will get even worse.This letter is asking for the next ...
Police Brutality has gotten out of hand. Help me try to stop it.
Abortion should be made illegal in the United States.
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
Police Violence, Punishment, Ideas, Better Relations
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
Over the past few years, police brutality has become a major issue in the United States. Unfortunately it continues to grow and some major changes ...
In order to end racial discrimination in the United States, citizens need to respect one another and realize 'all lives matter.'
Racism and Environmental, 2016 letter to president
Inequality needs to stop! There is no reason to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, or religion. Our current young generation...
The lives of many are at risk in America due to police and citizen issues.
Everyone should be treated equally, including our police workforce.
Law Enforcement have dangerous jobs and need to be safe while keeping others safe too
There are reasonable reasons as to why abortion should be illegal and that is understandable. People argue that abortion is killing an unborn child...
There are many problems facing the world today, and we are working our hardest to solve them. However, one major problem may overshadow many others...
It is time to end police brutality.
What is euthanasia, and the controversy behind it referring to humans.
Should abortion be allowed? What determines human life?
Abortion should not be legal because this is killing innocent people. Abortion is legal murder.
The media is portraying police as the bad guys in this country, overplaying the stories that point out the far and few bad apples.
Pro-choice= advocating legalized abortion Pro-life= opposing abortion and euth...
A letter dedicated to the lives we have lost in US waters and the concern in the lack of safety.
Sometimes the world may not be as perfect as it seems.
This letter is about football injuries.
Are we making the world a better place only for us? Or to the rest of the world's nature & life?
Combat in the Middle East has taken so many lives and cost so much money that it is imperative that it is stopped.
A new perspective of understanding the violence towards police.
Recently, the United States has been in controversy over the actions of police officers around the nation. The actions of a few people cannot const...
There has to be a stop to poor, innocent children being affected be violence.
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
At a time when conversations about race and violence dominate every platform, Madyson Frame recites a spoken word poem describing her frustration a...
Suicide prevention and awareness doesn't get enough attention or publicity. The government should create a program to aid in spreading infor...
Many females end up changing their mind about abortion once they hear the baby's heartbeat. Why?
Anger towards police in America needs to stop. Attitudes towards officers have to change because police are protecting us and just doing their job.
There are so many racists acts around the world and there should be an end to it
All human lives matter no matter the person’s race, gender, religion, or even job he or she has. “All men are created equally, “ as stated in the ...
This is a letter to the next president about how we need to save our environment at all costs.
All lives matter all diferent kinds of people ALL LIVE MATTER.
My letter to the president is talking about the brutality against police forces and the hate that spreading against police.
Allow children to live up to their full potential.
This letter discusses relations between police with people in communities.
Why is the death of a baby abortion in some cases, but murder in others?
People In the U.S think its okay to take away black lives . These are my reasons why Black people should be treated as anyone else in this world.
On both sides, unnecessary deaths are hurting communities.
Dear President,
This is about animals that aren't getting the care and respect they deserve. I suggest that there be programs where you can donate old dog or cat b...
Everyone has the right to life, white, black, homosexuals, transgender, men, women, everyone. 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in ...
Police brutality is turning Americans against one another.
My thoughts on Drug and alcohol abuse. What our next Action?
Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.
The United States of America has legalized abortion and the consequences are horribe for our nation.
Is the gun the "killer" or is the individual behind the gun the "killer?"
Immigration is an important problem to me because I don't like the way that immigrants are getting discriminated do to the reason that they come in...
Susan was her name, and it wasn't what you think. She died on the inside. Abortion is a very heavy matter for people who get it, and if they don't ...
Racial inequality is an Issue in America, hear the voice of a young African-American and his views on racial issues today.
I think we need to work together to solve this problem. Not just go around killing and hurting each other just because we’re getting back at each o...
There is a problem in America that can no longer be ignored and it must be addressed, abortion.
Abortion, one of the biggest debates there is. Not only is it a debate, but it’s also a very important topic; the debating needs to come to an end....
This letter is about the tax plan for entrepreneurs, and that i really like Mr. Trumps' tax plan and it also includes a tax plan of my own and kee...
I believe that all lives matter and everybody of every race should be treated equally.
Police are treated like dirt. I want to change that.
Abortion isn't murder; abortion can save a life.
My letter is about how we have injustice in the world and it addresses how we, as people can help to restore trust within our nation.
The violence directed at our police in America is ludicrous and completely unnecessary.
Police Officers put their life out on the line everyday for anyone and everyone. Many have died in the line of duty and that deserves the upmost re...
Police get a bad reputation because of the media. They put a video for example and make the cop look bad and people think that's all cops are -bad....
People should be educated about how to keep themselves healthy, and helped to make healthy choices.
There are many issues that America is facing at the moment, equal rights and all lives matter is one of them.
All lives matter. How can the President make everyone aware of this?
Abortion...why its right
Free The Youth Movement; created by 4 aspiring high school students, seeks the betterment of society for up and coming generations. Too many proble...
Abortion needs to become illegal because human life begins from the moment of fertilization.
A piece of my mind about the choices that we have to make every single day. Through a quote from a video game I played, This is what I think about ...
A life is a life no matter how small it is. This is my response to the abortion debate.
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
This issue is on racism. Racism is a big issue here in the U.S. and it needs to be resolved. This video give a lot of information on the issue that...
My outlook on the Black Lives Matter movement
Recent outbreaks of riots around the U.S. are causing America to separate.
My letter highlights topics thtat are bascially not talked about enough. Or are not covered in the main conversations
Why all lives matter
Why Black Lives Matter
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
“Black Lives Matter.” We hear it all over the news but not much has changed. Just because the color of your skin is different doesn’t mean you shou...