Women are always blamed for the horrific conditions they have been through and often fear to tell others their situation. In my letter, I explain w...
immigration to come live in foreign country preeminently
Why are school uniforms are important in schools?
School start times are too early.
We need to focus on programs to help keep kids in school
This needs to stop. No matter our race, we are all the same.
Venezuela is in a catastrophe right now with the highest inflation rates, excessively limited goods, and high crime rates. By using our media outle...
When does the hashtag stop and the actual movement begin?
This essay is about abortion. Abortion is a very heavily discussed topic. I believe abortion is wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion is not right
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
I made this drawing to show how we as individuals are destroying the U.S, whether it be by homicide, suicide, or committing some other acts of viol...
The rising reports of police brutality towards minorities (especially African-Americans) has reached critical condition. I speak on the matter of d...
This letter is about how African Americans and other races, other than white people, are being treated unfairly because of there skin color.
I'm pro-choice. This is my opinion. I know you might not agree. But please, listen.
Being a topic overlooked and understated, human trafficking is a huge problem in our world today.
In most communities of U.S. immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, are looked down upon and fear deportation.
Dear Future President, Healthcare expenses has become a big problem in the United States. We are ranked as having the worst healthcare system acc...
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
Restricting abortions would only make sense in a perfect universe, where every child gets their share of necessities and emotional support. We know...
Misused firearms
There are so many people that are homeless in America because they can't afford rent and they don't have jobs.
The cost of college tuition needs to be lowered for students to be able to afford going to school.
The lives of many are at risk in America due to police and citizen issues.
This letter is about the education system in the United States.
Looking at the negative impact of the Black Lives Matter group.
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
What is euthanasia, and the controversy behind it referring to humans.
More Gun Control would reduce more deaths
Many regulations on immigrants are very harsh and which results them in being discriminated.
Islamophobia is a growing problem in the United States...
Education is a right not a privilege.
This is my opinion on school testing and why I do not think it is beneficial to the students of our schools.
Every voice matters; every vote counts.
I hope you focus on college tuitions because there many students who are in debt because of the expensive prices.
The becoming problem of immigration is growing fast, The violence, drugs and the loss of jobs all due to immigration. Most immigrants come to the U...
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
Abortions shouldn't be legal
People keep dying in the United States, because guns are out of control and I want the president to take a look very close at gun sellers and try t...
Why do we have animal testing if it harms animals?
Poverty in America is rising ,because the minimum wage is low, pricing of housing is high, and people are unable to sustain a healthy diet due to l...
Mental Health has become an issue overlooked by society and when actually taken into consideration, the government and society react negatively.
High college tuition is preventing access to higher education for average Americans.
Women make an exceptionally less amount of money than men and that is not acceptable.
People are suffering day and night because they can't afford to support themselves or their families, no matter how hard they work.
Christians do not have religous equality in America and worldwide.
College tuition should not be expensive.
Dear Future President, College is on top of almost every student’s mind as they finish high school. Many have imagined themselves walking up...
Sexual Assault/Rape is a major case that should never go without a punishment.
Upper 1% controls 39% of United States' wealth.
Abortion? Yes or no?
If students want to go to any colleges after high school and they don't have enough money to pay for their classes, I think the president should g...
Why students higher education so dependent on cost
Illegal Immigrants tear America's economic and social morals apart.
Pro-choice side of the Abortion argument in America.
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
Illegal immigrants should not be labeled as criminals,but as hardworking people who are trying to be accepted by the U.S government
Sex education in America should be comprehensive and medically accurate in all states.
As our future president, you should help prevent domestic violence by raising awareness and creating more safe homes for domestic violence victims.
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."
Why is college so expensive? There are many families who can't afford the rent already so, why make it harder for them by making college so expensi...
Many countries and millions of people are suffering while the US does nothing to help...
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
How we should keep guns out of the wrong hands, along with a better screening process to keep guns in the right minds. The statistics of how many c...
Students are hard workers and tend to work to push themselves beyond their limits. Sometimes going past their limit proves to be worse for a studen...
Healthcare is way overpriced. This affects a great amount of the population and causes job unemployment, poverty, and much more. This must change!
My outlook on the Black Lives Matter movement
I want to change the way new college students think, by making it mandatory for kids to graduate high school with a credit completed in a life skil...
Also, about refugees...
Decrease high taxes
Jesus and other Christian-related subjects are becoming taboo in public schools.
The high costs of healthy food affects many communities, especially low income families.
In the past few years, involvement has gone down with fine arts in our education system. I address the benefits to fine arts and why we, as a coun...
College tuition is to expensive and everyone deserves the chance for a great education.
Too many shootings have been happening lately and we need to do something about it! My solution is gun control. Read my article to find out why I t...
Schools should have a study hall for students to get more homework done. It is clear that many students simply do not have time in their schedules ...
Women's wage gap in America today needs to end.
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
Police brutality should be controlled
I am a 17-year-old student from Utah who believes that we need to find a solution to climate change. I believe if we all truly work together, we wi...
Even though there are many issues going on in the world right now, the safety of our country should be one priority.
Abortion is a right protected underneath the right to privacy. Whether or not you think it should be legal, as a human, you should have the same ri...
Why do we have to fight? why can't we just figure out another way.
With more terrorist acts happening more every year, we need to seek a permanent strategy that can prevent it from happening.
As a citizen of the US I believe that in order to have a smooth running country, we need a better justice system. Our justice system is supposed to...
Legalization of same sex marriage cannot be the last step we cannot end the issue when there are so many other problems about it out there. We dese...
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.
Many veterans are experiencing delays in the health care system as it is now, which needs to be changed for the people who have worked hard to serv...
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
I am asking the next president to focus on making people safe so that they can enjoy life.
Mental illness importance in the education system
Dear Donald Trump, The LGBT community has been given the very basic right to marry, but there is still so much more to be done. This letter highlig...
I feel that gun control is a good thing for America to keep people alive,also I think that gun control can help keep people alive and the world sa...
Gun laws are causing more violence instead of stopping it.
This is a letter about reforming public school education.
This letter asks what will be done about gun laws and shows argumentative points to both sides.