If we all used energy produced by natural resources like solar and wind, we could eliminate the use of nuclear energy and coal consumption.
There is no national law that mandates recycling. Therefore, we must have a mandatory recycling law to create a better future and clean environment.
Global warming is causing lots of problems around the world. If we don’t try to stop it these problems will get bigger.
This is an urgent topic that is affecting us everyday and we need to stop it.
Earth is dying and it's time for the president to help save it.
We need to switch to renewable sources of energy if we want to survive, and thrive, in 2050 and beyond.
As global temperatures rise, the stakes increase to make changes protecting us from the harmful effects of global warming.
The Polar Ice Caps are disappearing! Polar bears are being forced more South! These are all things we've heard about this election and thrown over ...
Hunter Boisvert
If we can protect the life in our environment, we can protect ourselves and make sure that life doesn't end on Earth. Pollution is taking over the ...
Why Fossil Fuels Are Underrated
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
The United States is a wasteful country, arrogant in its consumption. Americans have too much material wealth, waste vital resources and, in the pr...
Dear future president, The Earth is the only place we have to live, and I don’t think we are taking the best care we should take to our only pl...
Our planet is getting destroyed! Let's work together to protect it.
With the carbon dioxide level reaching all time highs, sea level rising ten times as fast as normal, the future president must take action to save ...
Our world is dying before our eyes, and its getting to be too late to save it. Climate change is not a joke, it has too many present facts. We need...
This letter's about how humanity can farm outer space minerals as a benefit for our future generation.
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
Global warming is the most pressing issue we face today as a global community yet we focus more on our selves than all of us a whole.
A problem in my community that I think should be resolved when you become president.
As a president you should act certain ways and also be aware of current problems with your country.
I feel that global warming is affecting earth too badly. So This letter is a Con about global warming
Readily available technologies are not being supported, and it's become a very urgent issue. All that we need to solve the problem is a little bit ...
Air pollution is slowly becoming a bigger problem and we need to take action before it is to late.
The environment is polluted and that needs to change.
Ms. Dickerson English 3 Honors Class
We are all slowly killing the environment we live in.
The next president should legalize hemp to reduce climate change.
Title sums it up.
It’s imperative to stop wasting food because it does not just cause serious problems for our environment, but there are many people in the world st...
Why the environment is a problem, and how we can help.
Serina and I talked about how the world needs change. How Police brutality should stop and environmental pollution
Racism and Environmental, 2016 letter to president
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
Although winds are unpredictable and the noise is a problem for people who are on a close vicinity to them, wind turbines are a safe, inexpensive, ...
Climate change is caused by pollution. It causes sea level rise, global warming, and the polar ice caps to melt. This letter tells of solutions suc...
Hello, I am a student at Dobbs Ferry Middle School. My name is Louis Albanese and I really care about our planet being fine and intact for the f...
Deforestation affects our global environment by increasing global warming, harming the water cycle, and decreasing biodiversity. It needs to be add...
In my letter I explain the truth about the meat, dairy, and eggs that are in your fridge and how it can affect our world. Turning into a vegan can ...
Fracking is dangerous to the environment and can cause problems. There are better ways to collect resources.
I believe that our number one issue to focus on should be coral reefs.
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
GMOs are a positive solution to world hunger.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is affecting humans and animals. I hope the next president addresses this issue and fixes it.
The Keystone Pipeline
Reducing meat consumption is better for the environment and our health.
This letter talks about pollution and how it is slowly killing our Earth through multiple forms. If action stays stagnant about this situation then...
Reefs are a central part to the worlds ecosystem, and affect us more than we think. They should be looked at as highly important to preserve.
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. They are highly toxic and detrimental to the human health. This letter analyzes how GMOs are not beneficia...
Pollution is a serious problem that must be handled now.
Climate change is a pressing matter for everyone, and it is something we must do our best to mitigate immediately.
Global warming is affecting our world. Horrible things will happen to our world if we do not do something about it. What can we do to help.
The use of fossil fuels has been damaging this world, and with complete certitude, I believe that we will have to do something to fix our ways.
Global Warming is destroying our world one day at a time. Our Earth is dying and we need to help heal it. By recycling and renewing energy we can h...
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.
Global warming on the rise.
The fact that US produces 624,700 metric tons of trash every day isn't the greatest issue. Its that most Americans don't know!
There are too many endangered species in the world right now, and we need to acknowledge this crisis to help make a difference.
Emissions produced by conventional vehicles are harming our environment and our health. We need a way to cut down the amount of these emissions.
1 million seabirds die from plastic. The oceans are in danger because of the trash that people throw on the oceans.
Dear Future President, First what is global warming? Well glo...
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
Earth's reefs are dying and everyone needs to do their part to save them.
Dear future president, If you value your way of life then I suggest you listen. Climate change isn't a question about your kids or grand kids any...
Let's help Mother Earth!
I suggest that we, in America, put stricter regulations on fossil fuels.
Climate change is becoming more and more deadly to our planet. Immediate action must be taken to insure our future.
Parents and kids clean up their yard why not clean a little farther? Pool people clean pools why not the ocean? Everyone breaths air why not make s...
We need to change the system of how we conserve our energy and reuse things so living would be much easier with fresh oxygen and no stress about th...
Protecting our water. Protecting our land.
The Majority of cars right now run on gas. In the future we are going to run out of gas especially since the number of cars is constantly growing. ...
Global Warming
Here in North Dakota, I have concerns about the oil pipeline and coal fired plant around the town in live in.
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
Recycling is becoming a large issue in our nation and a solution needs to be reached. Everyone needs to recycle in order to help our environment. ...
The problems of enhancing natural greenhouse effects and bringing awareness to the issue.
48 football-field lengths of trees are cut down every minute.
Are people aware of the problems that Global Warming carries?
This issue is about Global warming. I hope that you take this problem in to consideration.
Global warming is a huge issue in today's world. It's every American citizen's job to go out and help us fight against this common enemy!
Environment change is a serious issue in the world and actions must be taken against the rapidly deteriorating environment.
Planet Earth is greater than the United States alone; how can we support the global effort to take care of our globe?
It's not that hard. Read to find out how.
Global warming and energy use are incredibly important and pressing issues that must be addressed, but there is more to the problem of protecting n...
Global Warming is a big issue to our environment, health, and animals.
Global Warming can end the world, because animals are being killed off, and some countries are changing their seasons and time from global warming.
This is about me expressing my feeling about the elction
We’re wasting our chance on Planet Earth… It’s time to take action.
One of the most flourishing life on Earth are trees, well soon they won't be. We are cutting down too many trees these days and it needs to stop.
A letter about the importance of conserving the environment.
Everyone knows that the world changes everyday, sometimes negatively or positively. Air pollution, melting ice, etc are all current environmental i...
I strongly suggest switching from using oil and coal, to using an electricity grid or solar panels.
The Environment is the place we live in and it is very important. Yet, it is going down hill very slowly with Global Warming, fossil fuels, greenho...
Problems being caused by global warming and the call to use more renewable resources.
This letter shows the next president how important it is that we address the pollution problems and that Climate Change is in fact a real yet dange...
In this letter I tell the president that global warming (climate change) is our biggest threat and that he must do something