College Tuition costs have rose out of control in the past years.
This paper is about discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community and how to stop it.
Many immigration issues have been going on in the United States of America for quite some time. I think it is about time we start finding a solutio...
This video letter is about college tuition, an issue about which I care.
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...
My letter is on the death penalty, and what should be done about it.
I believe that we need to fix relations between different races because the future of our nation depends on it.
Dog fighting is a big problem please help these animals. Speak for them.
Domestic Violence is very effective and traumatizing. There is no right reason why one should hit their partners.
The college tuition should be lowered.
How America can work towards using more efficient energy that can help in cutting the energy waste and becoming more productive and efficient as a ...
Abortion is murder and should not be treated any differently.
I am a student at Northview High School in Grand Rapids MI my name is Reid V. and I believe in the right to own guns.
Every time I hear about a test or quiz, I find myself memorizing things I don't understand, and forgetting the second I finish my test. This is not...
This essay is about having the right to our guns.
This is a five paragraph letter concerning the rights and policy of transgender people and using the restroom they identify with.
Dear future President, The economy is need of great help, in the state of Florida especially. As a resident of Florida and a voting citizen of the...
There should be strict laws to prevent guns from getting into the hands of dangerous people.
As the dust settles, more issues are revealed.
Abortion should be illegal.
Also, about refugees...
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
A letter about the need for gun control in order to increase public safety.
Do you think that affirmative action is right?
Dear Future President, My name is Bobby, and I am an eighth grade student at a school in Cleveland, Ohio. You know that illegal immigration is a ...
Change immigration policies to give hope where hope has been lost
Immigration is going too far and something must be done about it soon.
I would like to congratulate you on your induction into the office. It is a special honor and I wish you the best of luck. These are some foreign p...
Gun control is not necessary, and will not be effective in the U.S.A.
This piece is about letting refugees into our country without checking their background information and not properly vetting them.
cancer research isn't getting enough money to become harmless
Many of animals are suffering from being tested on for our needs. A stop needs to come to the abuse given to animals.
Because we are at war with ISIS for many years. We have no more time to waste. We have to finish this endless conflict using a different way....
I think that Immigration is the best thing and beneficial for this country.
A letter to Mr. Donald J. Trump on immigration.
This paragraph is about how immigrants are affected by crossing the border
In this letter you will read about why the ocean is dying, what the causes were and how we can fix this problem
Many students around the world are getting very stressed out about homework. Since you are the president of the United States, I hope you will unde...
Don't take our guns
Nice job! You won the presidency. One key issue of mine is Gun control. I understand the need for better background checks but restrictions on fire...
Transgendered men and women being able to use the restroom that they identify as in schools.
In this letter I think gun violence is a huge part in this nation problem and should be put on the next president priorities for the next 4 years.
World Hunger
My personal views on Immigration in the United States
Many students are not getting into college because standardized tests are lowering their self-esteem and self-motivation. Colleges look at this one...
The minimum wage should be raised because it will help improve the lives of low-income workers.
Police Brutality
It's time for the government to take action to protect animals.
Dear Future President, Pandas are one of the cutest animals in the world, and they are endangered. Pandas have been on the endangered species li...
Every year 1 million animals die in connection with domestic violence. Are you just going to let this happen or are you going to do something about...
Homework is a big deal in this world today, especially what is happening to the kids. I think we should limit the amount of homework we get each da...
Illegal immigration is a problem the U.S is dealing with, and we need to put a stop to it.
This letter is about the escalating problem of Global Warming. Global Warming is a rising problem, in this letter, I talk about what's causing Glob...
With the ongoing debate about gun control, here is why it isn't the problem.
Drug use is a huge epidemic and needs to be prevented.
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
One of my best friends passed away over the summer of 2016 at the age of only 15 because he didn't grow up with the proper education on the dangers...
According to the Washington Post, there was a count of 250 people killed by police officers in the first three months of 2016. They’re treating us ...
This letter is about the tax plan for entrepreneurs, and that i really like Mr. Trumps' tax plan and it also includes a tax plan of my own and kee...
Everyone is treating technological advances like an international race. As a result, curriculums are teaching new generations, lacking knowledge th...
Limitations on the second amendment
The minimum wage is certainly not enough to live on, resulting in impoverished areas across the US.
In this essay I will talk about the issue of gun control and how we can possibly fix the problem. There are many tragedies that are caused by guns ...
stricter gun control laws
Poverty in America is rising ,because the minimum wage is low, pricing of housing is high, and people are unable to sustain a healthy diet due to l...
Its not about race.
Dear Mr. president I am writing you this letter to talk to you about animal rights. The first thing I worry about is all the animals in zoo’s. ...
0.5% of the budget is not enough to do much of anything, let alone explore space.
This letter was written in Mr.Leeper's Ethnic Studies class at Aptos Middle school in San Francisco,CA.We are writing to express our feelings and o...
"The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the righ...
Why the president should pay attention to the foster care system
Background checks should be revised to be more effective
Dear Future President, Abortion a world-wide argument. With different opinions and views. Many pros and cons, many agrements and disagrements, her...
Homeless pets are suffering because of us! We must help them before the crisis gets to big. The most important help they need is that they need...
The case for why you should support and prioritize campaign finance
The cost of higher education is a burden for many people in the United States, and should be changed in order to allow people to explore better opp...
Men and women should be paid equally.
The foreign policy needs to be revised to address the extremely large problem with everything the United States is involved in around the world.
This is what I'd like my next president to do!
Dear Future President, In this letter I want to share my conc...
college tuition is way too high and should be lowered.....
How I Feel About Immigration
Almost every day, you hear a child has gone missing on the news. An average of 700 children are abducted each day in the U.S.
How we handle gun purchase in the U.S needs to be changed and enforced.
Animal abuse is a terrible occurrence in our country and can be stopped by spreading awareness and through some enforcement.
I believe that the next president must respond to divisiveness in this campaign and the gridlock in our government.
Criminal Injustice
Finding affordable and reliable child care is very difficult in today's economy. What will you do as the next president to fix it?
Gun violence must be stopped, many people are dying and getting hurt because of this.
Many undocumented immigrants are affected by not having essential basic rights in the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Everyone deserves human rights, even LGBTQA+ individuals.
How will we pay for college?
Poaching is a serious problem, too many animals are getting killed to the stage of extinction. Poaching is more important than you think and should...
This letter is about gender inequality and how it is a probelm and that our future president should fix.
Abortions for selfish reasons should be illegal .