Gay Adoption rights belong up with the high problems in our nation because L.G.B.T+ people matter too and should be able to be parents.
This letter is about racism and how it effects people.Read this story to find out more about racism.
A letter to the next president about immigration
Many believe that abortion is a crime. A murder even. However, it is a woman’s choice, risk, and right to decide if she wants to have a baby or n...
The times are changing so should are school system. I will be showing you the different sides to the argument and what plan to follow.
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
Why obesity is bad
Dear Madam or Mr.President: I need to address something to you before you go to office, My name is Marco Fermin and i want to ask somethi...
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
This letter is about the danger of distracted driving.
Animals are great pets, but using them as experiments is not okay. What did the animals do to deserve this cruel treatment?
The world is becoming smarter and the only way to survive is if you're educated; without that you can’t have a career, and you would go through the...
Pass laws to cut down on pollution
Wage gap is something that most people have to deal with. It is unfair that women have to deal with being paid less when they do the same jobs as m...
Is the rapid growth over imprisonment something we should be worried about, and are they preparing those within the system for reinsertion into soc...
Women are being paid less than men for the same amount of work.
Hunger is a big problem in the United States and in the world
I hope you focus on college tuitions because there many students who are in debt because of the expensive prices.
College is getting too expensive and I think the price should be lowered.
The U.S. government's debt is currently estimated to be $19.3, compromising my generation's economic opportunity, earning power, and ability to pay...
My views on the hot topic of gun control. Over 10,000 deaths of 2016 could ave been prevented.
Americans have too much access to guns which is destroying our country.
Letter to the President about bullying
Stop animal abuse from dog fight to testing make up on monkeys. Better Zoo habitats and keep animals off of streets.
For years, women have fought for their rights, but even today unequal pay still exists. For every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 80 cents. Gende...
Nuclear weapons are no longer useful, and quite frankly very stupid. Do we really want Mad Max to become a documentary?
Religious freedom has an impact on the United States
My paper is about how veterans are homeless and trying to get back on their feet.
Nowadays, police shootings are seen more often involving African Americans. They are mistreated a lot of time by the cops.
Undocumented immigrants should have an easier time becoming citizens.
Funding for space exploration should be reallocated to foreign aid and other domestic programs.
Make terrorism one of your top priorities!
The issue of drug abuse in our country is dramatically increasing and we need help to end It.
We can't loose our guns.
An honest question about why women are paid less than men in some areas.
Dear future president, I hope you are having a wonderful day, and I am thrilled that you have the time to read my message. There are some topi...
Why we shouldn't legalize marijuana and how it effects people.
In the United States, many look to higher education as a way to build their futures, yet all too many dreams are never brought to fruition due to e...
School lunches should have larger portion sizes.
Gun safety is important to American lives.
It's been proven across multiple different states that when these states have stricter and more gun control laws, that there are less gun related d...
A discussion of the unconstitutionality of current surveillance programs and steps we should take to solve the problem
A letter of hope for our american countries
Police Brutality has been an ongoing problem for years, and its only getting worse.
dear future president ill like you to make a few changes
Censorship in our country is over done, and overlooks the rights that every American is given.
This article is to inform our next president of the severity of the problem of prescription drugs.
This is a slam poem about censorship.
Possible solution to poverty...
This letter discusses the changes that need to be made to give women equal rights.
This letter addresses that we stop the use of plastic water bottles.
Elderly care, is an immense problem in the United States that needs to be addressed. There is not enough respect or enough care, and no justice or ...
This is a article about gun control and how it should not be enforced.
Lots of kids and families can't afford to buy food. This is a small step to maybe help kids and families be able to have a better life and be able ...
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
In today's society, when there are so many things challenging our faith in the electoral system, now more than ever students need a voice.
Poverty is a major issue in today's society, but we are combating it in the wrong ways.
“Playing the race card is a saying used to describe race-based opportunism. The accuser is alleging that the “player” has “deliberately and falsely...
I want abortion to stop, so let's make an effort to have it stopped.
The qualities that the future President should have.
The wage gap is an unfair epidemic and it needs to be closed.
The world is evolving and medicine is too!! 3D printing is getting the medicine world to be more advanced.
Teen stress has increased drastically in the past years due to different reasons. Most of the stress in teenagers is due to education and teachers.
We should have stricter gun control laws
My letter is about the dangers of distracted driving read this to see the dangers it could be.
Love is love, no matter what form. But even then, people still wish to stop the freedom for people to love whoever they wish.
This letter talks about bullying
Body image is a problem in our society- fix it.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
There needs to be more laws regarding gun control for safety of the people in this nation.
America is the home of the free and the brave. Here is my opinion about allowing refugees to come here and undocumented citizens to stay.
School start times are too early.
climate change
Letter to president about the environment.
I think that college athletes should get paid due to the amount of time and effort that they put in.
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
This letter contains causes and solutions to the growing issue of homeless youth in america. This is a serious issue because we are robbing homeles...
How many more reported teenage deaths will there have to be before we recognize this major issue?
17 Year old student exposes the issue of homelessness and no buildings being made to shelter them; only buildings of luxury for the wealthy.
Develops points against issues revolving illegal cannabis. As well as demonstrating points for the push of legalizing the use of Marijuana for recr...
This is my view on immigration and what I think should be done in order to keep it under control.
This letter is about how the future president should help make public college tuition free.
I'm covering the topic of Sex trafficking in the U.S. I provide a recent story on it as well as a former sex slave herself talking about her experi...
Dear Next President, Congratulations! You won the 2016 Presidential Election! I have extremely high hopes for our country's future and the care al...
Abortion should not be legal so babies lives are not taken for granted.
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
Environmental destruction needs to stop!
A letter to the next president detailing the need for comprehensive laws to prevent voter fraud in all elections
Syrian refugees need a new place to live where there is freedom and peace.
Abortion should only be allowed in certain circumstances.
Anika Biju hopes to encourage other young people to reclaim their voice in politics, but needs the next president's support. Produced by Raed Ahmed...
ISIS is a tragical subject that requires much of your attention.
Animals around the world are being taken for granted every day, being mistreated. I want to help save these helpless creatures as much as I can.
We need to review the death penalty.
The concern over reproductive health care rights is ever-increasing, and women are currently being denied the ability to easily access the health c...
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
Women and men should have equal rights.