Environmental Consciousness should be necessary to teach in schools across america.
Securing Americas borders is a very serious problem that we have today, not from incoming immigrants but from outgoing jobs. It is something that g...
What should we do with our taxes?
Wanting to live the American dream.
Our oceans are filling up with garbage. All types of marine life are dying. This must be stopped!!
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
These are a few ways that I believe the president could improve the health of our environment
Students need technology in their school to be ready for the real world.
Addresses the issues of war and coal. If these issues can be fixed, the U.S. will become a better place.
College tuition is expensive. And the prices have been continuing to rise. What is being done to combat the price of a college education? Good educ...
How will our next president combat negative actions against the environment?
As the next President of the United States, you have to be the voice to change the United Nations ineffective actions for trying to promote world p...
The high cost of a college tuition is an issue for students across the country. College is priced as a luxury, but is viewed as a necessity. Perhap...
I believe that one of the most important issues in our nation today that needs to be addressed is the distribution of wealth and the quality of our...
Immigration to the U.S is a big deal and I don't like that an illegal immigrant could come over and take my parents' jobs or even my future job.
The United States needs to stop global warming before the earth gets to the point of no return. After all the band of planets that have been found...
Higher taxes in order to create more welfare programs is unfair for the rich and poor.
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on Earth. However, it is dying out.
Global Warming is a problem all around the world and the U.S. should be the first to set a solution for it. We need to be the example for others.
The real reason why people need to keep taxes and why it helps people more than what they think it does.
Teachers are heroes too, and they should be treated as such.
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
The Pacific Garbage Patch has been a problem for quite a long time. We need the next president be the one to do something about it.
How America can work towards using more efficient energy that can help in cutting the energy waste and becoming more productive and efficient as a ...
With increasing tensions between Russia and The United States, how will our next President handle these problems and what course of action will he ...
Discussion on the use of fossil fuels and how they affect our health,environment,and economy.
Its about the taxes and the people trying to make the world a better place.
This letter is about taxes and where the money goes when we pay our taxes. Enjoy
This letter is expressing my concern for the rising healthcare cost.
Automobiles are the primary cause for more than half of the air pollution in the nation. It is imperative that we start making the switch to electr...
Dear Next president, ...
Environment change is a serious issue in the world and actions must be taken against the rapidly deteriorating environment.
The current funding for arts is atrocious, and should clearly be revived. Here are some reasons why!
The forest is vital as a watershed. Because of the thick humus large, loose soil and soil-retaining powers of the trees' long roots, forests are vi...
Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Aysia and I am a twelve year old turning thirteen very soon who is allergic to eggs,dairy, and nuts. Now ...
The MLS should not come to Detroit.
people who recycle help the environment to become cleaner.
There is no national law that mandates recycling. Therefore, we must have a mandatory recycling law to create a better future and clean environment.
We need to put an end to gas/oil powered cars.
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
My letter is about whether immigration is good or bad. Immigration could be a good thing for our counrty. SInce our country was made from immigrant...
Fracking is a controversial topic in the election. Fracking is a process that allows oil companies to extract natural resources that are trapped in...
We are overcrowding prisons and it very bad for the prisoners and society.
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
This letter is about the employment rate continues to rise causing the poverty rate to keep climbing. I would like to address the issue and hope fo...
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
Money is a gatekeeper of opportunity and that’s why it is crucial to invest money towards people. It is time for every American to earn a living wa...
Saving the people from unemployment in the United States, specifically in the field of the labor force and construction workers.
This is my letter.
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
A big problem in the U.S is airport security. It needs to be increased and the process streamlined. I think that airport security could be increase...
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
Current drug policy is taking a toll on our country as a whole but by taking steps towards the legalization of cannabis we can alleviate issues suc...
Dear Next President, how much does the earth matter to you? The earth was created around four billion years ago, allowing any living organism to su...
I am writing this letter about a serious problem that I care about. Today’s wildlife is suffering. We need to start paying more attention to this m...
Will we eventually have to resort to Communism?
Obesity rates have tripled and children obesity rates, more than doubling in the past few years. Something has got to be done to help save our youth.
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
The reasons why so man American's are loosing their jobs, and not being able to find another one.
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
I discuss issues on how taxes should be changed and organized differently.
What can the next President do to support tax reform and legislation that will support small businesses and working class families instead of the w...
pebble mine
My goal is to stop global warming and help preserve amazing places like our National Parks in the United States.
Memphis Cleveland wants the next president to increase efforts in taking care of the earth.
Climate change is real, and we must find a way to stop it to save our Earth before it is too late.
National debt
This is a letter about the issues of equal pay and why you should care.
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
The U.S must focus on our own problems before we get ourselves involved in other countries issues.
Female athletics are not as popular as male athletics, but that can be changed. People voted for equality and it needs to happen more in the sports...
Dear Future president,
Is the environment healthy for our future generation? This letter will explore air pollution and its detrimental effects on our Earth, the environm...
Farmers, by dumping waste, are making irreversible dead zones in the oceans.
Our environment has suffered with increased industrialization. As we deny changes we hurt both our well being and the health of our future.
This letter address how Green Roofs can help improve our environment.
Tax Reforms and Job Creation
Global Warming is an actual phenomenon
I would like to tell you some things that need to be fixed in our country and some ways they could be.
Our national parks need your help.
Though too often ignored by the problematic eye of today’s society, climate change and the growing heat of the earth is the most threatening issue...
Global warming is an epidemic that is raising the temperature of the earth, slowly melting ice caps and is a factor of the pollution in the world. ...
This letter is about illegal immigration. How the president can make sure, people in the future don't waste their tears, because of an illegal immi...
The health of the environment is essential to human life. With the polluting, inefficient energy that powers the U.S., we are not helping. We need ...
How I feel about poverty, and that the next future president should do something about it.
Letter about education cost and why it is a problem.
Stopping the destruction of our environment through deforestation will help to save plants, animals, and ourselves.
Our world is gradually falling apart. Effects of global warming, pollution, and destroyed wildlife are all around us. What needs to be done in orde...
Different ways to solve the ever-growing debt problem in the United States.
ISIS is responsible for far too many terrorist attacks and human rights violations, and must be halted.
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
This letter is about water pollution. Water pollution is a big deal. The fish could eat the garbage and die. We need to help.
I think that we need to lower the cost of taxes. They are too high.