Police brutality should be controlled
There is a lot of police brutality that has been going on lately.
The statistics of police shootings are continuously rising, therefore I feel that police should be trained in psychology to reduce shootings and th...
In Wisconsin and in many other states, lung cancer has been caused by the radioactive element Radon. Then the element can seep up into homes, via ...
My letter is about how there has been millions accounts discrimination against African-American and Latino children in schools and in almost every ...
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
Abortions should be legal to eliminate backstreet abortions, to provide a situation to solve an unwanted pregnancy (due to incest or rape) and to p...
Police brutality is when a cop does something to an other person for no reason.
Black Lives Matter doesn't just relate to police killings. It also extends to education opportunities for Black youth. Focusing on All Lives Matter...
I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is black lives ...
Racism is still alive today as seen in recent examples of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement.
This letter is about the issue of police brutality. It gives reasons on why this issue is so important right now and how to fix it.
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Talking about school safety and how we can keep schools safe.
Police Brutality
This is about recent police brutality reports.
This letter is about police violence in the nation and how the President can stop it.
"all lives cant matter until we acknowledge that black lives matter "
I wrote a letter to the next president talking about police brutality against African Americans.
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
Throughout the past 3 years there have been a few of Caucasian police officers killing African Americans. When these events happened the officers d...
What is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now? Guns.
Its not about race.
In the first three months of 2016, 250 people have been fatally shot by police officers. According to the Washington Post near the end of the year...
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
I'm 17 years of age 5'9 African American and Today I come to tell you that I want Police Brutality to stop!!!! The year isn’t over yet, and police...
So many reports of police brutality have been filed, so why aren't we doing something about it?
In the end, we are all humans.
Discrimination still exists today, and that needs to change now.
Police brutality is a huge problem in our country.
Police need to be more carfule on what they do they are the ones that need to protect us we should not feel scared
Racial discrimination from cops
Police misconduct is a serious issue, with the most controversial crimes committed on duty: murder, theft, and assault.
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
Artificial Intelligence is not to be used in the military. If you don't read this then it could mean the end of the world as we know it.
Bus safety is a growing problem. From lack of seat belts to unqualified drivers, this issue needs attention in order to stop the growing number of ...
Improve the U.S. Border Patrol, and make it a safer job.
I feel Gun control should be enforced more than it already is, to many people have been killed because of these loose laws.
Ellaina Andrew
This letter was made by Mr. Leeper's 6th period class in San Francisco, CA at Aptos Middle School. We are sending you letters to show how we feel a...
Many innocent people die every year because of falsely accusing people in criminal situations. Many African American people die because of racism, ...
Gun control laws should not be enacted because guns help protect us and gun control laws will create illegal activity.
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
Police brutality has shown that we need to improve racial equality in America.
in the end, we are all human.
lost lives caused by racism needs to end.
People are afraid of the police because of news reports about police brutality.
Stop, don't shoot!
One of the main problems we are living with now and urgently need to stop is the discrimination towards all of those who are LGBT. We need to start...
Police brutality needs to stop. Now.
Police brutality is becoming a recurring problem in the United States.
I wrote about child abuse and how people should pay attention to it more and how the president should prevent it from happening.
Racial profiling and police violence needs to stop in the world and everyone needs to be equal.
We have developed a fear of police officers with their way of protecting us, which seems to be to shoot first and ask questions later.
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
Something needs to be done. The topic of police brutality certainly needs to be discussed and changed to better protect the people and the police o...
This movement is to strive away from this Black White society where Whites or the racist government control the people.
Do you know what other people do just to get rid of their enemy's rights for education or just the right to live? Shouldn't all people have the sa...
I am concerned because there have been many innocent people killed this may be because of possible untrained police officers.
The next president, whoever it is, should just chillax and do the job.
African Americans are in need of Government help.
Basic human rights have been denied to too many people for too long.
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
The amount of cases of police brutality is out of control. Something needs to be done about it.
The violence against African American citizens has to STOP!
Many African Americans in the U.S. are starting to die due to the disastrous actions of the police.
Learn from me, a 15 year old African American female, from Philly, what issues need to change in my environment, in effort towards a better America.
Can our future president actually make America great again?
Often on the news, you see stories of miniorities being mistreated. We need to address this issue now.
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
The concerns and problems influenced by police brutality.
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President, In the United States, racial inequality and unfairness is one of our biggest issues today. Yes, black ...
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
Police brutality is a huge issue and must come to a solution. The United States are encountering more cases each year.
Police Brutality is getting out of hand
The Juvenile Justice System is flawed and we need a better way to truly discipline children, not endanger them.
It is critical that we work to build the relationship between Law Enforcement and black communities.
Letter To Next President
police brutality against black people should be stopped
The usage of drones overseas should be continued. They keep US military personnel safe, kill fewer civilians than any other military weapon, and ar...
Child Protection Services should be strictly evaluated, and hire caseworkers that will be serious about their jobs for checking in on children who ...
Looking at the negative impact of the Black Lives Matter group.
Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force wel...
The police force designed to protect and serve has been corrupted and need the guidance of our Future President
All lives matter to me.
Dear Mr. Future President The phrase “black lives matter” has become the cry for many African Americans in the long struggle for freedom. But du...
Why police brutality needs to be stopped and the wage gap needs to be minimized.
I understand that our nation is always going to have problems; however, we need to start taking care of those problems one by one. A major probl...
This is talking about the good and bad about the subject of Black Lives Matter.
People are entitled to not stand for the national anthem as a peaceful, effective protest against racial inequality and police brutality.
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
The police are good people. It doesn’t make sense that a person would die for someone they hate. They give their life for us, for our freedom. They...
Racial Profiling is getting outta control & it needs to STOP
Black Lives Matter
I argue that the disproportionate killings of people of color is an issue that needs to be addressed.