Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.
Why Us Citizens Need Guns
Gun Control will be extraordinary to us. It will help our future become a better and safer place.
Stop The Gun Violence!
My views on what the government should do about gun control relating to gun violence and why.
My letter is about the importance of gun policy.
Guns are a big problem that corrupts the U.S. today. They are the result of many deaths and injuries of innocent lives. In order to change this, we...
Gun laws have gone to far and are hurting the law abiding citizens.
Millions of innocent children and adults have died due to guns. In order to prevent this from happening we need stricter gun laws to make America a...
should gun rules change or stay the same?
According to PBS "There were 372 mass shootings in the U.S, in 2015 Killing, 475 and wounding 1870."
Gun violence needs to stop.
Gun control is not the only option. Our founding fathers made the second amendment for a reason. There is a way to control the violence in america ...
A look into the increasing drug epidemic and the effects such as increased prison rates and drug related deaths.
Concealed handgun law is important by giving citizens protection.
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
Gun Control
Gun Violence is too high.
I think that the laws for allowing someone to purchase a gun should be more strict then they are now. We should be able to trust anyone who buys a ...
A satire article that talks about the issues on gun control. Also, on why we don't need them.
Gun violence is undoubtedly an epidemic in the United States. When the Second Amendment was written, the weapon of choice was a single-shot musket....
Do you believe in the second amendment?
Letter to the POTUS about gun control
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Gun laws in the US. They are not what they need to be, and not what they once were. We need to come up with new laws, that do are legitimate and sm...
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
People should get gun control.
Gun Control laws should be more strict.
The American People Need Gun Rights.
I think that everyone in the U.S should allowed to have guns on them.
The nation really needs to better control the sale of guns. This is a serious problem.
Rising gun control concerns
Please do not let me end up dead. Millions of children are being killed around the globe each year and there needs to be an end put to it. Everywhe...
Tighter laws on who can buy or own a gun.
I will talk about gun violence.
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
Gun Control Dear Future President, My name is Dante, and I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. The United States needs more gun laws. There are a lo...
We need to do more to stop gun violence all through the U.S.
The Second Amendment states that we have the right to "keep and bare arm."
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
Guns should not have more restrictions or limitations.
The Second Amendment states, "... the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Guns play a role in citizens lives everyday from protection, hunting, and sport; therefore, putting a ban on guns will remove the right to bear arms.
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
In my letter, I talk about the need for new gun control laws, and how the problem needs to be fixed.
Gun issues around the U.S should be stopped.
The problems with stricter gun laws in America and the way to fix it.
Americans have been fooled into believing that gun control works.
Concealed handguns lead to accidental injuries and death do to irresponsible use.
I am writing to the future president of the United State about my problems and thoughts on the issue of gun control.
Gun control is a huge issue in today's society and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Gun control is an issue that matters to me. It needs to be addressed soon because it is getting out of hand.have you ever stopped to think about th...
Having more gun control laws means something to me because safety is so important. I can’t control what happens to me or the the people I car...
Dear future President, I am an 8th grader at a local school in Cleveland. We as a citizen of the United States of America should have the righ...
Laws should be more strict
Guns, drugs are bad, social security, and jobs are good
This letter asks what will be done about gun laws and shows argumentative points to both sides.
Texas student Aoife Khan feels the new state law allowing guns on Texas college campuses makes students less safe and wants gun control to be a maj...
Why banning assault rifles is an ineffective goal and ultimately a bad decision for the U.S.
I believe in the Second Amendment and believe that we should keep it.
The issue of gun control is important because if we have more stricter rules of checking background, it will be more safe for everyone in the cou...
This letter is about the bad influences of gun violence.
This is my opinion on gun control
Gun Laws
In this letter to the next president I claim that gun violence is a major issue in out world today and we need the help of our next president to ma...
This piece is about suggesting solutions for 3 major problems in the U.S.
Ideas and opinions on and how to stop gun violence.
gun control
Dear future president....
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
Gun control should be stricter.
Discusses the controversial issue of gun control and why American citizens should be able to keep their right to own firearms.
I am writing to you about the issue of gun control laws in the United States.
This letter explains my opinions and beliefs on gun control in America
You need to take care of who you sell guns too.
I am advocating for the second amendment. I believe the second amendment should not be infringed, but instead should be protected.
Using facts and opinions, you will learn about the lack of gun laws in America, and how I intend to change them.
What will you do about it ??
Facts, Reports and statistics aren't the only thing involved with gun control.
This is why gun laws should be stricter
This letter is about the presidential candidates opinions about gun control laws. Included is my opinion on the matter.
People are allowed to own a gun and use it freely with a license according to the 2nd amendment. So why is it that so many people are getting hurt ...
In this letter to the Next President, Gun violence has gotten out of hand and we need to put an end to it.
There are more shootings, more attacks and more violence on innocent people lately. It's been a scary time. Weapons have harmed people in many ways...
I hope that these thing racial discrimination, gun control, abortion can all be fixed in the next fue years
Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Aurora. These places have become almost synonymous with the mass shootings that took place there. It is estimated...
Guns should be prohibited for everyone except for the police.
This is a letter to the next president about gun control.
I wrote about Gun control. I'm 15
Some people can use guns wisely. most of human society can't use guns properly. I type this letter to inform you of gun control. You should conside...
Why we should consider the amount of firearms dangerous.
Innocent people are gonna shot around the world because guns are too easy to get.
My essay talks about the pros and cons of guns.
People are getting killed everyday because of guns.
Gun Control. There are many problems out there and gun control is one of them many people are dying and homicide rates are getting higher and higher.
As a rising issue in America Gun Control needs to be reviewed and implemented into our society to keep people safe and prevent unnecessary violence.
The letter describes how loose gun laws currently are in our country and how stricter control over who can possess a gun will result in less grief ...
Dear Future President,