As the future President of the United States, it is imperative that you implement carbon cuts so as to stop climate change.
Ocean pollution is a serious issue in our world that we need to address and fix this issue soon.
This is explaining ideas of how to help the cause
Fracking is dangerous to the environment and can cause problems. There are better ways to collect resources.
Animals all over the world are dying because of our pollution. We need to stop this!
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
Global Warming is an important issue that needs to be addressed. If we continue to let pollution affect the environment then there will be serious ...
Dear Next President, Please raise awareness of the human impact on the environment.
Pollution is creating a huge problem for animals, and is taking its effect on us.
Pollution is escalating at an alarming rate and is killing the Earth. More action needs to be taken to reduce pollution.
This letter is about ways the President could help solve some problems related to pollution.
Hindus are seen as polluting when practicing their religion.
Help find a way to end pollution.
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
A plea for those without voices
Destroying Earth
Air pollution. It exists all around us, and most of us know what it can do, but do we know what we are doing to fight it?
Climate Change has become an issue and is causing many effects.
The effects of polluting the ocean
The climate is changing rapidly, for worse. What can we do to reverse the effects?
Fossil fuels are damaging to the economy, and damaging to the environment, lets get clean, lets get renewable.
In this essay I chose to address issues on Immigration and Climate change for the new President of 2016
Dear future president, The issue I wish to talk about in today’s society is the concern about the climate change. The world is constantly facing ne...
There is a problem that is coming in the future and it is affecting coastal cities. Climate change causes sea levels to rise.
A letter to the president about pollution
Pollution is killing us.
Why Climate Change Needs More Attention Than It Is Getting
In this letter I tell the president that global warming (climate change) is our biggest threat and that he must do something
Climate change is real.
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
Why won't people acknowledge our changing environment?
Million of animals and people are struggle with air and water pollution.This should be dealt with more efficiently.
Climate change is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Climate change is an overlooked problem that needs to be addressed and fixed.
Renewable energy, clean energy, planting more trees and us are the key to stopping climate change and make our planet back to its greatest day.
An essay from a concerned high school senior on the garbage in the ocean, how it affects animals, and the garbage problem in general.
Working together to help save the planet.
Global Warming is a problem all around the world and the U.S. should be the first to set a solution for it. We need to be the example for others.
Pollution is a greater problem than some people may think it is. It makes this planet more and more dangerous everyday, and causes many problems fo...
Climate Change affects the world we live in. Fixing this problem will help advance, not just the U.S., but the world as a whole. However, steps mus...
Why is the weather so bad? Why is it snowing in April? Why is there so much trash on the ground? These are question you may ask yourself. It is bec...
Global warming is something to be worried about and is an actual thing that happening and its effecting all human life .
Global warming is affecting the world dramatically in more ways than we know of right now. If we do not do something about it now, we may never be ...
America is relying on fossil fuels that are polluting the planet and we can replace them with clean nuclear energy.
We are trashing Earth to the point where it is no longer tolerable. This needs to stop.
Small steps can make a big impact.
Climate change is becoming a big issue and no one is changing for our future. What will you change?
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
Climate Change
I believe we should stop using so much energy to stop global warming and many other things.
Air, water, and noise pollution are becoming dangerous to the people and animals living on earth. To preserve the air people breathe, planting new ...
In politics, it is rare to find an issue that transcends the differences among cultures globally; however, climate change truly is a universal evil...
Global Warming is a big issue all around the world, together we can stop it. Fumes, toxins, smog, and emissions have tainted our once beautifully p...
We need to help put a stop to pollution, deforestation, global warming.
We need to put an end to gas/oil powered cars.
Our earth is an important resource with which we need to survive. If we expect to live happily in the future we need to take care of it. My letter ...
The usage of fossil fuels in our world have rapidly increased, and the pollution given off is killing our environment. We need to cut down the use ...
"For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change…"
Hello, my name is Michael Ma and I am a senior enrolled in East-West School of International Studies in Flushing, NY. And the world needs our help.
Climate change is a big global problem that needs to end now.
Climate change is a big problem we face in America today.
Our environment has suffered with increased industrialization. As we deny changes we hurt both our well being and the health of our future.
We need to do something to stop the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from growing.
Oil is running out, and we only have a couple decades of oil left. We need to fix this as a country and move forward as a species.
Deforestation affects our global environment by increasing global warming, harming the water cycle, and decreasing biodiversity. It needs to be add...
Public transportation is needed a lot more in the United States. Here's my reasons why.
How pollution is affecting the earth.
Taking action to fight climate change and global warming.
Air pollution causes health problems.
Global warming on the rise.
Citizens of the US do not realize how much harm they are doing. Dangerous fumes being exhaled from the backs of our cars and lower class Americans ...
Climate change affects us all but not enough laws have been passed to protect the environment due to limited knowledge on how rapidly climate chang...
We need to protect the environment
The Pacific Garbage patch is an international problem that needs to be addressed before it permanently harms us.
This letter is about some small changes I want our future President to make when he or she goes into office.
How will our next president combat negative actions against the environment?
The effect of climate change is exceedingly evident in today’s world, yet some politicians and citizens choose to ignore these detrimental changes....
Our own selfish needs are distracting us from the problems of pollution. The Earth could fail if we don't make an action as soon as possible.
Funding needs to start so we can start cleaning our water.
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
Pollution is an issue that needs to be put to and end as soon as possible
Deforestation numbers have increased tremendously over the years; as a result there have been many dilemmas that need to be solved.
This letter is about how our factories are hurting our environment. We can make various things that will make less burning oil.
I believe that something should be done about climate change.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
My letter is about the Dakota Access pipeline. This is a big debate all over the country, whether the pipeline should be built or not. The pipeline...
This is my letter on the issue of Climate Change
People aren't recycling.
In this world of glaciers is decreasing, we need protect glacier
Steps to slow down and the effects of climate change should be taken to decrease how much ice is melting every year due to carbon dioxide levels.
Global Warming
Which if we don't take the climate change into account and some of the speculations of global warming our planet could slow down and or possibly sh...
This biggest issue affecting our nation today is climate change and global warming. We need to take drastic measures to reduce the pollution we emi...
Although we are rich in renewable sources we are poor in non renewable
Marine life is being greatly affected.
The Great Barrier Reef is going to die if we don't do something about it.