Dear Next President, Please make the college tui...
Every year high school seniors look to go to college the next fall. For some, that cannot happen because of the high prices of college.
The cost of college makes it more difficult for students to continue their education.
The cost of college restricts many, but solving it proves to be a tricky situation
I think people shouldn't pay student loan because its to much. Also its a long 30 years payment plan. Third it's stopping people to go to college ...
“By making college unaffordable and student loans unbearable, we risk deterring our best and brightest from pursuing higher education and securing ...
College tuition costs are hurting students all across America and it won't get better unless we do something about it.
Students suffer with the high cost of college tuition, and the prices keep increasing over the years.
College Tuition
We need to end the student loan debt crisis.
The issue on college prices needs to be resolved because of rising student loan debt, the future generations success with their careers, and the li...
Students are often stressed about where their college funds will come from, so finding a way to lower these prices would come as a huge relief for ...
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
The cost of college and student debt is a major issue that needs to be solved.
College tuition has risen greatly in the last decade. How are students supposed to pay for these outrageous costs?
In the last 35 years, the cost of college tuition has increased over 1,000%. Making loans more affordable is a good start, but if the rising cost ...
Everyone has the right to go to a great college and have it be affordable.
College tuition costs need to be lowered so Youth as myself and America can have a better future
College Costs
With more students attending college, prices need to be lowered for our future.
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
The American education system is set up in a way that not only taxes individuals in terms of time, stress, and social ability, but in adulthood, al...
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
A letter to the President about my concern of college tuition in America
Supporting Free College Tuition
With Cost of College Increasing, it is almost impossible for families to pay for tuition. Everyday thousands of Students are forced to turn to loans.
The debt caused by student loans cause more students to not to go to college which brings our country down and puts us in more debt.
College tuition is way to high for kids to join good colleges for what they want to go into.
College is very expensive.
College is a great thing, but I believe its time to lower the cost. Students need to focus on learning more. We can solve this issue with your help.
College debt after graduation can greatly affect the lives of those who owe.
I hope this letter will impact your view on college tuition costs.
Colleges are getting more expensive and harder to get into as time progresses.
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
Students in the United States want to go to college to succeed in their lives, their communities, and their futures, and they want to achieve their...
Many students are...
The cost of getting into a college is insanely high and needs to be lower in order for students to get an advanced education.
I created a letter about my concern for the amount of debt college students attain by the time they graduate and how it affects them and their futu...
The student debt for colleges is something that will affect our generation and our next, and it needs to be solved.
College costs are rising every single year, making it unaffordable for many people.
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
College tuition is too much money.
College tuition costs have gone up an outrageous amount in the United States. ...
The student loan problem in the U.S. needs to change
Want a better economy? Tuition-free college is the way to go!
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
College tuition is becoming extremely high as of recently. It is time there is a change.
I am very concerned with the high price tag that many colleges have at this current time. Not many students can afford college even with financial ...
College prices are too high and need to be lowered.
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
College tuitions are increasing and less students get the chance to succeed in life, we need to lower college fees so our upcoming generations can ...
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
This essay summarizes how expensive College tuition is and the problems it can cause.
It would be beneficial for U.S help to immigrant students to receive tuition to go on a College or University.
College tuition needs to be lowered.
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
College tuition is constantly increasing, and college grad will often live in massive student debt for a large part of their lives.
The cost of going to college is too high, we need to work to make it more affordable for everyone.
As a senior is high school college tuition has been a continuos table topic between my parents and I. Imagine spending twelve years in school and b...
College tuition
I believe that the cost of college should be lowered or it made free due to all the lasting effects the high prices leave graduates with.
The cost of college tuition is steadily increasing as is the need for financial aid which leads to more debt after college. There is a way to fix t...
College tuition costs are much too high, but will lowering them really help?
College tuition needs to be lowered, and you can fix it.
A college education is extremely important in assuring the success of students throughout their careers and also supporting the economy. One way to...
Why pay thousands of dollars for something that is expected of American citizens to get by in our society?
I am a sixteen-year-old student in high school who is enthusiastic about learning. I am concerned about the effects of student loans and the cost ...
Education beyond high school is not free, in fact it is very expensive. In this letter I explain how I feel this PROBLEM should be addressed and ho...
With college costs increasing, the debt gets bigger. We need to change that.
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
College debt has increased immensely over the past few years and nothing has been done to stop it.
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
High amounts of money spent on college is leaving students in debt for most of their lives.
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
High school student's worries for the future.
I care about how much college may cost me.
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
College expenses are difficult for students to pay for and create a large amount of debt.
The cost of college continues to rise, and shows no signs of leveling off. This limits who can receive higher level education.
College tuition is too high; it's a stress on students to go to college and finish successfully.
College costs must be lowered for kids to achieve their dreams. I have had a personal experience with this because my brother recently went to coll...
Josh Brockett wants to be free to achieve his goals without the financial burden of student debt.
Student loan debts continue to grow.
In today's world, there are many students that are not able to pursue their higher education and pursue their dreams because of the high costs of c...
College prices go out of reach for many young adults. People can't go to college because they can't afford it. College is something everyone should...
There are many important issues surrounding education that could be critical in determining the future in many young people. We all need to jump in...
I thought that an important issue is that college cost is too high for students and families.
Over the past 10 years college tuition has risen a ton and is starting to become unaffordable.
College tuition is too high. College loan debt is ruining lives.
In the past 20 years, college tuition has skyrocketed which led to an increase of student loan debt. measures need to be taken in order that any am...
Benefits of reducing college costs
There is no reason that Bullying and College Cost has risen in the past couple years.
There is a growing concern for the route college tuition is heading, so I decided to ask what the future president will do to resolve this issue.
Student loans and the corporatocracy.
The future president of the United states should be cautious about the decisions he makes for our country. Student debt is becoming more and more o...
I pull together some of my ideas and opinions on our next president as well as ask him questions.
College is too expensive.
The cost of college is too high for some families to pay and they struggle to give their children a proper education.