Animal cruelty and captivity is a serious issue.
Have you ever seen an ad on the TV where animals are really sad looking because they are abused? Well, animals are abused more than anyone thinks. ...
The animals that are being abused by people needs to stop and be changed, so animals may be treated respectyfully.
I think we all need to help all animals and try to stop animal abuse.
Animal testing is a serious problem that isn't really being talked about. It should be taken more serious and needs to be stopped duo to how many a...
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
100 million animals are burned, poisoned, abused, and killed in U.S. labs due to animal testing.
Animal abuse is a problem in America. I think that we need to prevent it and do something about animal abuse.
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the world and the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Animal abuse is going on everyday without anyone noticing. The next president needs to use their power to solve this issue and save the lives of th...
Derelict Fishing Gear is hurting our ocean life.
We should stop deforestation to protect animals as well as nature
In our everyday lives, millions of animals are used for testing products which many die from. These animals are used to test if products are safe f...
Animal abuse has been going on for a long time and its increasing over the years. Animals deserve a life too, so this needs to be stopped.
Breeders are over breeding dogs and cats leaving the mother and puppies/kittens in poor health, causing people to bring them to shelters, where the...
Animals are treated in horrible ways and it's up to our government to reduce this cruelty in the world.
Do you wonder why people care about the well-being of animals, do you want to raise awareness of domestic violence or gun violence, or do you want ...
Horse soring is a form of animal abused that is has been banned but the law needs to be enforced.
Animal abuse is a very mean thing and we need to end it now.
Animals have rights just like we do and they are not taken as seriously as the should be.
Alaskan Natives have been living and teaching the younger people like me how to live how my ancestors lived.
Animals are being abandoned, and no one is doing anything.
I think animal abuse is wrong and there needs to be a change.
Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. So why is it still done heavily in the U.S. when there are other safe methods available? Something needs to b...
Many endangered species have been and are being hunted by humans into extinction.
Stop animal cruelty and dog fights in the USA.
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
I believe dogs should have a shelter because a shelter provides safety for other animals that might cause them harm
Dear Future President...
We need to have people help save animals from animal abusing.
This article is about animal abuse.
Animal cruelty is something big all over the world, yet the topic doesn't get much attention. Here is why animal abuse should be more known.
This letter will show the hard facts about how many healthy animals are put down at animal shelters due to pet overpopulation, overcrowding and lac...
Every year there is an excessive amount of trash in our oceans. Every year there is also an amount of dead animals, from too much trash in the ocea...
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
An animal should not be abused so next president please HELP.
There is a way you can help these animals in puppy mills, dog fights, and animal hoarding.
We need to put a stop to animal abuse. :)
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
My letter talks about what to do about animal abuse, illegal dog fighting, and explaining what animal abuse is.
Animal abuse needs to stop. It is against the law, and people should not be cruel to animals.
Animals all over the world suffer every single day. What would you do about the abuse of animals?
Our country is not aware of how causes in our world are negatively affecting our nation's and world's precious wilderness. This a serious problem t...
Tigers are dying. We need save them before they are gone forever.
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
This letter explains the issues of animal testing around the world. Many animals are being tortured for tests that are not even working. They are s...
Animal abuse is a big problem that needs to be resolved.
End the practice of animal captivity for entertainment.
Humans have caused many problems to this day, animal cruelty is one of them.
Help the enviorment
Animal abuse is intolerable and needs to end.
Which endangered animals should we save and why.
We are a part of nature and to betray nature, is to betray ourselves.
Factory farming is a cruel and inhumane issue that needs to be stopped. These slaughterhouse workers treat these animals in a way that just seams i...
Global Warming is a catastrophic problem that needs to be solved. If not taken seriously, our world will be in a deep problem.
Many animals are being mistreated and abandoned when they're not "needed" anymore. We need to take a stand and help these innocent animals.
The U.S. is responsible for over 70% of animal trafficking! Halt animal trafficking in its tracks by raising pay of wildlife rangers and putting mo...
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
Animal Testing
Animal Cruelty needs to stop now, animals are being abused for an unknown reason and they are dying from hunger and some not good care from their p...
Why do we have animal testing if it harms animals?
I wrote about how animal abuse should be a felony in all 50 states.
dog fights are brutal and around 20,000 dogs are killed in them so they need to stop
looking into the inhumanity of animal testing, and why it should be stopped
Animal Abuse needs to be stopped.
Poor animals are suffering for our shampoo and lotion. Animal testing can be prevented.
This needs to be stopped... now!
Animal abuse has been an issue for far too long and it's time for it to come to an end.
Animals abuse is getting out of control.
There should be stricter laws against animal abuse
Each year, more than 100 million animals—including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are kill...
Whats really going on behind the scenes in zoos!
Tail Docking For Cows
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States of America. it needs to be put to an end for good. this is for the safety of the animals all a...
How to fix animal abuse for years to come.
Citizens of the US do not realize how much harm they are doing. Dangerous fumes being exhaled from the backs of our cars and lower class Americans ...
Thousands of dogs are being killed due to dog fighting, and it needs to end.
In this letter to the Next President I inform you of the importance of cruelty and endangerment towards animal victims
Animal abuse is becoming worse, and worse in our world, and it needs to stop. Read on to see my opinion on it. I have a strong story that relates t...
Dear Future President, I am writing this letter because I believe that homeless animals should be treated equally just like everybody else.T...
My thoughts on factory farms
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.
Two 6th grade classes in El Cajon CA were inspired by teen activists and want to make a difference by having government officials take action on a ...
Reducing meat consumption is better for the environment and our health.
Animal abuse has been happening for a long time, but we were created to take care of animals--not abuse them. Animal abuse needs to stop now!
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
I'm Lula Gebrengus. I'm 14 years old, and I'm worried about the animals in the world because they're being abused by their owners just for the fun ...
Animal testing is cruel and unethical. It is unnecessary and a waste of life.
Animal cruelty comes in two forms: neglecting the responsibility to take care of pets and physically abusing animals.
Zoos are a major problem today and need to be monitored and looked at more closely. There are many issues that involve zoos that are not being look...
Just take a moment and think about this. Over 26 million animals are tested, abused and even killed every year. Are you going to continue to let th...
Animal cruelty is a problem because animals are getting hurt each year due to people abusing and mistreating them for no reason.
Is the Earth important to you? If we keep this up the earth will no longer be the wonderful place that you know of today. Help keep our environm...
Animal testing should be abolished worldwide because it practices speciesism, there are other alternatives to be used, and a great deal of the rese...
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Animal abuse should be illegal.
You would be horrified on the amount of animal abuse cases reported a year. Domestic or not I believe it's not just cats and dog who are opposed to...
There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in t...