The hate and the violence need to stop; gun violence is a serious problem.
These are some facts that the liberal media has gotten wrong about the issue with our 2nd amendment right.
Gun Control
I made this drawing to show how we as individuals are destroying the U.S, whether it be by homicide, suicide, or committing some other acts of viol...
The next president needs to help move legislature forward regarding gun control in the US
In the U.S over 32,929 people died in 2015 alone. This number is rising every year and needs to be taken care of. People have argued over this fore...
Why banning assault rifles is an ineffective goal and ultimately a bad decision for the U.S.
Gun control in the United States Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, Thank you for taking time out of your busy life and schedule to read my letter; I h...
10/20/2016 Dear Future President, Throughout the United States there are hundreds of homicides every day, and taking away our right to the sec...
How taking military grade weapons off the market could reduce some crime and terrorist threats.
Protect the rights of hunters.
The second amendment is needed to protect people from threats, and must not be repealed.
All around the world their are guns, guns can be very harmful to many different things. Guns can also provide food and protection. Which one would ...
The issue of gun control is important because if we have more stricter rules of checking background, it will be more safe for everyone in the cou...
Dear Next President, I am wri...
Whoever the next president may be, gun control should be on their mind.
There should be strict laws to prevent guns from getting into the hands of dangerous people.
With the ongoing debate about gun control, here is why it isn't the problem.
Why Us Citizens Need Guns
My Opinion of gun rights is that people should keep their weapons for Personal defense.
Guns do more harm that good
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
Gun control laws must be changed to prevent putting innocent civilians in danger.
Gun Control is strict enough as it is and it doesn't need to be even more strict, it should stay how it is.
Why should we establish new laws for gun control?
It needs to be harder for people to get guns.
We need more gun control in places that it is getting out of control, and where people are getting hurt.
What's wrong with gun control and how we can fix it.
In this letter I displayed my opinion on certain issues that I think should be addressed and resolved.
Take second and ask yourself this question: Why would making guns illegal stop criminals (Who work illegally) from obtaining them?
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
Why gun controls bad
This letter talks about issues that involve gun laws and shutting down coal mines.
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
Gun law needs to be taken in action because around the United States there are other states that are forcing new laws upon areas into gun free zone...
One of my biggest fears is guns and I think that it's also a common fear in society these days.
Assault weapons appear a lot in mass shootings and increase the death rate of these mass shootings tremendously. Many people in this country agree...
Guns have been around since before the forming of this country. They have played a key role in the United States' history.
Gun control should get stricter to decrease death, and other forms of violence which affect communities negatively.
This letter explains why I think that more laws should be added to stop shootings at homes, schools, neighborhoods, and so on.
Gun control is a big problem in U.S today, we need to find a solution to fix it.
how to help control the deaths from guns
There is no reason that American citizens should be killing each other.
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Why gun control is necessary to keep the citizens of America safe.
Problems with guns -- and solutions.
I have buried twelve of my bestest friends. I am only 15 years old. Gang violence is out of control and it has to stop. This is my plea to save the...
While some Americans believe the second amendment gives citizens the unrestricted right to bear arms, the majority of us do feel that some restric...
Keeping gun control the same
What the US needs to do to fix gun violence
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
Concerns about gun violence and some facts to make you think about this problem we have and make some changes to it.
More Laws to stop people from obtain a gun.
Gun violence is undoubtedly an epidemic in the United States. When the Second Amendment was written, the weapon of choice was a single-shot musket....
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
Dear Future President, My name is Alex J, a 7th grader from Chicago, IL and I strongly believe that what America needs to do as a country ...
Gun control should have stricter laws
Background checks should be advanced, and guns should not be sold at gun shows or online.
Dear future president, One important issue that should be thought about is gun control. Guns need to be controlled better because they could get i...
I think gun control is going outrageous.
To serve and protect?
The drastic need for gun regulation.
The next president should be sure to check out the major issue of gun control in our country.
What America needs is smarter gun control laws. Not less, not more.
Guns are very dangerous, and are being used in the wrong ways.
We believe the next president needs to address the issue of gun control.
I think that you as president should make laws and regulations against gun use and gun violence.
Only the true facts about gun violence and its effects on people.
I believe the next president should address the issue of gun control.
2nd Amendment Rights & Gun Control
Gun control is a good thing but you have to draw the line somewhere.
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
A letter concerning my fear of gun violence in America.
I feel we need to have more gun control or more security everywhere. We cant have innocent people being killed by crazy people just trying to make ...
To stop gun violence.
Dear Mister or Misses President, The Amendments in our constitution were established for a reason, that reason is to assure the freedom of our peo...
Society today has been severely impacted by the rising amount of gun violence in the 'Land Of The Free', so how can we stop it?
Although we already have gun control, it is not strict enough. We need gun control so fewer people have access to guns and to reduce gun deaths.
In a country full of rights and opportunity, I beleive some people should not have access to guns due to their state of mentallity.
People today are blaming guns for the cause of their child’s death in shootings around the world; however, that is not the case. It is the people w...
Gun control taken too far.
Many people have died from the use of firearms.
A letter on why I believe we should lower restrictions on firearms
My peers and I have our lives ahead of us and we shouldn't be worried about the fear that guns in our society today inflict on us. Gun violence has...
Innocent people are losing their lives every day because of guns.
My name is Nathan Welsh and 15 years old also, I’m from Grand Rapids Michigan. I am not for gun control but against it, although not as much as to ...
America's mass gun shootings stem from the fact that it is very easy to get a gun when we take no drastic precautions to keep our people safe.
Guns being restricted not taken away.
We should have gun control in the U.S., it could save lives and lower crime rates.
The issues that firearms have developed throughout the years, neglecting safety from many Americans and the position of having an increase gun con...
We need to stop gun violence because hundreds of people die every year of gun violence and people don't want to be killed.
Talks about Gun regulations.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
I think gun violence is a huge issue and the next president needs to do something to address the issue.
Innocent people are gonna shot around the world because guns are too easy to get.
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
Though I am only thirteen, I know how important the 2nd amendment is.