There has been many shootings lately dealing with white policeman and African American people. There needs to be something done about this. A lot ...
My video explores the reasons why we should aim for stricter gun control legislation and the collateral damage in urban communities resulting from ...
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
This is my poem about how police brutality is getting out of hand .
Racial Discrimination is a problem in the US.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
Racial Inequality
By Aya Kanan
With our judicial system being primarily white individuals, their biases tend to shift to one side because they don’t have that other perspective o...
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
This is one of the things that has tore our country apart.
Abortion should remain legal because it's part of a women's constitutional right to have control to have control over her own body.
Background checks will help cut down on gun violence.
More than 60 people pass away every year in Kansas city
The Discrimination affecting our country needs to be discussed so that an action plan to combat discrimination can be establisheed.
Lack of gun control in the USA is an exponential issue that screams for proper attention. Some of the true statistics of this current conflict have...
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
We need to stop racism in our great country and set an example for other countries.
Our lives matter, so let's end this problem.
Help us find a way to end it.
Gun violence is a very serious issue and people are getting killed every day in America for no reason.
Racism is a large problem in todays society.
Racism and prejudice run wild in our criminal justice system, and it needs to be fixed.
Police brutality is becoming a problem to where people are getting killed more often by officers. This is simply just information about the situati...
The United States must take action to end terrorism's threat on the lives of Americans.
Dear President
A letter about the outbursts of racism in our law enforcement, and what we can do to stop it.
Racism and Violence should not be allowed in the United States.
Racism throughout America.
Police Brutality is a serious issue in the United States. Police Officers need more training and greater government control.
The pros of it being made and the cons of it being made
My letter is an explanation of how to decrease the amount of violent crime and improve society.
Racism has been an issue for a while and it needs some addressing as well as minor adjustments.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Anger towards police in America needs to stop. Attitudes towards officers have to change because police are protecting us and just doing their job.
The Law system oppresses blacks and people of color. Police shoot first and ask questions latter and this needs to stop because innocent lives are ...
Gun violence is a problem in the United States and should be looked at by our future president.
The government should increase gun control to save thousands of lives.
It's time to clean up Washington and Drain the Swamp.
A Hispanic's point of view during all the racism happening around America.
Do playing violent video games cause people to become violent?
We need to stop the mass amounts of violence caused by guns every year. In order to limit the amount of gun violence in this country we need to reg...
A lot of people are bullied for their looks, their race, their everything-basically for someone to be just them.
We have unsecure borders which does not protect us against drugs and criminals.
Violence In America
Institutional Racism in the U.S.
Our video speaks to the increasing problem of Islamophobia in American society. We need a president who will stand up to bigotry!
Bring justice to Washington
Asian students face racism in schools.
Inequality amongst racial groups in America is a major issue because people are being deprived of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and th...
Important facts regarding gun violence in the US and proposed solutions
Racism is all around us and it affects everybody in the world. People are causing violence just because of racism and one race says that they are b...
Letter To Next President
This letter is about racism and how it effects people.Read this story to find out more about racism.
Guns should be prohibited for everyone except for the police.
Our future president should be concerned with keeping everyone in line and out of danger.
Gun control can change the world if it comes into view.
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...
Why are they getting away with this?
Racism and racial inequality MUST END NOW!!!!!!
We've gotten to the point where we are not even fazed when we hear about another shooting.
The presidential debates seem to be focused around the many problems American citizens have been facing during this nightmare of a year, but althou...
Dear future President of the United States, What's Going On?
America was never great... Please heal this Nation.
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
Racism is still alive to this day.
In this letter I intend to address some of the issues concerning violence and racism in our country, especially pertaining to recent shootings and ...
Gun control is a prominent issue in our society. Every time you turn on the news, you are bombarded with stories involving violence and the use of ...
Police brutality and racial inequality have been major issues this year. BLM is a big problem that needs to be addressed.
A letter by Siani
two year ago teenagr michael brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson, and this situation riddled with lies and misconceptions spa...
Racism around the lobe becomes worse and worse everyday. It has to stop sooner because if not, it will create conflicts among people and will compl...
Racial Discrimination is a problem in our nation, and we need our new president to fix our nation, starting with this.
Why would some one choose death over life when they could that precious life in their arms rather than leaving it in the bottom of a dumpster?
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
Bullying is a big problem in the United States. 14% of high school students consider suicide and 7% attempt, but who knows how many actually succe...
Almost 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement, Racism Still Exists Today
This letter is about The police brutality towards African Americans and Latinos.
Bad Cops to Good Cops
Racism in America is a big problem. Bigger than it should be.
This text is about gun violence in America and the laws that intertwine with it.
This letter talks about racism and what we can do to end it together to re-unite America as one people again.
Racism is still alive today as seen in recent examples of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement.
My debate against the future of injustice
The next president needs to focus on police reform, according to Morgan Smith. She feels that better conflict resolution training and more judicial...
How gun violence affects communities everywhere, and what we can do to improve it.
In this letter to the next president I address the possible issues with unisex bathrooms and the safety of everyone.
This letter explains the flaws in our criminal justice system and how they can be the start of more racism and a divided country
Microorganisms do not care what race, gender, or age of people they are affecting. Biological weapons are “gram for gram, the deadliest weapons ev...
Issues and facts about gun control/violence
Racial profiling and police brutality have become some major problems in our nation. Something must be done to fix these problems.
Inequality and racism throughout the nation
This is a short movie about an immigrant's view on violence in this country.
This is about racism and what I feel.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
My letter is on gun violence. I think this is a huge issue in the world today and it has to be stopped. To many innocent people are getting killed....
This letter shows the problems in the criminal justice system and how we need to change.