The pay gap between women and man should be abolished.
Although raising the minimum wage seems to be a simple solution to an extensive problem, there are many underlying problems it could arise.
This is what I think you should do as president.
Government should provide us with more jobs and increased wages.
We need to stop letting our debt to other countries build up because other countries might want to take their money back if we don't start doing so...
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Minimum Wage is not a living wage.
Minimum wage is hurting both small and large businesses, and it needs to stop.
Major companies use sweatshops, including American companies, and many people are affected by them. Although they provide jobs, the conditions are ...
Increasing Minimum Wage
The United States of America does not need to raise its Minimum Wage to $15.00 dollars and hour, It will only hurt us more!
This is a letter about the issues of equal pay and why you should care.
Why I think minimum wage should not be raised
What needs to be done to pay off our debt and to keep coal mines running.
Letters to the next president about jobs and the economy.
The minimum wage is not enough to live off of. It does not provide people with a life they deserve to live and doesn't even provide them with suffi...
My opinion of how taxes should work within our country
Celebrities are paid millions of dollars each year while military men and women are sacrificing their lives getting paid very little compared to th...
Dear President, I am Alex, a eighth grade student from the Cleveland area. Minimum wage has a significant effect on everybody. Several people...
People are suffering day and night because they can't afford to support themselves or their families, no matter how hard they work.
College tuition has risen to an unaffordable amount for some middle class citizens.
Too many athletes get hurt because of the safety of their gear.
According to “The State Minimum Wages” post, people are taxed 10% to 39.6% which means that this benefits the wealthiest people that earned way mor...
How can you balance the inflation and minimum wage to create a healthy lifestyle for the minimum wage workers of America
The U.S. is wasting a lot of money on "gifts" to the Middle East that they don't want, but I have a different strategy that will help save tax doll...
We need to help our economy get better with money.
A popular controversial topic circulating among the American public today is whether or not the federal minimum wage should be raised or should rem...
Leave minimum wage alone.
This is a letter about college tuition and the problems of the cost to go to college for families.
We must save the Black-Footed Ferret from extinction.
For years, women have fought for their rights, but even today unequal pay still exists. For every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 80 cents. Gende...
My concerns about raising the minimum wage
My idea on increasing the minimum wage
Pennies are weighing down our pockets and our nation. It's time to take a stand.
Letter about education cost and why it is a problem.
This letter is about the employment rate continues to rise causing the poverty rate to keep climbing. I would like to address the issue and hope fo...
Increasing the fast food minimum wage to $15 an hour will hurt the employees more than it will help them as it can lower the number of jobs availab...
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
This is about how minimum wage needs to be brought up
A letter to the next president about college tutition.
Why minimum wage should be repealed
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
Very concerned about the health care problems in the U.S. Honestly, you should take a look.
We need a higher minimum wage for our citizens to have a living wage.
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
The current federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. Thousands of workers work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty. It is almost impo...
In this letter to the future president I will talk about my opinions on minimum wage and why they are that way.
Drug Trafficking needs to be enforced more and needs to come to a stop!
This is a video about economic issues. This video talks about minimum wage and about hurricane damage.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
The difference in pay for the caretakers of our youth
The current minimum wage should be increased.
Minimum wage should stay the same
I believe that the President should raise the minimum wage to $13.
My family has a difficult time earning a living and paying bills
For years and years, men have been getting paid more than women for doing the exact same job. We need to change that.
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 ( rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Aysia and I am a twelve year old turning thirteen very soon who is allergic to eggs,dairy, and nuts. Now ...
Too many families are not able to meet their basic needs, month after month. College students are in debt for too many years. Please understand thi...
Reasons it is essential to raise minimum wages in the United States
Women make an exceptionally less amount of money than men and that is not acceptable.
People should not have to pay thousands of dollars every month just so they can stay healthy.
How the low minimum wage is affecting citizens in America.
The United States of America is no longer a model economy for other nations, we need to make steps to ensure our people have jobs and well paying j...
Minimum wage is a big and broad topic, but someone has to address it, and I believe that keeping the minimum wage the same will be the best option.
This letter explains the struggles of maintaining a family off of minimum wage and why it would be beneficial to families to raise it.
Raising minimum wage would result in a better economy and society.
The minimum wage shouldn't be raised because it does more harm than good for our country. Raising the minimum wage causes job losses, inflation, jo...
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
The current minimum wage is not suitable for the economy.
This will be about the taxes that we pay and where the money goes when we pay.
I believe that in the US we should have free healthcare. I believe that this would help many people.
A raise of pay can help the work force of America and the economy.
Dear Future President, Wages are a very big problem. The federal minimum wage hasn’t changed for over 10 years! The federal minimum wage is just $...
What we fail to do stuff as a generation. As the 21st century hit what were we like?
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Over the last 30-40 years the price of college has increased by about $18,000 and has became less affordable.
Raising minimum wage can prevent lots of things.
A letter about why poverty needs to be looked at more closely, and in turn, fixed.
The Economic Crisis has spiraled way out of control, we are currently $19 trillion in long until it's too late to stop it? Is it alread...
National Debt As Known By A Millennial
Minimum wage affects the lives of others and if it's not raised, it can change the way the world lives.
Possible solutions to solving the mass amounts of homeless through America.
Obamacare has created very many problems, and our next president should fix it.
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
the minimum wage should be raised
Should we raise the minimum wage?
Minimum Wage is a serious problem and should be addressed not just in the US, but worldwide. Future president I hope that you take my call to acti...
Women's inequality is something that has become a large issue for many people in America. Dear Madam or Mr. President, There are many disadvanta...
Minimum Wage
This letter is about football injuries.
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
Music programs in high schools should be given the same amount of money given to "important" sports.
There is a problem in the U.S. involving money's role in the elections of the U.S.
Minimum wage should be a living wage.
The cost of higher education is out of reach for many that wish to go on to college.
We need our communities restored and provided with more money because their falling apart.