Although some may believe that racism and oppression is old news, but we still face racism every day, and we still see it everywhere.
This is what I'd like my next president to do!
Racial Profiling is getting outta control & it needs to STOP
Letter to the future President
All people should have equal rights.
Black lives don't matter if black people are killing most black people.
All lives matter to me.
Police brutality is turning Americans against one another.
Black Lives Matter
The issue of patriotism, respect and the Colin Kaepernick National Anthem scandal.
The shooting has to stop.
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
Dear future President, Have you have seen in the news? Many unarmed young black men have been fatally shot by police officers across the country. ...
Racism in the police is a big problem that's affecting the black people in a very bad way through discrimination and abuse just because of their sk...
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
Every day the divide between black and white Americans affect people's lives.
We should stop Police Brutality because it's really bad for our Communities and the U.S.A
It most stop here!
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
The letter that i had wrote the the future president was that he needs to do something about these people who are sending death threats to NFL play...
in the end, we are all human.
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
No one has helped blacks at all but looks at us to help them win elections and become the leader of America.
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
If you turn on the news or read the newspaper there is a high possibility that you will see something proving that black people in the United State...
Look what is happening; black people are just getting shot because no one cares about black lives. American police already have killed twenty-fiv...
Hate Crimes in this country are terrible. Black men and women are dying everyday because these racist officers think they're dangerous or think the...
My letter will be explain why Police Brutality needs to end.
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is black lives ...
Police brutality has shown that we need to improve racial equality in America.
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
One of the greatest problems that divides our nation today needs to be addressed first and foremost when our new president comes to office.
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
During the singing of "the star spangled banner" some NFL players choose to kneel, thus disrespecting our country and what we stand for.
Police vs. Blacks
What comes to your mind when you hear the words Racial Profiling?
In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
Increasing tension and hostility has affected society and its progress to peace.
Gun violence is one of the biggest problems in the world, but what is the president going to do about it.
Black lives should not be in danger because of misconceptions that people are having about them. They shall be treated with the same respect as eve...
My community has been affected by gun violence. Recently there has been two lives taken last month.
Abortion and Black Lives Matter Movement
My letter addresses one of America's biggest issues which is police brutality. I think that this is such an important problem that can't be ignored...
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Why the black lives matter movement is important and should be recognized more.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
Help us find a way to end it.
Dear Future President, Police brutality is a controversial topic that's on the rise, especially in the perfidious media. It's shameful ...
Dear future president
No one should be kneeing for the National Anthem it is disrespectful.
What i believe is a problem in the US
"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~ Malcolm X
its about how nothing changed since way back in the day
People shouldn’t be killed or treated differently because of the color of their skin.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
African American people are being killed by police and we are looking for ways to stop this .
I think that the police should stop killing unarmed black people.
I believe that all lives matter and everybody of every race should be treated equally.
Recently, in the U.S.A, African Americans have been treated very unfairly. Read on to see how and why.
Stand up and fight for your rights.
We need to take action to solve the epidemic of police brutality in America. ...
Looking at the negative impact of the Black Lives Matter group.
Convicts with first time offenses should have the same chance to get a job as somebody with a clean record.
The every day struggles that people in the black community go through.
When is the hatred going to stop
Police brutality is increasing day by day and we need to take action.
Can our future president actually make America great again?
Police have been abusing their power, and something needs to be done.
Dear Next President, racial inequality is still a prevalent issue in U.S. society. Racial discrimination is not just limited to social settings but...
Suggestions for dealing with the Black Lives Matter movement.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Shouldn't you call the cops when you feel in danger? They should protect us, but what do we do when they start breaking the law?
These people strike fear into the American people, and they’re not part of ISIS.
Enough is enough.
The organization Black Lives Matter has too much power to destroy lives based on opinions and not evidence.
Reform for black rights matter.
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Our nation is torn apart by police brutality, but better police training and supporting Black Lives Matter can help.
Dear Future President , Police have been killing very...
Offering a perspective of how the Black Lives Matter movement is not a positive for the country.
Letter To Next President
Recent outbreaks of riots around the U.S. are causing America to separate.
Police Brutality
Black Lives Matter doesn't just relate to police killings. It also extends to education opportunities for Black youth. Focusing on All Lives Matter...
As the next president, you have the ability to help resolve this by creating a rule or a law on police officers wearing body cameras at all times. ...
If we all come together as one then Black lives matter will no longer become an issue.
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
When will the injustice end?
Here you will find the issues, I think are important to perhaps others and myself that should be handled fast.
In recent years there have been many cases of unnecessary force used by the police against Black people. Nowadays, it seems that the situation is g...
This letter discusses misconceptions and the blatant discriminatory nature of police interactions with African American citizens.
Police Brutality is a major issue all over the United States. The media has brought attention to this issue and has started the Black Lives Matter ...