I am a resident of Miami, Florida, and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low inc...
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
Politics has part of manipulation and deception but in our current election it has created division. The president must bring unity and not lie for...
A problem and proposal about the economy
In this letter I will share why college tuition costs should be reduced.
Celebrities are paid millions of dollars each year while military men and women are sacrificing their lives getting paid very little compared to th...
Anyone in the United States should be able to go to college and not worry about how they are going to pay for the tuition and the debt they will be...
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
How do we manage to rack up millions in debt? Why are a large number of us unable to afford a visit to the hospital? Quite simply, because of overp...
Our Education Depends On It, You Can Change It.
College tuition is expensive. And the prices have been continuing to rise. What is being done to combat the price of a college education? Good educ...
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
This letter explores American poverty.
As a citizen of the United States, it sincerely concerns me that college tuition is very high and very unreasonable.
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
There are many homeless and they need a place to stay.
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.
I hope the president is reading this. I hope whoever the president is going to be, I hope they will do something good for this country. I hope the ...
This is about the rising prices of college tuition, and what I believe (and hope) can be done about it.
The U.S government has not funded as much as they should into NASA and if they had, our space program would be way more advanced and what NASA is w...
Dear Mr. / Madam President, I am a senior high school student at minarets high school located near Yosemite National Park and will be graduating...
College tuition has risen to an unaffordable amount for some middle class citizens.
Stop Homelessness today!!!!
That we need to start taking a step to fix the debt. We keep falling farther into debt each day and no one wants to take a stand to take a step to...
I am very concerned with the high price tag that many colleges have at this current time. Not many students can afford college even with financial ...
Keep college in mind during this presidency and please consider my thoughts below. :-)
Most kids don’t get to decide where they go to school; it’s based on where they live or where their parents want them to go. This not only affects...
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
This letter is about the tuition fees of college, and how they affect people.
Letter to future president
I think for the Refugee relocation process should be faster and we should offer an option to pay for college.
The cost of college is affecting our future and the people who want to go to college but can't afford it.
Is it okay for students dropout of college because of the fact that they can't afford to pay for school anymore?
The rising cost of college tuition is concerning for those who with low income, and who can’t afford it.
We should reduce the price of taxes with simple solutions. I have given some issues that can be resolved resulting in reduced tax prices.
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and we aren't doing enough to stop it.
College tuition is intensively rising and the price is becoming too high
funding education rather then prisons
What the president needs to do...
This letter was written in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, California. We are writing to express our fee...
We need to limit how much college is.
Taxes are scewed to benefit the wealthy
College education is becoming far out of reach for many individuals and families.
Increasing college tuition is preventing students from getting higher levels of education.
College should be accessible to anyone who wants to attend, regardless of income.
Many people are against free colleges and their reasons are correct, but the thinking should be re-evaluated and look to making colleges and u...
providing healthcare for everyone in the united states.
College expenses are overwhelming and something needs to be done about it and soon.
Offering free college tuition would put us spiraling into debt, cause a major raise in taxes, reduce value and quality of education, as well as mak...
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
My name is Evan Schwarzenbach and I am a 16 year old living in Lafayette Louisiana. I am worried about the future of free speech in the U.S., espec...
Dear Future President of the United States, The costs of college severely affects the way students view their potential education coming from the...
Police officers are not required to have a college degree. In the U.S. we have too much police violence and racism. This may be caused by their lac...
Politicians are mostly to blame for the deep debt that our country is in.
The cost of education is immensely high for those who value their education and wish to continue.
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
My letter is to help lower college pay.
More money for our country's workers - PLEASE!
The rise of college debt and tuition is rapidly rising and becoming an overgrowing issue in America.
My opinion of how taxes should work within our country
Pennies are weighing down our pockets and our nation. It's time to take a stand.
It is finally my turn to be going off to college soon, I am extremely excited, I've been waiting my whole life for this. The safety on college camp...
to be added
Paying for College
Why college should not be free.
The minimum wage is certainly not enough to live on, resulting in impoverished areas across the US.
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
Dear Future President, Wages are a very big problem. The federal minimum wage hasn’t changed for over 10 years! The federal minimum wage is just $...
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
Proposing the idea of a class for high school students that will help reduce College debt.
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
A letter to the next president about college tutition.
Dear Future President, With being president, I know you have many responsibilities. I understand you can’t cover everything everyone as...
Nuclear weapons are no longer useful, and quite frankly very stupid. Do we really want Mad Max to become a documentary?
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Students suffer with the high cost of college tuition, and the prices keep increasing over the years.
This letter consists of information that involves the gender pay gap and our country's debt.
College tuition needs to be lowered for people who have the strong drive for success but not always the money.
Why we should lower the cost of college tuition.
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
Students in the United States want to go to college to succeed in their lives, their communities, and their futures, and they want to achieve their...
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
The only way to fix our country's financial troubles is to teach our youth about money.
The US has been fighting ISIS for over 3 years now with hardly any progress. If we are to keep fighting ISIS, we need to pick up the pace or stop w...
College should be free because students that get full ride scholar ships get free things on campus and that unfair to all of the other hard working...
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
This letter is about the employment rate continues to rise causing the poverty rate to keep climbing. I would like to address the issue and hope fo...
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
Colleges prices have been raising throughout the years, and causing a lot of stress because of the debt.
The minimum wage has been rising. What it is doing to our country isn't as great as it seems.
How Low-Wage Jobs can lead to conflict.
Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
College Student Athletes work very hard to be great at a sport and handle school, but they aren't getting compensated.
I believe college should be free.
College tuition is increasing, leaving students unsure of their educational and vocational future.