With the amount of student debt and the high chance of failure of seeking a career nowadays, workforce training in public high schools can potentia...
This is a letter about college
Persuasive letter to the next President to lower college tuition
my letters about college tuition
Hello, Madam/Mr. President. One of the country's crisis is our college debt. The entire college debt is over $1,700,000,000. That accounts almost 1...
Cannot go to college or send your child to college due to not having enough money, or having to delay your life due to college loans. Sound like yo...
Cost of college is rising and doesn't look like it is slowing down.
This video letter is about college tuition, an issue about which I care.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
Students are supposed to focus on schoolwork in order to go to college.
College tuitions are increasing and less students get the chance to succeed in life, we need to lower college fees so our upcoming generations can ...
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
As of 2016, the price for colleges are increasing. I want to make sure it is known to many that it has begun to get harder to afford a decent colle...
Workforce training in High School may be the next solution with high school education problems and college.
College debt is only rising. It needs to be solved, now.
Reasons why college prices should be lowered
I want to focus on free higher education.
Over the past 10 years college tuition has risen a ton and is starting to become unaffordable.
The cost of college tuition has continued to rise since 1975.
College education is becoming far out of reach for many individuals and families.
This essay summarizes how expensive College tuition is and the problems it can cause.
College tuition is overly priced. Every year It increases by 5%. Colleges have more than enough money to give to students for scholarships. For the...
The cost of getting into a college is insanely high and needs to be lower in order for students to get an advanced education.
Opportunity and change is the goal for families.
The problem that million of students are concerned about is the huge college tuition that is not affordable.
Every student has the ability to succeed in college, so maybe let's make it to where they can?
With college tuition being so high, the struggle to afford a college education is as big as ever
College prices need to decrease or disappear altogether, as they burden our youth
There are many important issues surrounding education that could be critical in determining the future in many young people. We all need to jump in...
College Tuition
College tuition prices are rising uncontrollably and becoming a big issue in the United States.
College tuition is hurting Americans
College tuition is too high, and that needs to be changed.
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
Everyone should have opportunities to have an education.
High and rising college tuition is a big problem. This problem will continue to get worse unless something is done about it.
The world is becoming smarter and the only way to survive is if you're educated; without that you can’t have a career, and you would go through the...
College tuition has a become a major problem world-wide. This text is to explain some of those problems and ask what is going to be done to help it.
The nation and our country is getting affected because of College fees/coast its leading to many different problems including Empty nest syndrome ...
We should make college education affordable and accessible to all high school graduates.
Students are in debt and are worried because they can"t pay it.
College tuition should be lowered so students can afford it.
The cost of college tuition is rising uncontrollably and becoming a major problem
Our Education Depends On It, You Can Change It.
College cost is becoming a huge problem in our nation.
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
College tuition costs too much and is the cause for a lot of debt
In this letter, I will be highlighting my concerns about the higher cost of education and why there should be a change in this issue so all humans ...
This letter is addressing the cost of college tuition, and the deductions that our next president should make for students planning to go to colleg...
Free college education is mandatory for our nation, because many citizens cannot afford the pricey costs of colleges.
Lowering college tuition can open doors for many people to become successful.
College tuition is rising too high to the point that people can't even get higher education.
College costs are rising every single year, making it unaffordable for many people.
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
With the continued inflation of the price of college, fewer and fewer students are able to afford what's seen as a necessity in the workforce.
The future president should lower or adjust student loans, so the new generation can live a happier life.
The cost of college makes it more difficult for students to continue their education.
College tuition has risen greatly in the last decade. How are students supposed to pay for these outrageous costs?
College should be made affordable and debt-free, not completely tuition-free.
Dear future President of the United States of America, Will your opinion of the issue of Free College really benefit American Citizens? Or will it...
This letter shows my stance on the rising costs of college, and how to fix it.
We are the generation of breaking boundaries and little green papers have more power over us.
Banded Tuition would be very beneficial.
High college tuition is preventing access to higher education for average Americans.
The cost of college is outrageous! This is an important issue on everyone's mind.
Around 20 million students attend college each year, which is about 68% of high school graduates. Why don't the other 32% attend? Most of it has to...
College tuition is too high; it's a stress on students to go to college and finish successfully.
I believe that the cost of college should be lowered or it made free due to all the lasting effects the high prices leave graduates with.
Fear among students is rapidly growing alongside college tuition fees.
Should we provide two free years of community college for those who need the support to further their education?
A letter explaining to our future president the cost of college for America and how it affects young adults.
People not getting enough education, causing them to have no jobs and money.
Anyone in the United States should be able to go to college and not worry about how they are going to pay for the tuition and the debt they will be...
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
The cost of college tuition is steadily increasing as is the need for financial aid which leads to more debt after college. There is a way to fix t...
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
Education is a right not a privilege.
The cost of education is way too high and many people cannot afford it.
College is too expensive. If we want our future generations to be college graduates, then we need to change that.
The cost of college tuition is a controversial topic. Many argue it would be better to provide the fist four years of college free, but others argu...
Lower the tuition please
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
College tuition has often been a border between people attending college or not. We want our new president to encourage college education and work ...
I care about how much college may cost me.
Did you know that the American Institute of Research found that more than 1.1 million students who started college in 2002, around 500,000 didn't g...
Why pay thousands of dollars for something that is expected of American citizens to get by in our society?
More than half of the American population aren't able to afford the college expense rates today.
It's bothering high school seniors
College tuition fees are too high for the ordinary American student, in turn causing students to not have the ability to attend college.
Letter to President about college costs.
Everyone has the right to go to a great college and have it be affordable.
Many students can't go to college because of the high tuition.
College tuition is too high. Some students don’t go to college because of the cost and student loans aren't time friendly.
College tuition is expensive and the cost is getting higher. I will state my opinion about this topic in this paper.
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
My name is Jessica M., I am a freshman in high school, and I will be going to college in the near future. Money is going to be a concern that I wil...
College tuition
Many bright students are unable to get a good college education due to their families not having enough money. This is a problem.