College expenses are difficult for students to pay for and create a large amount of debt.
The true impact on having free college tuition.
This is a letter discussing the concerning issue of college affordability.
Major cities need your help. They are not safe. People are afraid because of the violence everywhere.
The issue of education is important because for those who wants to learn and wanted knowledge of education deserve the equal opportunities in study...
This letter addresses the next president and how Americans need college education.
My letter is to inform you that in small town northeast Iowa high school education is not free.
A look at what really needs to be reformed in Education.
The school lunch program should provide higher quality meals.
Is our School System Crucial?
We all hear in the news that education is getting better, but is it really? Shouldn’t all students be offered better educational opportunities? Af...
Across our nation education is not equal, whether it is the content taught or the student populations themselves. By creating an amendment to our C...
This article claims that we should upgrade the school lunch portions. Overall, they haven't changed since we were in kindergarten.
"If we paid our teachers what we pay our celebrities, maybe one day we'd be smart enough to know better..." -Sir Ken Robinson
There are many different controversies that find themselves in our world today. There are so many topics that deserve the attention and care of the...
All kid should have a chance at attending school.
Views on Education
Free College
The United States is in dire need of informative and accurate sex education.
I want the education in the United States to be better and for college tuition to be free so children can get access to education easily when they ...
This is Why we need college prices lower for people who can't afford it, hopefully we get better food in the future and air conditioning and better...
Education is the most important thing in our society, and it needs to be made a focus.
Girls need education for a successful nation.
A college degree is a necessity to survive in today's world, but why does it cost so much to receive one?
How free schooling won't work for the US.
This addressees the issue of student loans and how it puts students in debt.
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
Everyone has the right to be educated. No matter how wealthy people are, their education should be affordable or even free. Education changes lives...
This is an average L.A. high school student's point of view on our current education system.
Racism affects the personal and self views of children, and not only impact their view of the world, but impacts their academic drive and to do wel...
The American education system is killing curiosity in students, therefore dooming the future of innovation.
Students mental and physical well-being is negatively effected by the unhealthy lifestyles they lead while trying to meet the high expectations of ...
How to improve the educational system and exploring different types of ways children can be taught, that will benefit our society and each individu...
The current costs for colleges around the nation are too high.
What does the future hold for NASA? It depends on the next president.
Dear future president, currently I’m a high school student and I’ve been thinking about college lately. I’m a senior right now and I’ve been stres...
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
Education is very important, and I want the best for my future. In order to do this we need to create strong education policies.
Talking about school safety and how we can keep schools safe.
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...
We need to alter school lunches in America.
High school graduates have huge debts because they can't afford to completely pay off their college fees. This is the only type of consumer debt th...
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
When it comes to school budget cuts, the arts are first to be eliminated when they hold more value than the athletic programs that continue to rece...
I believe that college should be affordable and debt free for everyone.
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
It is talking about why the current structure of school is designed for students to fail and not succeed.
Education is important for everyone. Not just the rich or the poor, but for everyone.
Teen drug use is something our nation struggles with, and altering our current drug education could make the likelihood of fixing this issue higher...
I believe that homework should be limited because it is useless, and a study hall should be implemented to aid students, like my peers and I, with ...
We need to do more to prevent bullying because it affects victims’ school achievement.
Why abolish standardized testing and common core? why not just fix the problems and go on with our lives. Could getting rid of these hurt the U.S. ...
A letter to the future president of the Unites States of America
Charter Schools: Another Education Option
We need to take the focus off of grading and focus on information learned not test scores.
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
Sure college tuition debt is an issue, but can tuition really be "free" without causing even more problems?
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
The need to reform the United State's Education System.
There are people across the world who can't afford the education they need. But what if everyone can have that chance? Everyone deserves to learn i...
Standardized testing is putting students all over the United States under rigorous pressure.
Across the world over 3.2 million people get bullied every year. Bullying is something people deal with every day.
A brief but eye opening review on the nutrition offered in American school lunch programs today. Maybe the lunch you thought students were receivin...
Letter about education cost and why it is a problem.
Condoms, Birth control,etc...
This purpose of this letter is to persuade the next President of the United States to forgive at least 30% of student loan debt.
Student loan debt is forcing people to hold back on things like having children, and that's not good.
What the president should be doing to schools.
School Funding
Racial discrimination from cops
Persuasive letter to the next President to better fund technological infrastructure in schools and school districts.
The price of a college education
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
Our education system is flawed please do something to fix it.
In the text below, I explain my problem with the increased prices in college tuition
I think police officers should be forced to have more education
There needs to be better education in America for it is the generation of the future. Without good education, our country could go no where.
High school shouldn't be required for everyone after the first year.
Fact: Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day....
This is my opinion on saving our oceans from its dangers.
A college education helps people get better jobs, but the costs are quickly growing and putting students in debt.
A letter to the next president of the united states.
Students are not currently getting enough sleep. We need our next president to take a stand and make schools start later.
how inflexible teachers are when they teach while just assuming that the flexible students are slow, when its themselves.
Will there be a change?
If the cost keeps rising then college will become inaccessible to most students.
The cost of education is more than it is worth
Two 6th grade classes in El Cajon CA were inspired by teen activists and want to make a difference by having government officials take action on a ...
Everyone everywhere deserves a chance to be successful.
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
There are many important issues surrounding education that could be critical in determining the future in many young people. We all need to jump in...
This letter is directed to whomever the next president shall be, and states that when in office they should help eliminate and or not make standard...
Receiving a higher education is becoming to costly.
Sex ed should be added to daily education. Because there is such a large percentage of under age pregnancies, HIVS/STDS etc.
Teach for America was a good idea, but was poorly executed.
An argument supporting the benefit of arts programs. Why the programs are being cut, why they should be saved, and the impact of the programs on th...
On how immigration is being handled and other situations
Education is very important