If you become President I hope you stop police brutality. I am tired of people saying black lives matter, because , in my opinion every ones l...
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
"Nobody can give you freedom.Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything.If you're a man, you take it ~ Malcolm X
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President: I believe the most valuable concern for our future leader is racial discrimination. The United States o...
More African Americans are being killed than Caucasians.
A short and sweet plea for equality.
The problem that needs to be stopped.
Dear Future president, In America, there are many issues that our country is facing. So... we as citizens of America and you as our leader should w...
You need to stop policemen from using excessive force because lots of unarmed people are being killed. You can do this by giving more money to the ...
Police brutality is a big and glowing problem in the United States. We need a third party organization to watch over the Police Department.
Dear President...
In the United States the is a wage gap based on gender that shouldn't be there, everyone should get equal pay for equal work. With that change the ...
Racial profiling and police brutality have become some major problems in our nation. Something must be done to fix these problems.
Many people with a mental illness face a social stigma that needs to be stopped.
We need to destroy the unfair discrimination against women in the workplace.
Dear Future President,
Enough is enough.
Time to look at both sides. Do you think police brutality is a problem?
Dear Next President, I think you should hold more social events to build stronger relationships between communities and police, so that more peop...
Racial discrimination has been a problem for a long time- but right now it is at its peak. If we don't take action now, we may never overcome it.
My letter is about Police Brutality and how it's only favoring whites, and how the justice system isn't equal to everyone
Police Brutality has been an ongoing problem for years, and its only getting worse.
There is a lot of racism in this country, and it seems to only be increasing as the days progress. I believe racism shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere...
My letter is about how African-Americans are treated different throughout the law system.
Inequality amongst racial groups in America is a major issue because people are being deprived of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and th...
Body image is a problem in our society- fix it.
I go through different facts and details about the "Issues" that they protest actual fact and how you could prevent them because when protesting t...
Dear President Obama,
Police brutality is wrong and it should be ended
America "The States" is often praised. Should the US also be ridiculed? Here I bring to you my view on some of America's problems & some solutions ...
I wrote about how I believe that blacks are mistreated and needed to be viewed as equal people.
Racism is spreading to schools, which is giving people of color a smaller chance of succeeding in their future.
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
Are we really equal? Are we segregated?
The gender pay gap is a very bad part of the United States and it needs to be fixed to progress with other issues of the nation.
The police are here to protect us not kill us.
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
Donald Trump will be a great suitable president for this country.
This is my letter on this issue of discrimination against the LGBTq community.
America needs to address discriminating against the rights of LGBT people.
A letter by Roy Acevedo
On police brutality and why it needs to stop and how to stop it.
In this letter I discuss issues in our world today such as racism and police brutality.
Over many years there has been discrimination of racism against Mexicans, African Americans, Asians, and many more races.
This talks about Police brutality and incidents that have happened over the years, police ¨Consequences¨, and ideas to solve this.
War, genocide, loss of homes; about every heinous crime out there. In the middle of all the fighting, families are losing their homes. How can we...
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
My letter is about how we have injustice in the world and it addresses how we, as people can help to restore trust within our nation.
Racial inequality is a problem that needs resolving in America. We can't have a country that is plagued with this especially while we are going thr...
my name is Jaylen i am a 14 year old male and i am going to tell you about police brutality on minorities.
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
Dear Mr./ Mrs. President, The biggest problem in the United States right now is police brutality. I think it is a big problem that we hav...
The shooting has to stop.
Its not about race.
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
Many African Americans in the U.S. are starting to die due to the disastrous actions of the police.
Police vs. Blacks
We don't need a Wall of Separation, we need a Gate of Progression.
This is my letter on the issue of police brutality in our nation.
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
A major problem in the United States today is Police Brutality. As you have seen on the news and social media, innocent African Americans are bein...
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
This is a letter to the next president.
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
I would like to see the next U.S. President address the overwhelming issue surrounding police brutality, concerning every person of color.
Ashton Nichols wants the next president to protect the LGBTQ community from discrimination by promoting better education and firmer anti-discrimina...
"In order for America to be "great", we need to hear from different types of people. White is not the default."
The U.S.A was created for freedom not for violence.
Police brutality has to be stopped as soon as possible.
This video is a cry to help for to Hillary Clinton. We need change. This goes for all the social injustice going on in America today, from the 60s ...
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
We believe that the media is not helping the situation when it comes to reporting stories involving police brutality.
These days police are using excessive force for racial purposes. It's time to put a stop to it.
People are afraid of the police because of news reports about police brutality.
Racism needs to stop and racist people need to stop being so racist.
NBA Players Against Police Brutality
America is supposed to be the “free country” yet many American citizens are not really free.
Topics that are unsettling currently.
How can you improve a policemen life
Describes why the current state of division in America is a huge problem that needs to be solved
America needs to step in to help Dalits over in India who are suffering from discrimination due to India's caste system.
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
In the case of police brutality, authorities need to stop taking advantage of their badge.
Police brutality and how to help fix it.
Many people have died from police brutality. It's time we take a stand and fight for what we think is right. ...
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
Police Brutality has been a big issue in 2016. So big that is has claimed the lives of hundreds. Our president needs to be able to fix these proble...
More than half of the states in the United States exclude the LGBT community in their anti-discrimination laws. This needs to change.
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
Dear Next President,
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Everyone has the freedom to think what they want, but how is our future world going to be like with racism?
When will the injustice end?
The president should make all police departments in the United States make every police officer go through a police academy training program on how...
The next president needs to focus on police reform, according to Morgan Smith. She feels that better conflict resolution training and more judicial...
I think police brutality is a problem.