Our video was written and produced last spring in conjunction with KQED's #whatsmyissue video campaign. It's time to insure equitable funding in ou...
I believe that with the help of the next president of the United States we can all help to end the inequality between sexes as well as to stop the ...
High school students need better information and options regarding their current and future education.
Education funding is not heading in a good direction. It needs to be fixed as soon as possible in order to protect our education system.
Preschool is a vital part of children's learning. It should be mandatory in every state.
What does the future hold for NASA? It depends on the next president.
Is our School System Crucial?
There are many people in today's society who are being held back by money issues, and college tuition is a huge factor in someone's life.
Homework should be abolished because too many students are stressed over the piles of it each and every night. Because students are stressed, they ...
Standardized tests do not accurately display students’ knowledge.
Learning without debt
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
Dear Future President, The student education should be taken seriously. If students have to pay every year for college and textbooks and they do...
Actions must be taken to address truancy. This letter will address what steps should be taken.
Shall we Americans have the right to bear arms?
The amount it costs to go to college she be reduced. Many people can't afford to further their education because of this cost.
Beginning to understand how the War on Drugs is affecting everyday lives of those around us, is step one
The education system should be reformed.
Sex Education has a large problem across the US and the world. It isn't effective enough and kids are not learning all of the information needed, a...
Teen depression does not receive as much attention as it should. Notice how "press" is capitalized in the title. This is done so we advertise depre...
This plan illustrates the importance of rebuilding America and preparing it to handle immigration before we allow more immigrants in. In this propo...
Charter Schools: Another Education Option
Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
Rising tuition costs threaten the American Dream
I hope you will consider passing a bill for all the states to require a program for free community college for all the states, or some sort of prog...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding too much homework among students around the country
This letter talks about education in schools and about teachers.
Today, one of the most important things is education. It is key to success, lets you live a happy life, helps you do what you love to do, and it co...
Sickness is school is a real issue. Personally, I think that vaccines should be necessary for students in public schools so an outbreak of diseases...
For students who are not of the minimum age but are intelligent far beyond their age, I firmly believe they should be offered a better opportunity ...
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
The issue of education is important because for those who wants to learn and wanted knowledge of education deserve the equal opportunities in study...
There are many people who aren't allowed to join or fight for the armed forces or become a commercial pilot or even work as a EMS, or other emergen...
The obesity epidemic is out of control and there needs to be a stop to it. We need to help obese people with the proper physical and mental treatme...
We shouldn't have standardized testing because of all the problems that it is causing. Here are ways that we can fix those problems.
College tuition has risen to an unaffordable amount for some middle class citizens.
End World Hunger Now
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
What's Wrong with our educational system?
Coming into schools, most students feel as if they are not allowed to talk about their faith and what they believe. My letter to the president clea...
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
This letter is from a type one diabetic who has concerns for Americas failing health care system.
The problem with people not going to college.
This letter explains the struggles that the children in this generation go through and how the president needs to address it
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
In todays society, college is kind of looked at as mandatory. But, how can someone attend their dream college with no money to put into their tuiti...
Why abolish standardized testing and common core? why not just fix the problems and go on with our lives. Could getting rid of these hurt the U.S. ...
Education is very important to all citizens, and it is important that everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of income and race.
Excessive homework is a serious issue in the American public school system. I wrote this letter in hopes of bringing attention to the issue at hand.
Education systems need to be catered to the career path the student plans to take in order to give them the information and knowledge they require ...
College should be made affordable and debt-free, not completely tuition-free.
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding issues with standardized testing in our nation
Mental health should be required to be taught in schools nationwide.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the U.S. education system.
We need a change in our education system. It needs to change so we are learning more and can have more time to focus on school.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
The standardized testing system that we currently use is flawed, and should be fixed. This paper covers the problems and solution to this issue.
Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
Homework in the U.S is at an all-time high and is affecting kids across the country both physically and mentally, it's time to slow it down.
Throughout the years, many things have improved. It's time that education takes a part in that as well.
The price of a college education
A letter concerning racial discrimination in the acceptance rate of Asian Americans into colleges and the idea of affirmative action.
Schools should not require foreign languages.
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
I am a resident of Miami, Florida, and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low inc...
Homework is a waste of time ..
Everybody has the right to be educated, no matter where they live or where they came from.
Education can be a problem in the U.S here are some ways you can fix it.
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Hunger in America needs to be ended for good because it affects children from going to school and adults from accomplishing typical daily routines.
This letter addresses the topic of the quality of school lunches, how the quality affects students, and what the government can do to improve it.
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
How we can stop Obesity in America
The paper talks about how the price of college tuition is getting higher.
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
How would you feel about a series of events causing the Education System to be messed up, and still occurring to this moment?
A summary of a few of many of underlying faults in the American public education system
Negative impacts of factory farming and how every aspect of our Earth and community is harmed.
If a woman chooses to get an abortion, it is none of your business. You should have no opinion on what a woman chooses to do with her body. But if ...
We should get less homework in school!
"We are the future of this country."
Asian students face racism in schools.
Students and the amount of homework they are getting and how it is effcting there lifes outside of school, and there metal health
Do you get enough sleep?
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
We need to fix the mess of Standardized Testing infecting public schools today.
The education system needs to be fixed.
Obesity in America
This letter is about how I think we should not get homework! Homework is less time for children to be children.
There are many good things about Public Education, but there are things that need to be tweaked.
Why college tuition should be lowered in price. Its outrageous!
High schools don't teach us enough about fundamental life lessons
The United States' education system is disastrous.
Health care is helpful and important. However it is personal choice to get insurance or not.