This letter is about homelessness and the ways you can HELP!
How homelessness effects people and how we should fix it
How can we help the homeless?
A letter to the president about the steady homelessness in America
There are over 500 thousand people homeless. There are almost 50 thousand homeless veterans that are homeless. They risked their lives for this c...
Joblessness is ruining America.
The homeless of the country are looked down upon hundreds of times per day, but what if they didn't have to be homeless?
There are so many homeless people in the world. And no matter what the cause of their homelessness, no one should feel any less human.
Racism, why?
My letter talks about homeless LGBT teens/kids in today's society and how there needs to be something done to help them.
Homelessness and poverty must be vanquished
The population of people in poverty is rising. Poverty needs to stop now.
17 Year old student exposes the issue of homelessness and no buildings being made to shelter them; only buildings of luxury for the wealthy.
There are too many children and veterans homeless . We need to stop homeless we need to treat the homeless.
Ending homelessness in America needs to become a priority.
My letter will be about how I think Homeless people not having a chance is a big problem. There should be more shelters for them to get sleep and f...
Rather than trying to stop the aftereffects of the homeless problem, we should be addressing the root of the problem itself.
homelessness is a big issue today
Homelessness is getting worse by the minute!
This letter is about where America needs to place it's priorities.
Over the course of our existence many people have fought for our freedoms and protected us as a country. But, many of those people aren't getting t...
Everybody deserves a chance to have a good wage.
Homelessness in America
What are we doing to help homeless people in the United States?
Dear Future President, Homelessness is something...
Homeless is a huge problem; let's do something about it.
Homelessness is an issue and it needs to stop in America.
A short video letter about homelessness.
The amount of homeless veterans in the U.S. is incredibly high it has reached a total of over 45,000. The majority of homeless veterans usually hav...
It is a shame that the people that protected us, aren’t being protected. Today 8.6 percent of United States veterans are homeless, and our country ...
We must stop homelessness and save children that are homeless because they're our next generation and the future of our country.
Dear Next President, Congratulations on winning the race. I’m Peyton Tamberino and I’m going to be talking about homeless veterans. There are curr...
This letter is about homelessness.
Everyday Veterans around the U.S spend nights on the streets. Changes need to be made.
I am a junior from Lafayette, Louisiana. As a high school student, I have noticed the changes in our country involving education, jobs, and poverty...
...I am forced to conform to my birth-assigned gender ...I don't want to face rejection ...I need representation of the LGBT+ community.
Homelessness is a huge problem around the world and society is just making it worse. Whoever the next president is must take action in this, but ho...
It's time to start supporting the brave people who risk their lives for our country.
Possible solutions to solving the mass amounts of homeless through America.
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
I think people should help the homeless just as much as other people get the help they need. Homeless people deserve to live too.
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
Homelessness is a major problem all around the world and I do not feel that the president has done enough to solve it.
Poverty of the youth in America, that includes teens, can drastically affect their education and future. The next President should advocate for law...
We should all contribute in a way to help the homeless.
An issue that needs to be addressed and can't be ignored.
There are too many homeless people around the globe.
This letter is about homelessness and what we can do to help.
Homelessness is a large issue in America. How can we fix it?
The veterans who fought in wars are going homeless and many are hungry. We need to help them get back on their feet.
It is time for people to help out the people on the side of the road.
In my letter I explain Veteran Rights and Affairs focusing specifically on veteran homelessness and unemployment and how we can help to reduce vete...
Why is the poverty rate so high? And why haven't we attempted to lower it?
One of the main controversial issues in America is abortion. Another issue facing the states is the amount of homeless people. If these two issues ...
It is not fair how the LGBT community gets affected by the lack of acceptance inside this country.
Are you worried knowing that their is people out their that live in poverty? Here is how you can change that and why you should.
Homelessness is a problem.
In my letter I talked about homelessness and how they need our help to get someplace in life.
Homelessness need to be helped. The government needs to build shelters.
Veterans make up a large part of the homeless population and are not getting the help they deserve from the government and military. In honor of my...
The people that live on the streets should be helped.
Youth homelessness is a big issue in our nation, but do you know just how big of a problem it is?
There is an astounding amount of people stuck on the streets of cities, under bridges, starving and sick, spending the money they panhandle on drug...
The United States started welfare during the Great Depression in the 1930s. The main purpose was to give families that had little income or were th...
Dear Next President, veterans in our country, have been unsupported after they have fought for our country. Many face problems every day, such as m...
Why are homeless people treated so badly, We are all human and should be treated equally.
This letter is about homelessness and how we need to find a way to help the community, and help them to get food,clothes and shelter. We need to he...
Homelessness is disappointing because it is sad to see all those homeless people living on the streets and no where to live and nothing to eat.
Homelessness is becoming a very crucial issue since winter is coming up. How is this issue tackled? What can a person do to help in this situation...
There is way to many homeless people in the US and we need to do something about it.
Homeless veterans need to be brought in off the streets so that they can be safe.
Help bring awareness to the reason about why veterans, especially ones with PTSD are going homeless.
This essay shows how people are struggling with medical debt today. They have very little money and most of them don't have the money to support t...
Conditions in homeless shelters are completely inhumane, and we need to make shelters more appealing, to take people off of streets, into environme...
There are so many people that are homeless in America because they can't afford rent and they don't have jobs.
Homeless veterans and helpless homeless immigrants deserve help entering back into society
This is a letter talks about street animals and that they should have a home and a caring family that loves them.
Letter to Prez about homeless population
Is poverty worse ? This might answer your question.
There is a lot of homeless people in the world. Can the next president help the homeless?
how to prevent and solve poverty.
Homelessness is an issue in the US
We don't know them all, but we owe them all.
The government is doing a fine job at making sure the rich people are getting richer, but what are they doing for those who do not have a lot of mo...
Children shouldn't live out in the cold because their bodies are still developing. Our voices need to be heard because these children need food and...
We all know that a solution to a big problem cannot be realistically executed in a matter of hours, that is why I am asking you to actually look in...
This letter contains causes and solutions to the growing issue of homeless youth in america. This is a serious issue because we are robbing homeles...
Poverty in the US
Why are people homeless? The causes can vary widely, but the heartache in each person’s story is the same. Painful life circumstances, and sometime...
Homeless Veterans need help.
There are many causes of homelessness, and many ways our government can address this issue.
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
A letter to the future president about homelessness in America
We need to help our veterans.
Why do we disrespect and judge the homeless? We don't know their story or what they've been through. The cruelty needs to stop.
Why and how we should help the homeless who can't help themselves