Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
Hear us now! Hear our words! why does college tuition have to stop us from succeeding?
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
I am a resident of Miami, Florida, and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low inc...
I hope to focus on free education.
Colleges are getting more expensive and harder to get into as time progresses.
This video is about college tuition. The next president should address this issue.
The cost of college tuition has continued to rise since 1975.
College tuition is intensively rising and the price is becoming too high
Government should give a subsidy for college tuition
College debt is bad
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.
College tuition is hurting Americans
Once upon a time on the land that we live on now, people dreamed through their high school years about going to college and being able to pay it ...
Lower the tuition please
The issue of students being discouraged to attend college.
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
Ever since public funding was cut from colleges, the cost of college has risen up to $40,000. If we add technology into schools by having online bo...
Should we provide two free years of community college for those who need the support to further their education?
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
College tuition prices are getting to be out of hand and unaffordable.
Why should someone be prevented from going to college if they are just as capable of doing the work as everyone else?
College tuition is expensive and the cost is getting higher. I will state my opinion about this topic in this paper.
College debt is only rising. It needs to be solved, now.
Growing up, we are taught that college is the next step in life after high school. The problem is, this next step costs us tens of thousands of dol...
There is no reason that Bullying and College Cost has risen in the past couple years.
High school student's worries for the future.
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
Letter to future president
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
For the good of the United States's future, the education system needs some change. Here are some ideas about what changes could be implemented and...
Dear future President of the United States of America, Will your opinion of the issue of Free College really benefit American Citizens? Or will it...
College tuition
College tuition is too high. Some students don’t go to college because of the cost and student loans aren't time friendly.
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
The high costs of college.
rape needs to stop
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
The cost of college continues to rise, and shows no signs of leveling off. This limits who can receive higher level education.
College tuition seriously needs to be reduced. College tuition needs to be lowered to reduce the amount of student debt. In May of 2013, 61,762 peo...
Free College Tuition for everyone will make this world a better place.
Post high school education in America should increase.
Many students from low-income families cannot afford a college education.
Access to not only the classrooms and dorms but also access to the education, such as accommodation is important because if we don’t understand wha...
The cost of education is immensely high for those who value their education and wish to continue.
Education is a right not a privilege.
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
Did you know that the American Institute of Research found that more than 1.1 million students who started college in 2002, around 500,000 didn't g...
With college costs increasing, the debt gets bigger. We need to change that.
Anyone in the United States should be able to go to college and not worry about how they are going to pay for the tuition and the debt they will be...
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
College tuition needs to be made affordable for everyone.
A college education is key for success in the USA and should be made affordable for everyone.
Thousands of high school students in Louisiana are struggling with the issue of losing TOPS. To most high school students, TOPS is the only way tha...
College prices are to high and should be lower.
College prices need to decrease or disappear altogether, as they burden our youth
The Hispanic community is in need of help to increase graduates not only in high school but in colleges too. Hispanics are one of the fastest growi...
Many students are...
College prices should be changed or at least have a better financial aid that doesn't have as high as an interest rate
College tuition has been rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult for average families to pay for it. People who want education are not abl...
College is getting too expensive and I think the price should be lowered.
The nation and our country is getting affected because of College fees/coast its leading to many different problems including Empty nest syndrome ...
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and we aren't doing enough to stop it.
A letter explaining to our future president the cost of college for America and how it affects young adults.
In my letter, I talk about the need for more federal government involvement in getting students tuition scholarships.
This essay summarizes how expensive College tuition is and the problems it can cause.
With the amount of student debt and the high chance of failure of seeking a career nowadays, workforce training in public high schools can potentia...
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
College needs to be be cheaper in the USA because it will benefit us in the long run.
College tuition should be lowered because it should be more affordable to the average American family without them going into major debt.
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
Why safety on college campuses is important and how many are effected.
Today the average American can't nearly afford college and the employment rate is going down because of it, so please help the people of America an...
The next president needs to help students find a way to pay student loan debt.
The cost of college makes it more difficult for students to continue their education.
It would be beneficial for U.S help to immigrant students to receive tuition to go on a College or University.
College tuition should be lowered so students can afford it.
Why we should lower the cost of college tuition.
Hello, Madam/Mr. President. One of the country's crisis is our college debt. The entire college debt is over $1,700,000,000. That accounts almost 1...
Why pay thousands of dollars for something that is expected of American citizens to get by in our society?
Many students can not afford to pursue higher educations because of raised college tuition.
Malkolm Lacey
College tuition should be lowered.
As the price of going to college keeps rising, more and more students are getting left behind. College should be made affordable to everyone.
Dear Future President, my letter is about college tuition and how it is rapidly rising.
College tuition prices are too high.
My letter is about College/College Tuition. College and College Tuition are very important issues in our world.
College rape is one of the biggest epidemics in sexual violence right now. There needs to be more justice for the victims. Victims are terrified to...
The cost of college is outrageous.
College is a perquisite for a better life and we need to help the students in debt. College tuition and fees are gradually rising and this needs to...
This letter shows my stance on the rising costs of college, and how to fix it.
College debt has increased immensely over the past few years and nothing has been done to stop it.
College is a big step for students however how are we supposed to afford it when the debts they leave us take a lifetime to repay?
The student loan problem in the U.S. needs to change
College tuition has substantially increased in the decades since 1971. This article shows the increase and side effects of trying to take out a loa...
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.