This essay is written as a message to urge for more strict laws when it comes to poaching, which is killing many animals and endangered species eve...
Animal abuse is a deadly action that can change an animals life permanently.
This needs to be stopped... now!
Anyone who abuses animals should get in trouble with the law.
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
We should be treating animals the way we want to be treated. We become so ignorant and say "They're dogs they don't feel anything", but they have f...
Animals are being abandoned, and no one is doing anything.
This letter is about how their is too much animal abuse happening in this world.
The Animal Cruelty in this country is getting out of control. We need to make a difference to fix this matter.
these ancient animals are fading away fast help out now!
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
Dogs shouldn't be banned based solely on their appearance, stereotypes, and other's ignorance. If we shouldn't do it to humans, we shouldn't do it...
Whaling is a dangerous and brutal act and if it continues, it will make the species will become extinct.
Animal rights are important to every animal, because not every animal is protected by rights.
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
Animal cruelty can be taken in many ways, so the law needs to be broadened and brought to everyone's attention.
Animal testing is a serious problem that isn't really being talked about. It should be taken more serious and needs to be stopped duo to how many a...
Tail Docking For Cows
Who doesn´t love dolphins? We usually think of dolphins splashing around in the crystal waters down in the south, playing with others. Well, that i...
Since the mid-1800’s, animal testing has been used in the US and all over the world.
Animal testing is expensive, hard, and mostly inaccurate. We need a better solution to test our everyday drugs and cosmetics. Animals are not here ...
Animal abuse is becoming worse, and worse in our world, and it needs to stop. Read on to see my opinion on it. I have a strong story that relates t...
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
Horse slaughter is a terrifying and painful end for horses. Each year about 150,000 horses are shipped over our boarders to slaughter facilities an...
Domestic animal abusers are five times more likely to abuse their loved ones next. What can we do to give this issue more prominence?
Why is dog fighting bad? Is it illegal? Read here and find out!
There are over 100 million animals each year dying due to being tested on for different retail products for humans.
This letter explains the issues of animal testing around the world. Many animals are being tortured for tests that are not even working. They are s...
We should be doing more to stop animal abuse
Animals that are not humans have the right to their lives and humans don't have the rights harm them more than necessary. It is our job to make sur...
In My Letter, I explain how harsh, animal cruelty is,and what we can do to solve it.
Animals have a life just like us, and they are being the treated like objects. Not only is animal testing cruel, its ineffective, humans have a ver...
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
This letter is about how I think the president should stop animal neglect.
Animals need to be treated the same. Animal Abuse needs to stop NOW!!
Dear Future President of the United States, Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.
Preventing abuse of animals in homes
Animals are treated in horrible ways and it's up to our government to reduce this cruelty in the world.
Horse soring is a form of animal abused that is has been banned but the law needs to be enforced.
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the world and the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
This is about how animal abuse is bad and ways we as a team can fix it or you as the president can.
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
My letter is about how Animal Experimentation is a big problem in the United States. Millions of animals are killed each year in U.S labs alone, a...
Have you ever wondered how an animal feels to get abused
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.
Animals are treated so poorly in this world. People don't seem to realize they can feel misery and pain the same way we can. Animals are much more ...
Million of animals and people are struggle with air and water pollution.This should be dealt with more efficiently.
Animal Cruelty is a huge problem in the United States and it must discontinue. Animals such as dogs and cats are being neglected and abused in pu...
I wrote a letter about Animal Abuse because it is a serious problem in today's society.
Animal abuse is a problem, we can not get rid of it but we can minimize it. All animals doesn't matter their size are getting abused or aren't get...
There is no excuse for animal abuse. Millions of animals get abused everyday, and since they don't have their own voice we have to be theirs and wi...
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States of America. it needs to be put to an end for good. this is for the safety of the animals all a...
Animal cruelty is wrong because you are hurting a life, and why would anyone want to hurt a life?
I am against animal abuse
There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in t...
Every year 100 million animals are killed in labs.
Factory farming is a cruel and inhumane issue that needs to be stopped. These slaughterhouse workers treat these animals in a way that just seams i...
Animals all over the world are being abused.
This letter is about all the cruel things that animal testing does.
Animal testing is not beneficial for anyone except big, rich companies.
As you read this, another innocent animal is being abused, neglected, or forced to fight. There’s dog fighting, puppy mills, and last but no...
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
This letter is about A Gorilla that was killed when a kid umped into his enclosure and the Gorilla was killed. Animals Rights need to improve and t...
Dear future President, Imagine if someone, inhumanly, clipped the ears and the tail off your dog. Then sent your dog to fight other dogs in a life...
Animal abuse has been an issue for far too long and it's time for it to come to an end.
Many dogs are getting abuse because of the people that do not treat them good like they supposed to
Poor, innocent animals are slaughtered everyday just to satisfy peoples taste buds. No one considers the fact that these animals actually have feel...
The number of endangered animals has been increasing dramatically in the past decade and we are to blame.
Animal Cruelty needs to stop now, animals are being abused for an unknown reason and they are dying from hunger and some not good care from their p...
An animal shouldn't be an object for you to take your anger out on whenever you feel like it.
Animal cruelty comes in two forms: neglecting the responsibility to take care of pets and physically abusing animals.
Animal rights matter
Protect Animals instead Company profits
The solution for animal abuse in research facilities should not be to end animal research, a valuable component of medical research, but to increas...
Envision a society where domestic animals are devoured, exploited as beasts of burden, or mistreated at will by their possessors, who undergo lim...
Everyday animals get thrown out on the streets. It's time to show people that it is NOT RIGHT!
Dog Fighting is a bigger issue now than ever and the only one who can change this is you, Future President.
There is a lot of animal abuse and neglect and a frightening correlation between animal and human violence. I suggest that people who abuse animal...
We should stop animal cruelty.
Animal Cruelty/Animal Testing is an issue that I believe people don't really give much attention to.
Why we need to stop animal cruelty
Is the Earth important to you? If we keep this up the earth will no longer be the wonderful place that you know of today. Help keep our environm...
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
Animal abuse has been happening for a long time, but we were created to take care of animals--not abuse them. Animal abuse needs to stop now!
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
Save our furry friends
Dear future president, Are you aware that more than 100 million animals are tested each year?They are being tortured for human products and resear...
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
My letter is about why harsher rules need to be placed in order to save animals' lives and stop animal cruelty.
In this letter to the Next President I inform you of the importance of cruelty and endangerment towards animal victims
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
How to fix animal abuse for years to come.
Have you ever seen an ad on the TV where animals are really sad looking because they are abused? Well, animals are abused more than anyone thinks. ...
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
I am a 17-year-old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that animals should have every right to life as we do. Euthanasia, while providing the...
The harmful effects of Farm Factories on animals and humans.