A college education is key for success in the USA and should be made affordable for everyone.
Cost of College
The cost of tuition is limiting people to go to college.
College tuition prices are way to high for any student to pay. Many students will leave college in a huge amount of debt. There is almost $1.2 tril...
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
College tuition prices are too high.
College education is becoming far out of reach for many individuals and families.
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
The lowering of normal standards to increase diversity.
lowering college tuiton
The problem with college tuition and how it is affecting young adults.
Hello my name is Tyler Johnston I am 14 years old and I am from Seattle Washington, my letter is about how college tuition is too high and too expe...
We need a solution to crippling student loan debt.
For students who are not of the minimum age but are intelligent far beyond their age, I firmly believe they should be offered a better opportunity ...
Lowering cost of College tuition
In this letter to the next president, I will address the problem of high college tuition costs.
Many students today are looking at attending college, but college expenses are growing and the number of students attending college is decreasing. ...
Making college tuition free is a plausible plan that would benefit our country economically and intellectually, as will as help you're voting numbe...
This letter is addressing the cost of college tuition, and the deductions that our next president should make for students planning to go to colleg...
With college tuition being so high, the struggle to afford a college education is as big as ever
The cost of college is a topic that is very important to me and I think that if the cost of college is lowered a burden will be lifted off so many ...
Dear Next President, Please make the college tui...
Louisiana's TOPS program is vital
College should be free because students that get full ride scholar ships get free things on campus and that unfair to all of the other hard working...
The rise of college debt and tuition is rapidly rising and becoming an overgrowing issue in America.
Everyone deserves a chance
Persuasive Letter to the next President to make college more affordable.
In my letter I explain the harm of college exams and why they should be used in moderation.
College tuition should be free for public/community colleges for in state students.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
College is overpriced and something needs to be done about it
Colleges' need to take the extra measures to handle and prevent rape and sexual assault from happening on campus, in order to make students feel sa...
College tuition continues to rise, and less students can afford to pay these rising fees.
This is a letter about college tuition and the problems of the cost to go to college for families.
College Debt
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
I hope you focus on college tuitions because there many students who are in debt because of the expensive prices.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, I would like to bring to your attention the incredibly high university tuition rate.
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
Most kids don’t get to decide where they go to school; it’s based on where they live or where their parents want them to go. This not only affects...
Over the past 10 years college tuition has risen a ton and is starting to become unaffordable.
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
Every year high school seniors look to go to college the next fall. For some, that cannot happen because of the high prices of college.
I feel that students should be granted 2 free years of community college. Here's why...
Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and we aren't doing enough to stop it.
High college tuition is preventing access to higher education for average Americans.
College needs to be be cheaper in the USA because it will benefit us in the long run.
The rising cost of tuition in Oregon has increased over the past years and has become an issue for some high school graduates going into college. W...
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
College tuition is more expensive then ever and is leaving students with debt.
I hope this letter will impact your view on college tuition costs.
We need to reduce college tuition to improve the lives of students.
Decrease Tuition
Supporting Free College Tuition
College prices are to high and should be lower.
We need to lower college tuition.
As the price of going to college keeps rising, more and more students are getting left behind. College should be made affordable to everyone.
Why should someone be prevented from going to college if they are just as capable of doing the work as everyone else?
The problem that million of students are concerned about is the huge college tuition that is not affordable.
College tuition is hurting Americans
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
College tuition just keeps increasing, while the motivation for youth to pursue top tier education continues to decrease.
The high cost of universities affect different things in society.
The overwhelming emphasis on college has become a large aspect of our modern day society. The ever climbing prices of college tuition is affecting ...
College tuition needs to be affordable for all students.
The student loan problem in the U.S. needs to change
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
This is our future! A song about college tuition.
Reasons why college prices should be lowered
College is getting too expensive and I think the price should be lowered.
College debt is only rising. It needs to be solved, now.
A change needs to be made in the American college application process.
College tuition costs more than it should and we should do something about it.
Collage tuition and how it affects students and graduates.
College debt is bad
The high cost of college is becoming a major problem to many people.
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.
The rising cost of college tuition is concerning for those who with low income, and who can’t afford it.
It is finally my turn to be going off to college soon, I am extremely excited, I've been waiting my whole life for this. The safety on college camp...
Its getting harder for some people to pay for college
This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.
The increasing cost of attending college is burdensome for students and action must be taken now to address it.
Reducing College Tuition Prices
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.
classes unneeded for future
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
Many students can't go to college because of the high tuition.
The cost of college is outrageous! This is an important issue on everyone's mind.
The White House argued that parents relying on 529s were wealthy enough that they didn’t need as much help as lower income families. The truth is t...
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
I belive the next president needs to address the cost of public universities.
College female students, freshman, seniors and everyone in between are plagued with this issue everyday.
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
Reasons to lower the tuition fees.
Keep college in mind during this presidency and please consider my thoughts below. :-)
All students deserve the right to an education. Students should not be denied access to the education they deserve because of their financial situa...
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.