Title sums it up.
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
What will we do when we meet our oil crisis?
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
This letter, addressed to presidential candidate Donald Trump, suggests a change in his proposed policies on the use of fossil fuels and coal, and ...
We need to make a change to renewable energy.
Nuclear power is safe and doesn't damage the environment like other sources.
America can't stand idly by while we deplete all of our coal and oil anymore, if we don't invest in new nuclear technologies, this world may not be...
This letter is about alternative energy and why we should use it.
The US is still using coal to power its motor. It's also slowly killing itself by releasing the horrible affects that come with burning coal. Howev...
The benefits of recycling outweigh the few seconds it takes. If the population were to recycle more than energy, water, and materials of the planet...
My letter discusses the importance of preserving our environment and changes in the earth's climate.
This is about how global warming changes us as a country.
Dear next president( Donald Trump)
The end of 2015 was the second time in history humans have found more oil than we used
We need a new form of energy that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
This letter is about the energy crisis we face today and my plan to solve it
Cars, machines, and factories are slowly killing the planet, we have the power to change our source of energy.
I believe we should increase our budget on renewable energy technologies.
Greenhouse gases are gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, such as carbon dioxide. The U.S. is the second...
Climate change needs to be addressed.
Dear Next President, Energy has become a problem in the past 10 years. “The US has been using coal since the early 1700s” according to the US ...
I strongly suggest switching from using oil and coal, to using an electricity grid or solar panels.
Renewable energy for America can mean saving the environment and creating money. Yet, how can we balance our need to go green and our need to keep ...
In this persuasive paper I talk about the three things I think the president should be the most concerned with and about.
We need to start becoming more environmentally aware in regards to the vehicles of the future.
Oil is running out, and we only have a couple decades of oil left. We need to fix this as a country and move forward as a species.
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
We don't need an immediate switch-over to renewable resources. Just let it happen on its own.
my thoughts on environmental issues
America should focus on becoming energy independent from the rest of the world and use renewable energy.
Renewable energy is the future of our world and our nation has not done enough to institute them. However, it is not too late, together we can work...
We must find a way to create energy that is renewable, and clean. Change is inevitable, so we must start it now.
How America can work towards using more efficient energy that can help in cutting the energy waste and becoming more productive and efficient as a ...
Although winds are unpredictable and the noise is a problem for people who are on a close vicinity to them, wind turbines are a safe, inexpensive, ...
Make America Great Again with Clean Renewable Energy Policies
We need to change the system of how we conserve our energy and reuse things so living would be much easier with fresh oxygen and no stress about th...
We should use nuclear energy mainly, along with various renewable resources.
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
Th way we get energy right now is not going to last forever and is seriously hurting our planet and ourselves. We need to make the switch from foss...
We are slowly destroying our earth with pollution, so why not stand up and make a change to fix it.
This letter's about how humanity can farm outer space minerals as a benefit for our future generation.
As a nation I believe that the need for fossil fuel to power life needs to come to end, now we must start using more clean, efficient and renewable...
Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our generation, but I believe every can fix it.
This letter is about nuclear bombs
Coal plants are being shut down because they produce too many gases. I'm here to stop that.
Nuclear energy is undoubtedly the most efficient, safe and environmentally friendly source of energy out there. It would be a mistake to continue o...
Pollution is a major problem in our world, and this video will show what is happening and how to stop it.
Coal power is not only efficient, but it is becoming clean.
Fossil fuels are negatively impacting America's environment and our nations health. The sooner America transitions away from fossil fuels the bette...
Sustainability is the biggest crisis facing America today.
America is relying on fossil fuels that are polluting the planet and we can replace them with clean nuclear energy.
The USA is facing threat of a nuclear war and we need to prevent this from happening.
Here in North Dakota, I have concerns about the oil pipeline and coal fired plant around the town in live in.
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
We need nuclear energy!
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
The United States is depleting its natural resources.
Dear next president. did you know Many families in Louisiana are dependent on the oilfield. in small towns in and around Louisiana that and farming...
We need to keep our power plants running until we have an alternative source.
Dear future president, If you value your way of life then I suggest you listen. Climate change isn't a question about your kids or grand kids any...
This letter describes the world's current usage of nuclear energy and other fossil fuels. It discusses the current methods of energy generation in ...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to find a new energy.
Coal power plants are forced to shut down to EPA rates
Aggression combined with nuclear bombs is the ultimate recipe for disaster. The only way to prevent mankind from detonating such a deadly device i...
My letter asks the president to lead to the way in shifting our countries reliance on fossil fuels to using clean renewable energy, despite economi...
Traditional energy such as fossil fuels will eventually ruin the world. Taking this into consideration, people need to dramatically increase the us...
It's cheaper and more efficient, and it prevents carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
Fossil fuels are destroying our environment and putting people in danger. We should work toward the majority of our energy being generated by nucle...
While Americans use one-fifth of the Earth's energy resources, our environment is suffering. Are we going to do something or leave things as they a...
Our energy sources are inefficient and running out, and we continue to waste them at a dangerous rate.
Renewable energy: the key to stopping our global warming problem.
We need a Green New Deal!
Coal is the most efficient energy source.
Climate change is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Our health and climate is declining, even though America is increasing its use of renewable energy. We are breathing in harmful chemicals that we s...
Dear Next president, ...
Some people believe that climate change is not a problem. However, the truth is that it’s worse than you think. If we do not stop burning fossil fu...
Global Warming
This letter is about solar power, how it affects the environment and the good things of solar panels.
This is a letter to our next president, regarding energy policies and economics.
We need nuclear energy for a brighter future.
"Nuclear Energy, the ability to utilize the almighty power of the atom itself."
The government of the USA needs to increase science funding for its military modernization, energy research, and computer sciences to keep up with ...
Climate change is a human-caused issue that needs to be stopped.
This is a short letter about issues I hope the next president will address.
Letter to the next president concerning our clean energy efforts and how we can lessen our impact on the ozone layer
Fossil fuels have been polluted our earth for hundreds of years, and we must switch to renewable energy sources to benefit America as a whole.
How will the next president use the energy options that new technologies have provided to influence the energy of the future?
Nuclear energy is the most ideal option as we face the climate change crisis. It is the most cost effective method while releasing little to no gre...
Energy plants should use renewable natural resources for energy because nonrenewable natural resources are running out and ruining the atmosphere ...
Global warming is a big issue now a days. This Article will explain how and why it effects us today.
America needs a new form of energy, more renewable energy.
Switching to renewable energy options will be beneficiary to the US.
Guns; let us keep them. Let us protect ourselves. Let us represent the second amendment. Environment; let us keep the animals. Let us keep the t...
We are running out of fossil fuels and at a very fast rate. Will the next president make the differences that need to be made? Or will they just pa...
Benefits of Renewable energy sources
Why renewable energy should be put into full effect.
The Dakota Access Pipeline is a beneficial project to this country, and it should be allowed to finish and operate.