Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
My thoughts on abortion and why it should be illegal with very few exceptions.
Abortion is killing a baby that isn't born yet or killing a baby that is being born and it should be illegal in all states.
Abortion needs to be rethought
Abortion should not be discussed only as a common American taboo, but it needs to be addressed as an adult conversation. Women and girls around th...
Women in the U.S.A have the option of being educated,however some women around the world don't.
Abortion should be kept legal in our country to give women the right to do what they want with their bodies.
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
A thirteen-year-old Mexican girl was raped by her uncle and was refused an abortion. Abortions are illegal in Mexico unless someone is raped. ...
Dear Mr./Mrs. President,
Women have the right to choose.
Mr. President, My name is Sarina Shiflett, i am in high school and i live in northern Virginia. The topic i have decided to discuss is your ch...
Women in need of abortion are struggling with being provided a safe, healthy procedure.
My letter is about why abortion should be illegal.
Abortion is a choice. The woman or couple that have a baby in the womb should have the option to get an abortion if they wish not to have a child u...
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...
Some women go through an abortion either because they do not have their own life together, or they do not have the money to support that child or...
Letter to the future President
In America abortion is a huge problem.
Social Issues and Concerns in Our Country
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
Abortion, one of the most controversial issues in today's society, is a very important factor, especially for women in this next election.
Some characteristics you should have and thoughts on abortion.
I wrote a letter to the future president, whoever he or she may be about my beliefs and ways I believe we can change as country for the better. I w...
Abortion is a controversial topic all over the world. However, it is not the choice of the government. It is a personal choice.
Planned Parenthood, a facility that provides affordable healthcare for men and women nationwide, is being threatened of being defunded due to one t...
We need to stop killing unborn babies. It is not right.
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded- it is a valuable facility for many women, men, and young adults who need assistance or a service.
All women deserve equal rights as men in the workplace.
What are you going to do to change it?
I believe abortion should be legal for all ages.
Gender equality is still a major problem in the United States and around the world. Women and girls are still fighting for equal rights and the ch...
There are pros and cons to allowing women to have abortions.
You are going to be the next president and i suggest that you end all abortions.
A letter for the future president about abortion.
In this letter, I will be explaining the importance of people understanding that abortion is a good but also a bad thing. Having an abortions doesn...
Here in this letter, I will discuss why I feel abortions should stay legal and also include the counterclaim as well.
People that are Pro-Choice believe that giving birth to an unwanted child can cause depression. According to healthsearchfunding.org, women who hav...
Abortion? Yes or no?
America is a country where we are allowed to make our own desicions. So why are women getting opinions about what's right or wrong?
Abortion should be free under any insurance because women should have the right to decide what happens with their bodies.
The right to choose is important in this country.
My topic is Women's Rights. I will be discussing things like Education and Salary.
My article is about ending abortion
Why I think abortion should be illegal.
Included are some of the most important reasons why planned parenthood should continue to be funded through the federal government
Abortion should be legal for every family that feels it's necessary.
The USA is allowing innocent children to be killed and nothing is being done to stop this.
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Women deserve the same rights that men have.
In my letter to the future president I discuss a woman's right to have an abortion and ways we can reduce the need.
The Equal Rights Amendment is a crucial piece of the our journey to Equality.
Abortion should be illegal.
Our nation is corrupt and divided. When it comes to social issues, we become even more separated from one another. We are in need of a change that...
It is long past time that we correct the issue of gender inequality in America.
Unless you're the one laying on a bed for hours while your body writhes in pain as you push an 8 pound baby out of your vagina, then you don't get ...
Women are judged upon what we do. It's our body, not yours or his.
There are too many lives being taken. Illegalized abortion and let there voices be heard.
Women should retain the right to be able to choose to have an abortion.
Abortion can prevent lives of misery all over the nation
Abortion Is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Dear Next President, Abortion is a complex issue, but it should be a woman's choice. Listen to this Spoken Word piece that explores the various sid...
We need to close the Wage Gap!
They are the main source of income in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women co...
Adoption: a gratifying alternative to abortion.
Addressing why abortion should become illegal
Abortion needs to stay legal. Women die from illegal abortions.
Women are always blamed for the horrific conditions they have been through and often fear to tell others their situation. In my letter, I explain w...
Planned Parenthood is a vital resource to our country and defunding it would lead to an increase in STD's and unplanned Pregnacies
All about Femnisim and how to treat women.
One of the main controversial issues in America is abortion. Another issue facing the states is the amount of homeless people. If these two issues ...
All humans have the right to live and this includes unborn babies.
Do you really find it acceptable to kill an innocent child ? Yet you find it okay to kill a human for murdering another human .
What I think about abortion.
Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Dear Future President,
The issues on abortion and possible solutions.
Women are entitled to make their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. The government should not be able to force a woman to do anything...
STOPPING ABORTION will be the next things on their list to do.
I want abortion to stop, so let's make an effort to have it stopped.
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before...
Sexual assault/harassment, an issue that it's affecting our community without we even knowing what's happening. And we can change these issue toget...
Why abortion should be legal
Dear Next President, Women...
The next President will likely appoint between one and four Justices to the Supreme Court. This will determine the direction of the country for dec...
Dear Donald Trump , Although I am young I still have a voice and I feel that you should listen. From all the bogs and social media it seems that yo...
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and cruel and should be no more. It may not seem like a big issue but this problem effects the world so ...
Abortion should be illegal
I would like to tell you about abortion.
There is controversy over whether or not women should be allowed to get an abortion. The power of a woman to have complete control over her body is...
"Abortion has frequently taken center stage in American politics".
Abortion should become less available in the united states.
Women's roles have evolved as the new century rises. Therefore, legislation should improve so that conditions are met in which women can thrive.