A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
Police Brutality
The tensions between civilian and policeman have escalated to an outright horrid degree. Both sides should work on communication and be taught to p...
Letter to the president based upon police brutality.
lost lives caused by racism needs to end.
It's guns and bullets /and some cops take advantage of that they do want they want / shoot when they feel like it / arrest who they want to / and t...
This letter is about The police brutality towards African Americans and Latinos.
Ever since humans were formed racism has been a problem. Throughout the years many people have tried so hard to stop this but despite their efforts...
Over the past few years, police brutality has become a major issue in the United States. Unfortunately it continues to grow and some major changes ...
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
Police brutality is becoming a recurring problem in the United States.
Police attacking the innocents
Increasing tension and hostility has affected society and its progress to peace.
The police shouldn't be a gang of control freaks with guns who can do whatever they want without repercussions
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
Why Black Lives Matter
Letter To Next President
police brutality
The shooting has to stop.
Dear next president, The issue of police brutality has been a major problem and popular issue facing this country right now. The police are...
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.
Letter to our future President
Stop the racial profiling and police brutality that has been going on in America
Our lives matter, so let's end this problem.
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
In recent years there has been a rise in police brutality, especially towards the African-American community. We ask that something be done.
A letter to the next president concerning police violence on citizens
I am going to talk about racial profiling. There are a lot of cases where police shoot and abuse people because of their skin color. I think body c...
my name is Jaylen i am a 14 year old male and i am going to tell you about police brutality on minorities.
There are too many police killings.
Racism has been going on for a long time and it needs to stop now.
Our justice system is fixable.
Police brutality is a serious issue in the world, with the presidents help, I think we can help the world become a better place.
Learn from me, a 15 year old African American female, from Philly, what issues need to change in my environment, in effort towards a better America.
Dear Mr./ Mrs. President, The biggest problem in the United States right now is police brutality. I think it is a big problem that we hav...
In my letter, I will be talking about police brutality in the United States. I will be directing the problems and suggesting ways to solve this pro...
Law enforcement officers should be respected more because of the hard work they do to keep our country safe.
The policemen are here to protect the people, NOT to kill them!
The amount of videos and incidents I have seen of police misusing their power is sickening.
A letter to the future president about racial inequality against people of color.
Police brutality and gun control are two things that should be controlled. We are in 2016, and these are both still major issues that should be set...
The amount of cases of police brutality is out of control. Something needs to be done about it.
In United States African American face many hardships, from being denied a job, to having underprivileged schools. You would think the government w...
Police brutality is a serious problem and I am sure that you are aware of that, but I believe that not much is being done to stop this brutality.
There is a lot of racism in this country, and it seems to only be increasing as the days progress. I believe racism shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere...
I wrote a letter to the next president talking about police brutality against African Americans.
Police issues cause a lot of problems in the U.S.A
My letter is about police brutality. It's a very big issue and I think the president needs to address this issue.
Racial segregation is ruining our country
My Letter is about how police brutality is a problem and suggestions on hoe to fix it.
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
Our nation is torn apart by police brutality, but better police training and supporting Black Lives Matter can help.
How can we trust our police if innocent people are being killed?
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
Police brutality of black citizens has gotten out of control.
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
There is a lot of police brutality that has been going on lately.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Time to look at both sides. Do you think police brutality is a problem?
Letter to our next president discussing Police Brutality & Discrimination to Blacks
Dear Future President , Police have been killing very...
Police brutality is becoming a problem to where people are getting killed more often by officers. This is simply just information about the situati...
Something needs to be done. The topic of police brutality certainly needs to be discussed and changed to better protect the people and the police o...
Police brutality has been an ongoing issue for a while now, its time we do something to change it.
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
In this letter, it is about police brutality and mental illnesses. I would like to thank you for your time.
In the past two years, there were many reports of police brutality. To prevent this situation from happening further, you and the Congress can est...
Everyone needs to know both sides of every story.
Police brutality is turning Americans against one another.
The Law system oppresses blacks and people of color. Police shoot first and ask questions latter and this needs to stop because innocent lives are ...
Police Brutality is a serious issue in are community's. In case you don't know what police brutality is please see examples of it in the Huffington...
Some people are contradicting the movement Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" which is not the issue at hand.
Our heroes are killing our people.
I think that there are big flaws in our police systems that need to be addressed.
The police are good people. It doesn’t make sense that a person would die for someone they hate. They give their life for us, for our freedom. They...
In my letter to the next President, I argue that gun violence and police brutality is never the right answer.
Racial profiling among black males has created a tension between the police for and the people of the black community. This has become an ongoing i...
Many Americans have a narrow view on racism. With this letter I would like to widen their views and show them both sides of the issue.
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
Dear Next President,
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Police Brutality and Racial Inequality must be stopped.
Ellaina Andrew
Police brutality is a problem in the United States and should be put to an end.
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
Concerned by recent cases in which police officers accused of violent crimes are acquitted in court, Jackie Payne wants the next president to addre...
A piece asking for an end to police brutality and the tension between police and civilians.
This country was established for freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It's hard to fulfill these thing's if people are being killed because t...
My letter addresses one of America's biggest issues which is police brutality. I think that this is such an important problem that can't be ignored...
Police brutality is an imminent issue that you should assess, because it first handedly affects the lives of our people in America; it further oppr...
Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force wel...
Police Brutality is a growing issue in this nation that needs to be the top priority within our country.
Valentina Pavolini
Can we fix our domestic policies?
Police need to stop abusing They're power
Don't mistreat people just by their appearance.
Ashlyn Koontz