Envision a society where domestic animals are devoured, exploited as beasts of burden, or mistreated at will by their possessors, who undergo lim...
This letter explains why animal testing doesn't work and why we should stop it.
Did you know that in the U.S there are estimated to be anywhere from 900 to 2,000 new cases every year of animal hurting in the US, where there are...
Animal cruelty needs to be stopped and there needs to be more punishment for people who abuse animals.
Despite all of my current issues with what's going on in the country, I feel as if I have to speak on animal rights as loudly as anything else.
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
Dear Future President...
Animal cruelty is a monstrosity.
these ancient animals are fading away fast help out now!
Cosmetic Animal Testing is, unfortunately, still a common practice in the beauty industry. It is not nessassary, effective, or moral and I believe ...
Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
Many endangered species have been and are being hunted by humans into extinction.
Climate change is affecting our weather, our oceans, our plants, our animals, and our people. Something must be done.
Humans have caused many problems to this day, animal cruelty is one of them.
Animals have nothing to do with our everyday products, right?
My letter is about banning animal testing in cosmetics and reducing it in all other tests, for reasons such as that it is inhumane, ineffective, an...
Whaling is a dangerous and brutal act and if it continues, it will make the species will become extinct.
Animals are being abused, please put yourself out there and help them.
Dear future President, Imagine if someone, inhumanly, clipped the ears and the tail off your dog. Then sent your dog to fight other dogs in a life...
Animal abuse is a big part of the U.S. today. We need to do something to stop it.
Animal Abuse is becoming a big problem in our area. It's becoming too hard to handle. This letter showcases how animal abuse is affecting not only ...
Animals have a soul, do you?
The way animals are raised in America needs to change.
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
Animals rights should be respected and accepted because they are living breathing creatures like us why is it okay to kill them!
Dear Future President,
I ask you to take some time and try to understand that animal abuse is wrong and should be taken care of.
We need to shut down puppy mills, fine dog fighting, and prevent animal hoarding. The next president needs to do more to prevent this abuse. No cr...
Around the United States, Greyhounds are forced to race under poor circumstances. They are kenneled for hours, not fed correctly, physically abused...
Animals have rights just like we do and they are not taken as seriously as the should be.
Everyone is an animal, yet we treat ¨Man's best friend¨ like trash. If you hit a random dog on the street, would you hit a random citizen also? We ...
Climate change is affecting animals today by the actions of humans that cause the output of greenhouse gases. Humans should realize the problem of ...
Animal Cruelty is happening all around the world and it needs to be stopped.
Puppy mills are unhealthy and inhumane please help stop puppy mills all puppy's deserve a good home.
All over the world, animals are being harshly abused for means of food, entertainment, clothes, and scientific testing. The ways that they are bein...
Animal cruelty and captivity is a serious issue.
Animal cruelty is something big all over the world, yet the topic doesn't get much attention. Here is why animal abuse should be more known.
We are all littering. We are all hurting animals with our trash.
Horse slaughter is a terrifying and painful end for horses. Each year about 150,000 horses are shipped over our boarders to slaughter facilities an...
There is a way you can help these animals in puppy mills, dog fights, and animal hoarding.
This persuasion piece addresses the issues on why animal testing is wrong.
Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Animals are intelligent but can't take care of themselves so we have to help.
This essay is written as a message to urge for more strict laws when it comes to poaching, which is killing many animals and endangered species eve...
Animal abuse is a very mean thing and we need to end it now.
Animals around the world are being taken for granted every day, being mistreated. I want to help save these helpless creatures as much as I can.
Every year there is an excessive amount of trash in our oceans. Every year there is also an amount of dead animals, from too much trash in the ocea...
Animals deserve to be respected such as humans.
Poor animals are suffering for our shampoo and lotion. Animal testing can be prevented.
Now that humans have evolved to go way beyond hunting animals for food and clothing, we need to consider how to treat animals with care and respect.
Cosmetic animal testing is cruel and wrong.
Animal testing is not beneficial for anyone except big, rich companies.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Reference.com Said "Spiders ...
President, the fate of these people and animals are largely in your control, so what will you choose to do about it? Please read this letter.
Animals all around the world are being neglected, abused, hunted, killed and forced to live on the street. These animals did nothing to deserve thi...
Animals have a life just like us, and they are being the treated like objects. Not only is animal testing cruel, its ineffective, humans have a ver...
Humans are animals and that's forgotten way to often. Everyday animals are killed, tortured, neglected, and even worse, what are you gonna do about...
Animal cruelty is wrong, and should have a more serious punishment for those who abuse animals.
Our country is not aware of how causes in our world are negatively affecting our nation's and world's precious wilderness. This a serious problem t...
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
We need to stop animal testing it is not right.
Animal abuse is a crime that is not taken very seriously, animal abuse must end.
Who doesn´t love dolphins? We usually think of dolphins splashing around in the crystal waters down in the south, playing with others. Well, that i...
Preventing abuse of animals in homes
Mistreatment of animals
End the practice of animal captivity for entertainment.
Animals are being beaten, starved, and abused daily.
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
Animals are treated in horrible ways and it's up to our government to reduce this cruelty in the world.
The practices that factory farms are currently engaging in are extremely inhumane, and this treatment needs to improve in order for factory farming...
My thoughts on factory farms
Animal abuse is wrong and should be stopped.
Animal abuse through forcibly keeping pets needs to be stopped.
We need to start saving animals now before it's too late.
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
Animals deserve to live a long, happy life just like us humans, and it is very disappointing to hear that we are stopping them from living those li...
Cut loose the animal abuse.
Factory Farming is a serious problem in the US and we need to make laws preventing the abuse of these innocent animals.
Tail Docking For Cows
This letter is about animal abuse and cruelty In America and how stricter laws will help prevent it.
This is a letter about the horrible things that go on in puppy mills, and what we can do to stop it.
Animal abuse is going on everyday without anyone noticing. The next president needs to use their power to solve this issue and save the lives of th...
Stop animal cruelty and dog fights in the USA.
Animals all over the world are being abused.
animal abuse is not something people just do and think oh it's okay, It needs to be stopped.
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
this is a speech I wrote for people to know about the beauty of wolves.
The goal of this letter is to make people more aware of the dangers of animal abuse and what needs to be done to put an end to it.
Animal cruelty is a big issue all over the world
Every minute of the day, an animal is always being abused or suffering. The President should really do something about this! Read on to learn more ...
I am a 9th grader at Northview High School. I am writing about animal abuse and poaching and why it's an issue.
Puppy mills are woman dogs that are stuck in a cage their entire life, pretty much, but they are just breeding over and over again, until they can'...
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
Countries must be abstain from whaling and follow the ban of whaling in 1986
We need to have people help save animals from animal abusing.
Animal Cruelty needs to stop now, animals are being abused for an unknown reason and they are dying from hunger and some not good care from their p...
Domestic animal abusers are five times more likely to abuse their loved ones next. What can we do to give this issue more prominence?