Why college should be free and how it would benefit everyone.
Persuasive letter with reasons to go with Free College Education
This is common sense.
School lunches have changed over the past couple of years and I think it is very concerning
College Tuition
Dear Mr or Mrs President Imagine a student gets a student gets a 4.0 in all of his or hers high school years but ...
I think that schools need better options to give to their students to eat at lunch because most of the options are not healthy or variety.
There are multiple reasons why schools should have longer lunches. In this letter I explain just a few ways why schools need longer lunches.
I believe that school food should be changed because the school food is fake, nasty, and some of it is unhealthy.
School lunch should have more requirements to be considered a meal.
I talked about ISIS and other terrorist attacks and school meals.
Common Core should be replaced.
The Common Core teaching goals are not teaching children correctly.
School should not distribute healthier lunches.
Make America Safer For Students
College should be free because students that get full ride scholar ships get free things on campus and that unfair to all of the other hard working...
Helps with Food Allergies, Freedom to Choose, Spreading to all Schools
Dear future President of the United States of America, Will your opinion of the issue of Free College really benefit American Citizens? Or will it...
Schools need a nutritionist to plan school lunches in order to make them healthier.
College should be free because it would benefit everyone.
Standardized testing. Is it doing more harm than good? There are flaws in the standardized testing world, and although it seems to do a phenomenal ...
A realistic look at how school funding hurts the innocent children of our country.
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
Written by: Jacob Brueck
Dear Future President, I would like tell you about why I feel that Common Core and PARCC testing should no longer be used in America. While there ...
No one wants to work in a dirty McDonald's bathroom, only earning minimum-wage. But many people have no choice but to work there. Expensive college...
Eating a well balanced meal is essential, it's what keeps you going! But are students in public schools REALLY getting just that?
If college was free, the value of degrees won't be the same at the value as they are now.
I want to focus on free higher education.
I want to focus on free education. A positive about free education is that students will be free from student debts. A negative is that some stude...
Unemployment rates are increasing because not enough people are going to college.
Reasons to make college free
We need more options for vegetarian and vegans.
College is way to much lets lower the price.
There are many ways that the future president can make America's schools healthier, such as: improving the nutritional values in lunches, enforcing...
Why the school lunches should revert back to the old standards
Someone fix the schooling system.
This contains two of the topics I believe the next president should address during their presidency.
i think i have to type in this box to submit
The trouble with Common Core math is endless...
Free college would cause a lot of conflict for American Citizens
School lunches need to be better
I hope you will consider passing a bill for all the states to require a program for free community college for all the states, or some sort of prog...
In Alaska, schools have a much harder time getting fresh food for lunches.
Common Core doesn't make sense for a successful future
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
Not all families can afford college in the US
I propose the creation of government funded colleges to raise America's education of youth and to help low income students impact the world
All students want is a good meal for lunch to stay focused during the day. How are we expected to do that if the lunches are disgusting? We need to...
Many schools across the US have removed many of the things students actually wanna do and enjoy going to school for.
We should not make college tuition free!
My name is Tanner D. I am currently a student at Northview High School. School lunches are a problem in many places throughout the U.S. Kids are no...
Free College
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
Students are in debt and are worried because they can"t pay it.
Why common core needs to stop
How free schooling won't work for the US.
I am going to be talking about school lunches
Our schools should give healthy food options.
Persuasive Letter to Make College Free for All
We should have a class, open to public schools, teach us about what's going on in the present.
No child's brain is the same, yet schools teach every kid the same curriculum the same way.
I want some better food at school. We have soy burgers on wheat bread,and it is disgusting. Mrs Obama wanted schools to serve healthier food in sch...
My essay talks about the pros and cons of guns.
Why schools should have healthy lunches
Free college is going to negatively impact our economy.
I want our lunch food changed to more better foods because the foods we have make me sick.
Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.
The problems about Genetically Modified Food (GMO) and how it should be stopped.
Our education system needs change.
School cafeteria food is not adding up to the nutrition we need.
Albert Einstein once stated, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life thinking t...
Dear Future President, College is on top of almost every student’s mind as they finish high school. Many have imagined themselves walking up...
I want schools everywhere to have free lunches for the people who need it.
I think that if you like the food you eat it, so if you eat you make good grades. I think we should be able to make our own menus.
Junk food should not be banned in schools because kids eat majority of their food outside of school and schools do not have enough funding to suppo...
I hope to focus on free education.
A compelling argument so school food is to be changed for the health of the children of America.
School lunches are terrible, and I want change.
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
The thoughts of a current highschool junior about the status of education in this country.
A dive into why free public college for everyone would be an economic disaster.
Standardized testing is not effective in the United States, it is also blocking us from using creativity and innovating.
My letter is based around my disbelief in the continued practice of Common Core Standards in education for the American youth. My piece addresses t...
We can’t be expected to know what we’d like to do in the future if we’re not exposed to careers. All high school students should have access to div...
There needs to be a limit on the amount of food kids can take at lunch and there needs to be truly healthy choices for kids to eat instead of stuff...
It's bothering high school seniors
Nasty school lunches need to be put to a end for the health of us students.
We do not need calculus in our lives!
In this letter I will explain the problems and my concerns with the Common Core State Standards in hopes that you will take my ideas into considera...
This is a letter about what I feel could be better within the school system
Make it Better
Why abolish standardized testing and common core? why not just fix the problems and go on with our lives. Could getting rid of these hurt the U.S. ...
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
The way School funding is affecting the education of children nationwide.
College students have a tough time on paying their tuition fee. Most students drop out because they can’t afford to pay so much money. America will...
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
School food should be changed because, students do not like it as much, and it is not healthy.
Many reasons why the Common Core Standards are negatively influencing schools across America.