This issue is about Global warming. I hope that you take this problem in to consideration.
Climate change is a serious threat to future generations of humans worldwide.
We have polluted our environment and it's our job to stop it
Whats really going on behind the scenes in zoos!
Allowing global warming to continue unchecked is putting today’s society and that of future generations at risk of losing the world as we know it t...
We need to help put a stop to pollution, deforestation, global warming.
Issues with the future of our country.
Global warming is happening now
What are you going to do to save our environment?
How to take a realistic look at the state of our climate and how to address it in a realistic political view.
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
People across the globe need to have access to knowledge on how they can keep our earth healthy.
Global warming and climate change are real, current, and man-made. We need to be the ones to fix the issue.
Climate change is a real problem and must be acknowledged.
This letter explains why the Keystone XL Pipeline should not be installed and how it will impact climate change.
Air pollution and how it is slowly killing the Earth.
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
I want you to slow the effects of global warming. We are too far gone to stop global warming completely, but if you work to slow down the effects,...
Our planet needs our attention.
Global warming is a serious issue and is happening right now and will only get worse over time. Global warming will and is effecting lives of human...
I understand that you are currently receiving hundreds of letters with the people's’ various points and view. But that won’t stop me from trying to...
An overview of problems caused by climate change.
Global Warming cause lots of different issues, and we need to protect our environment, protect our Earth.
People are destroying the world we live in. We are wasting are water instead of giving it to those who need it most. We are destroying the arctic w...
Let's help Mother Earth!
A short video regarding the epidemic that has come across America. Prescription drugs are taking over the U.S and there needs to be something done ...
In this letter I tell the president that global warming (climate change) is our biggest threat and that he must do something
I explain the horrible consequences of global warming.
Fossil fuels are a huge problem in our community because they can add to our atmosphere.
Climate change is going to determine the future.
It is time that we start thinking of Education as knowledge and understanding.
Global warming is causing lots of problems around the world. If we don’t try to stop it these problems will get bigger.
Global Warming is an extreme issue, not only in the United States, but all over the world.
Are people aware of the problems that Global Warming carries?
Why aren't we doing anything to fix it? Renewable energy should be far more common than it is now.
Climate change is hurting the environment. We must do something to stop it because global warming is caused by humans, and must be stopped by humans.
Global warming is a big deal. I want to see global warming addressed because it can have drastic effects on the climate.
As a new president, you must plan carefully and efficiently in order to resolve the issues in the U.S., and to make this country great again.
Suicide prevention and awareness doesn't get enough attention or publicity. The government should create a program to aid in spreading infor...
Renewable energy, clean energy, planting more trees and us are the key to stopping climate change and make our planet back to its greatest day.
This is explaining ideas of how to help the cause
Global warming is a major threat to Earth that needs to be stopped immediately.
In this letter, I explain my veiws/beleifs on the Keystone XL pipeline, and what environmental impacts it is making, and why I believe it should sh...
Human beings are the most dominant beings on earth. With great power comes great responsibility. So we are killing our own atmosphere, we know we a...
The government of the USA needs to increase science funding for its military modernization, energy research, and computer sciences to keep up with ...
Global Warming is causing many issues in our world today.
Fossil fuels are negatively impacting America's environment and our nations health. The sooner America transitions away from fossil fuels the bette...
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
The next president needs to address climate change because it is ruining our ecosystem, our forests, and our natural resources such as The Great La...
Our planet is being harmed by human activity every day. The water, land, and air are all being polluted at alarming rates, and the next president ...
We need to stop the unsustainable farming of palm oil because it dramatically affects the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere.
Global Warming is an issue that we can't avoid; but exactly what is global warming and how bad is it?
Why we should be worried about our changing world.
Why excess carbon dioxide pollution needs to be stopped
Global warming is the most pressing issue we face today as a global community yet we focus more on our selves than all of us a whole.
Global warming (along with other things) is changing the world - for the worse. Here are some reasons why it is happening and how we can help stop ...
Coal and crude oil energy sources are more harmful to us than we thin they are. Nuclear energy provides us with a better option.
Global warming is an ever-present issue in our country today that needs to be addressed before it's too late.
Letter to the next president concerning our clean energy efforts and how we can lessen our impact on the ozone layer
Global Warming is destroying our world one day at a time. Our Earth is dying and we need to help heal it. By recycling and renewing energy we can h...
Our planet is slowly dying and we need to act fast. We find that awareness is key to helping problems to begin with so what must be done in our edu...
Dear Future President, Your life, my life, and future generations depend on a clean and safe environment to live in. I ask that as president you f...
Everyday Mental Disorders are perceived as dangerous and inappropriate for conversation among schools, yet teen suicide rates continue to skyrocket...
Viewed as a backseat issue, more emphasis should be placed on combating global warming and other environmental issues.
Clean Energy!
There needs to be more awareness and understanding of domestic abuse throughout college campuses, high schools and with young adults.
In this letter to the next president I am educating to you about teen drug addiction and how we can stop it.
This letter address how Green Roofs can help improve our environment.
Fossil fuels are destroying our environment by causing global warming.
Type one diabetes is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow glucose to produce energy. ...
Pollution is destructive , because it creates numerous types of water pollution and also lead to poor air quality affecting people's health.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of climate change.
Climate change is a dangerous climate anomaly that the future president should fix.
Global Warming
This letter shows the next president how important it is that we address the pollution problems and that Climate Change is in fact a real yet dange...
We live in a amazing and beautiful world with amazing features. It's the only known habitable planet we can live on. The question, why are we hurti...
Global Warming is a big issue all around the world, together we can stop it. Fumes, toxins, smog, and emissions have tainted our once beautifully p...
Global Warming issue
We need to start paying attention, and sacrificing things we don't need, for things we do, like oxygen, and a place to live.
Global warming can be stopped if we start right now because before you know it it will be too late.
Our current rate of carbon dioxide production is going too fast for life to adapt.
Global warming is a major issue that if not controlled, will end life as we know it.
Climate change is threatening the human race and the entire planet, but nobody seems to care. When will we start taking climate change seriously?
My letter is about the problems global warming poses and some solutions on how to start fixing them. Its also about the causes of global warming li...
i will be talking about haw it affects the world and me, and how we can fix the problem of climate change.
Global warming is a big issue that affects the people, environment and world. If it does stop now, results would be catastrophic
Global warming is a serious problem in the world
In my letter I explain the truth about the meat, dairy, and eggs that are in your fridge and how it can affect our world. Turning into a vegan can ...
Earth's temperatures are rising, bringing side effects on the environment. We must act on climate change now before it's too late.
The world is overheating at an alarming rate and we must take proactive steps to prevent it from getting larger.
Climate change is effecting our nation and globe drastically, and you need to help solve this problem
Climate change is a pressing matter for everyone, and it is something we must do our best to mitigate immediately.
Global Warming is a serious and growing problem in the United States.
Pollution is a serious problem that must be handled now.
There are more than 200 mental illnesses. Listen to the pain of the people and families that are affected by mental illness.
We are slowly destroying our earth with pollution, so why not stand up and make a change to fix it.
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
We have a letter about global warming and all the damage it can cause, and then we have a picture we created about global warming.
Renewable energy: the key to stopping our global warming problem.