Imagine all the People living in Peace... -John Lennon
I Pray for these things...
Equality is a huge problem that needs to be solved!!
The 2nd amendment should be altered.
I truely feel strongly that racial profiling goes against basic american standards . Also that it should be blatently illegal so everyone has no qu...
The problem connected with guns is that there is not very strict security, because when people sell a gun they have to see what kind of person they...
Dear Future President, although the United States is thought to be a great nation for women, gender inequality still remains here in the U.S. Star...
Renewable energy is the future of our world and our nation has not done enough to institute them. However, it is not too late, together we can work...
Stricter gun control laws won't help.
This letter talks about bullying
Why we should lower the cost of college tuition.
This persuasion piece addresses the issues on why animal testing is wrong.
Illegal immigration is a huge problem in today's society and something needs to be done about it. Able bodied illegals pour into our country and re...
Living with 2 immigrants parents isn't easy, hiding the shadows with them, living in fear and worriment.
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
The crime sentences are far too low and let the rich get away very easily with a good lawyer which is why punishments need to be harsher.
Persuasive letter to the next President urging Gun Control
Educating the U.S citizens about events around the world.
illegal immigration
A letter about issues that LGBTQ people are facing, and support.
The plaque at the base of the statue of Liberty states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched r...
Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started. New gun law...
we need to learn to love.
My letter is about why we should use more renewable sources in the world.
Vaccines need to be mandatory, to protect the health and safety of the American people.
This is my opinion on how to stop animal abuse in the united states.
Our nation is faced with thousands of issues, each as equally as important as the last. Instead of letting them divide us, we must band together an...
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King Jr.
How America as a whole and the President should change our gun control laws to benefit citizens safety.
Everyday Mental Disorders are perceived as dangerous and inappropriate for conversation among schools, yet teen suicide rates continue to skyrocket...
Dear future president,
This letter is asking the future president to work to overcome the stereotypes of feminism and make a substantial gain in equality for men and wome...
The next president should make sure that Women are paid and treated the same as men.
There is no reason that we can not help solve poverty and homelessness.
People need to realize that people will love who they love, and that they can't interfere with that.
The future president of the United states should be cautious about the decisions he makes for our country. Student debt is becoming more and more o...
There are multiple issues in America today but I feel like gender equality is most urgent.
technology can be helpful, but it can be dangerous.
A woman's right to choose.
Why there needs to be a gun law in the U.S.A.
Human trafficking is an international crime that enslaves people. Victims are abused, tortured, and often die due to neglect
Not your body? Not your choice.
The sex education we have for adolescents can be modified to be ideal and more effective than the one we have today.
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
NASA has been consistently underfunded in the last decade. We need to work together to generate enthusiasm for space travel again.
Police brutality is an imminent issue that you should assess, because it first handedly affects the lives of our people in America; it further oppr...
Since the end of the space race, funds for NASA have been declining resulting in delayed research, innovations, and voyages.
I wrote a letter to the future president, whoever he or she may be about my beliefs and ways I believe we can change as country for the better. I w...
We should be lowering the price of college especially if the value of our degree is decreasing.
I believe that the cost of college should be lowered or it made free due to all the lasting effects the high prices leave graduates with.
Americans should not close off our country. Rather we should be more open to newcomers because they benefit our society.
It isn't the 1950's anymore. LGBT people need to be treated fairly, and so do people of every background. After all, we are one nation under god, i...
Mariela Ferreira Sep 16,2016 Honors English
Teens and young adults abusing heroin and prescription drugs and the effects it has on their life.
How the the inequality of wealth and income is negatively affecting our economy and our people. #BringBackBernie
What will you do about social security? Well I am going to be telling you what it means for us to have it in the united states of America. And what...
The price of college is way too much. this letter is for lowering college prices.
Every student deserves to go to a good college but most can't afford it.
A woman isn't defined by a man, we are not sexual objects, we are human.
This is about a law called a bathroom-bill that affects transgender people and is disrespectful towards people who are transgender.
American veterans are struggling due to the lack of health and financial care.
College tuition rates need to go down
Why America should stop using fossil fuels and start using renewable energy.
There are so many accidents, including distracted driving, because people don't pay attention to the road.
This is article is about how I feel on abortion and what I believe the president should do about it.
There should be stricter gun laws to prevent deaths from firearms.
My best friend was hit by a drunk driver driving home to see his family from college. The driver had 3 drunk driving offences already and this woul...
Dog Fighting is a bigger issue now than ever and the only one who can change this is you, Future President.
Putting an end to Racism in the U.S. will result in a friendlier environment for children to live in.
College student should be paid
The Second Amendment states, "... the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Racism is increasing!
Abortion is a woman's right.
i think that the LGBTQ community should deserve more help and support because we don't feel that we get as much help.
Crime rates in America are way too high. Something needs to be done–its not going be easy though.
Drugs are smuggled into the US daily, and it needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand.
Individual rights are being infringed upon due to individuality, but supposedly we're united?
Claim : When you finish reading this letter you WILL be convinced that illegal immigration is great for our country.
This is a letter about reforming public school education.
Public schools are having students take way too many standardized tests.
My thoughts to the next president on college tuition
It is important to end inhumane acts such as torture. Torture is used worldwide. It is a cruel form of mistreatment that is forced upon people. We ...
Overpopulation is affecting the Earth.
What is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now? Guns.
Children around the United States Are being neglected and abused and we need to do more about it.
Immigration and my view on what showed be changed.
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.
It is about how I believe the government should do something to help the homeless youth.
My letter is about the rights that immigrants should have in the Untited States.
Immigrants are a key to the function of our society and critical to our country's economy.
School should not distribute healthier lunches.
This letter is about how the cost to ride a bus is affecting people. It is about how so much money could be used for something else. It also tells ...
Without even knowing it, many social media sites and articles are helping terrorists. Here's how to stop it.
As of 2015, there was a 13.5 % rate of poverty in America. Most of these people are born into this never ending cycle, or are placed harshly into i...
A problem that is happening now and cannot stop and we need to do something about it :)
Gun control is an extremely important topic. 26 States have a metaphorical F in gun control laws. Things need to change.