Traditional energy such as fossil fuels will eventually ruin the world. Taking this into consideration, people need to dramatically increase the us...
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
This message is for our new president There is a problem we can solve with our new president.
Dear future president, The Earth is the only place we have to live, and I don’t think we are taking the best care we should take to our only pl...
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
Bees are dying at an alarming rate, and if we don't take action now, the consequences that we will face will be irreversible.
It's cheaper and more efficient, and it prevents carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
The environment is getting out of hand these days. The climate change, pollution and habitats are a big issue for many people/ animals. We need to ...
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
This letter will simply give suggestions about how our society can become a safer environment.
Renewable energy will help save our planet. Make sure the human race has a future.
As a hunter, my concerns of deforestation continues to grow.
Global Warming is a big issue to our environment, health, and animals.
The Dakota access pipeline is a perfect example of how corporate greed is placed above the concerns of people and the environment.
Sea life at risk
The dairy and meat industries have grown too powerful in our country, and need to be downsized: Currently they not only play a hugely unnecessary a...
The overstocking of Nuclear Weapons is an undermined concern today. With the surplus of these dangerous weapons, our human population is at risk du...
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
The forest is vital as a watershed. Because of the thick humus large, loose soil and soil-retaining powers of the trees' long roots, forests are vi...
U.S is 1 out 5 biggest consumers massive amount of plastic bag whereas the effort in recycling this harmful chemical is just less than 10%.
My goal is to stop global warming and help preserve amazing places like our National Parks in the United States.
Environmental Consciousness should be necessary to teach in schools across america.
Why Fossil Fuels Are Underrated
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
Helping the environment by lowering car emissions.
Global Warming
Serina and I talked about how the world needs change. How Police brutality should stop and environmental pollution
Serious environmental changes linked to climate change is happening now and will inevitably rise. We need to be better prepared to take of our own ...
Global warming affects America more than you think it does, and we need to take action.
The United States today is vastly different from what it was before urbanization and industrialization had taken its effect on it. The issues of th...
The longer we ignore the state of our environment, the more detrimental it is to our future.
Various factors such as climate change and pollution have lead to an acute decline in the ocean's health.
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
Steps to slow down and the effects of climate change should be taken to decrease how much ice is melting every year due to carbon dioxide levels.
We need to talk.
Cars, machines, and factories are slowly killing the planet, we have the power to change our source of energy.
The Environment is the place we live in and it is very important. Yet, it is going down hill very slowly with Global Warming, fossil fuels, greenho...
Emissions produced by conventional vehicles are harming our environment and our health. We need a way to cut down the amount of these emissions.
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
Climate change needs to be addressed.
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
Help clean the environment
GMOs are a positive solution to world hunger.
Could desalination be our future source of water and are there ways of making it more efficient?
As the future President of the United States, it is imperative that you implement carbon cuts so as to stop climate change.
Everyone should be able to recycle because environmental importance, importance to people, and know the 3 R’s.
Our national parks need your help.
Environment change is a serious issue in the world and actions must be taken against the rapidly deteriorating environment.
In this letter I will be talking about The Keystone XL pipeline. This is a pipeline for an oil that is quite dangerous.
Small pollinators like bees play an incredible role in the food production of our world. Despite their obvious importance, bees have received littl...
The environment is a pressing issue that is constantly put on the back-burner. It is time to address this critical issue, before it is too late.
A persuasive argument about GMOs using 18th Century Rhetoric.
Help find a way to end pollution.
Discussion on Pollution of the Great lakes and how everyday people can do their part to help
Coal is a polluting form of energy, but now still millions of people use coal to make energy because it is cheap. But it makes a lot of carbon diox...
The potential destruction of the environment needs to be discussed in the coming election and is something our future president should try to resol...
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
Global Warming is a problem we need to solve.
Dear Future President, My name is Meriem Cherif, and I live in California. I am writing to you because America is a powerful and glorious coun...
The environment is in danger!
This letter addresses the need for environmental protection.
We need to start becoming more environmentally aware in regards to the vehicles of the future.
Global warming is an epidemic that is raising the temperature of the earth, slowly melting ice caps and is a factor of the pollution in the world. ...
These animals deserve better living conditions than the dump that is supposed to the ocean; all of the plastic that we use is so useless. Plastic s...
Dont have one
Global warming is an ever-present issue in our country today that needs to be addressed before it's too late.
It’s imperative to stop wasting food because it does not just cause serious problems for our environment, but there are many people in the world st...
Pollution needs to stop.
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Why renewable energy should be put into full effect.
The environment is in deep danger if we don't do anything about it. We need to make america great again.
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
Our planet is slowly dying and we need to act fast. We find that awareness is key to helping problems to begin with so what must be done in our edu...
Climate change is real, and we must find a way to stop it to save our Earth before it is too late.
We need to help put a stop to pollution, global warming, and deforestation before it is to late.
Readily available technologies are not being supported, and it's become a very urgent issue. All that we need to solve the problem is a little bit ...
The health of the environment is essential to human life. With the polluting, inefficient energy that powers the U.S., we are not helping. We need ...
In this letter, I explain my veiws/beleifs on the Keystone XL pipeline, and what environmental impacts it is making, and why I believe it should sh...
A plea for those without voices
The United States needs to stop global warming before the earth gets to the point of no return. After all the band of planets that have been found...
While Americans use one-fifth of the Earth's energy resources, our environment is suffering. Are we going to do something or leave things as they a...
Climate change affects us all but not enough laws have been passed to protect the environment due to limited knowledge on how rapidly climate chang...
These are a few ways that I believe the president could improve the health of our environment
Pollution affects many organisms worldwide, and it creates more destruction to this planet. By protecting the environment, we are able to stall the...
Lessening human harm
Air pollution is slowly becoming a bigger problem and we need to take action before it is to late.
America is known for its natural beauty, however for the past decades, our environment is being increasingly threatened by its own inhabitants-how ...
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
Improving the ecosystem can be achieved through recycling, limiting gas use, and increasing solar panel and windmills.
The environment has a huge impact in our everyday lives. It needs to be cared for.
my thoughts on environmental issues
This is a critical issue that will create a state of climate emergency and needs to be resolved cautiously and necessary actions need to be taken t...
Pollution Needs To Be Controlled
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
At the rate we are killing our planet, how long until we have to move on? Between air pollution, deforestation, waste pollution, and water pollutio...
Climate change is an issue that will not only affect us, but especially the generations after us. The rising global surface temperatures and the de...
Though the government is trying, the amount of pollution still increases harmfully.