Protecting our country from gun violence is a top priority.
The U.S. has the highest death rate caused by guns. That death rate could drop drastically if only we had stricter gun laws.
As you know gun control has become a major issue in the U.S., especially in recent years. Some people believe it would be best to get rid of guns i...
The right to bear arms means every person knows how to use them. Right?
The country of America is having many problems but the gun control issue is one of the big ones. The gun control issue is affecting everyone in the...
Dear next president, ...
In my letter, I talk about the need for new gun control laws, and how the problem needs to be fixed.
Gun Control is what many believe can be good, because these people's linear train of thought thinks that "Less guns=less gun violence." However, g...
There is no need to ban guns, but there are steps that could be taken to ensure America is safer.
talk about loopholes
You need to take care of who you sell guns too.
America must prevent those who don't deserve guns from getting them.
Gun control is too lax and needs to be tightened.
This letter addresses the argument of gun control, and how we should enforce stricter laws, and more safety measures during the process of purchasi...
Police Brutality can be signified in many different ways. The most common form of police brutality is physical force. Even though policeman have th...
The main issue in the topic of gun control is that more can be done to stop the people obtaining the guns, such as tighter background checks, inst...
Gun Control should not be taken away from citizens. This letter explains why I think guns are a form of our security, protection and self-defense. ...
Gun Control
My view on the excessive use of guns recently in the United States.
What the US needs to do to fix gun violence
Dear Next President
My letter is about how bad gun violence has gotten in the United States and why it should stop happening.
My thoughts and ideas on gun control
I think that people with criminal records should not have guns.
Are you scared of guns? What about the people pulling the trigger? Guns don't shoot by themselves. There has to be a mind behind them. ...
The U.S.A. has the most gun related crimes out of any other developed countries in the world combined. It has very light gun laws and regulations. ...
No gun control!! we need are gun because what if someone has a gun and try to shot me and we do not have a gun.
My letter is about the gun rights the citizens of the United States hold, and how we are getting our guns rights stolen away from us.
10/20/2016 Dear Future President, Throughout the United States there are hundreds of homicides every day, and taking away our right to the sec...
Illegal immigration, marriage inequality, and gun control are my biggest issues that I feel the next president should take care of. We shouldn't ha...
I am writing this letter in regards to Gun Control, and why this country will be more dangerous without it.
People should get gun control.
I feel that gun control is a good thing for America to keep people alive,also I think that gun control can help keep people alive and the world sa...
Rising gun control concerns
Now I will not get all radical on you, the reader, and tell you that everything I say is right. This is a simple representation of what I believe in.
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
Are you scared to step outside today in our modern world? Guns have been one of the most dreadful things in our country. Massacres have occurred ...
The future president needs to find a way to control gun violence.
This shows the how our country needs to improve in the aspects of control to prevent further internal issues.
Mr. or Mrs. president of the United States there should be policies on Gun Control. The reasons for this is because people who have a violent backg...
Gun Violence is an important issue that needs to be addressed
I think that you as president should make laws and regulations against gun use and gun violence.
Gun control
Dear Mr. President. I am here to talk about “Gun control” "Some people think that it should stay the same I think that it should also stay the ...
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
Guns aren’t the issue, it’s the people who are operating the gun. More and more people are hurt everyday, most of this could come to an end.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a horrible and tragic problem in our country. The U.S has the most frequent deaths due to gun violenc...
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
Why have shootings and gun purchases increased? Why don’t we do anymore in depth background checks?
The Second Amendment has been grossly misinterpreted by recent Supreme Court decisions, and the best way to fix gun control is for the president to...
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
Dear Mister/Madam President, For my social studies class, we have to write a letter to you and address a certain issue that the candi...
We need more restrictions on gun control for the safety of our citizens
How is gun violence decreasing safety in the United States? Find out here.
Gun violence has to stop!
This is my letter to the next POTUS. I believe that we need to reinforce the safety of this nation. Gun Rights are a major topic currently and they...
This letter speaks about issues such as gun control, foreign relations and privacy specifically with emails.
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
Using facts and opinions, you will learn about the lack of gun laws in America, and how I intend to change them.
This letter is about the Second Amendment and the right to protect ourselves, along with a second-hand perspective of an immigrant.
Police need to be better trained to avoid shooting incident people.
Concealed handguns keep many people from getting hurt or killed and without them the world would be a horrific place.
No guns in hands!
Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Aurora. These places have become almost synonymous with the mass shootings that took place there. It is estimated...
In recent years there has been much chatter about revoking firearms from citizens due to gun violence, however there is a much simpler solution.
People are allowed to own a gun and use it freely with a license according to the 2nd amendment. So why is it that so many people are getting hurt ...
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
Our country is in dire need of gun control reform in order to prevent the deaths of innocent Americans.
Guns are not the problem in America, the problem is restricting guns so we can not defend our selves.
This passage is about why there should be stricter gun control laws. I will give off tons of evidence that should prove that gun control laws shoul...
The licensing of guns should be enforced greatly so that our we as a country can be safer.
I am for Gun Control.
Gun control in america affects everyone even if you don't own a gun.
Will Americans still have the right to carry a firearms? Will there be a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of our country?
The U.S. has far more mass shootings than any other developed country and the next president should work to stop them.
A letter about gun violence in The United States
This video addresses my thoughts on gun control. Thank you for your time.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
Dear Future President, we live in the (not very united) United States of America.
Ideas and opinions on and how to stop gun violence.
A unique medial standpoint that needs to be brought up any time that someone talks about the rights of US gun owners.
Gun control is an issue on which Americans are deeply divided, and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump couldn't be farther apart on it. The fact that...
People want more gun control, but it isn't gonna work the way they think it will.
Lighten the law by increasing background checks.
Stop The Gun Violence!
Gun violence in the United States is an extremely important issue and action needs to be taken in order to save people's lives.
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
Guns aren't the problem, gun bans are.
Gun control doesn't work
Stricter Gun laws in the United States
Gun violence is a huge issue in America, and I would like to help put an end to it.
Gun Control and Immigration
Since the days of the early settlers in the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting o...
Gun control and the ways it'd effect our society
This is about gun control and ways we can fix it without taking guns.