This is about how police brutality has gone overboard killing innocent people of color in the U.S and death
This contains two of the topics I believe the next president should address during their presidency.
Gun control laws should be changed to lessen the amount of deaths a year.
I think that you as president should make laws and regulations against gun use and gun violence.
High school drop outs
How will the next president use the energy options that new technologies have provided to influence the energy of the future?
Don't deport everyone who enters US illegally
We need to shut down puppy mills, fine dog fighting, and prevent animal hoarding. The next president needs to do more to prevent this abuse. No cr...
Censorship is just a word, its consequences are much more than that.
Gun control in America
Persuasive letter with reasons to protect LGBTQ rights
Homelessness is a huge problem in America that needs to be fixed. Future president, what will you do?
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
America needs to stop eating fake food.
According to me abortion is not a crime. Abortion is a right of every single women.
Do you wonder how you can help the homeless in America? There are plenty of ways you can help the homeless. Here are some of them and some reasons ...
ISIS is one of the biggest threat to America, killing people everywhere in the world about 450,000 people.Killing people, monuments and that's why ...
School start times are too early.
So, you're the president of the United States now? Great. Wonderful. There are many issues out there to be concerned about, but you should focus on...
We need to get paid more, if we need to pay monthly bills, clothing, shoes, and foods .
starting school at a later time for health benefits.
Dear Next President: Is this really justice? Discrimination by race is unjust. How will you work during your presidency to change these injustices?
"In America, just over 16 million children live in households where they have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet."
As a student, I see many people struggle in school due to lack of sleep. I think its important we help understand the Sid effects of sleep deprivat...
There's a poison spreading through the veins of America and it is racism wearing a new face.
Global warming affects America more than you think it does, and we need to take action.
Immigration should be stopped.
My letter to the next president contain facts and a personal story contains to gun violence
Our country should improve education on this topic.
We call our country "The United States of America" but what exactly is united about it? Our states may be united under the name, but we as individu...
Everything should be equal for EVERYONE. You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb the world into peace.
Gun control is a huge problem in the US, but we shouldn't be penalized for protecting our kids.
FDA and GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)
This is my letter to the next president addressing the issues related to women's rights, specifically rape.
Our age law should be consistent on when we want a person to be an official adult or not. Drinking and smoking age should be 18 or being an officia...
People are struggling to afford healthcare, specifically, those who are not able to get cured or those who are prescribed medication who cannot aff...
This about the different problems students face regularly in school.
Dog fighting is wrong
Campus Sexual Assault
Teenage Pregnancy
College tuition is overly priced. Every year It increases by 5%. Colleges have more than enough money to give to students for scholarships. For the...
Human waste, litter and chemicals are being thrown in the oceans which are causing animals to die and some to go extinct.
The U.S educational system has been having a hard time over the last few years, with unprepared students, high priced colleges, and many lousy teac...
Some leaders believe the second amendment should be repealed even it’s what protects Americans from harmful treats everyday.
My "Fighting Cyber Bulling" report is about the conflicts and issues with cyber bulling and how we could stop it.
Thousands of Americans experience homelessness every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. We need to take charge and help change their ...
These are reasons why abortion should be illegal in the United States.
Women should have the option to have an abortion but that doesn't mean that's always the best idea.
The issue in my letter is about World Hunger.
Our country currently does not have enough gun control, we need to pass much more legislation prohibiting people from having guns.
How important animal cruelty is in the United States.
Feminism Is Useless and Needs To Go
Together we can all stop the deportation today if we work together!!!
The growing issue about transgender people using the bathroom needs to be resolved soon.
How much is too much? Higher education costs putting your family under a financial strain.
The reasons why global warming should be fixed so that life on this planet will be better.
Many dogs are getting abuse because of the people that do not treat them good like they supposed to
How we can get rid of our debt.
This is letter is going to be about how obesity is a problem in normal life all around America. It shows how if people were more active than work w...
Is abortion a problem in the US? If so, what are the causes? How can it be stopped? Should it even be stopped?
The depression of Native American youth has reached alarming rates on Native American reservations, with devastating consequences including high su...
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
Since the mid-1950’s, Racial Segregation and Discrimination has existed in the U.S.A. According to, Martin Luther King was ...
My family has a difficult time earning a living and paying bills
The number one problem that our country is currently facing is our education system.
The Economic Crisis has spiraled way out of control, we are currently $19 trillion in long until it's too late to stop it? Is it alread...
Dear Next President,
I think the Death Penalty should be abolished.
The National Debt is to high and America must get it down.
High capacity clips are a danger to American citizens. A law banning clips over twelve rounds will reduce gun homicides and minimize body counts fo...
College tuition costs need to be lowered so Youth as myself and America can have a better future
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
Popular entertainment outlets neglect the hardships that minorities face, opting for the flashy and comical outlook it has for oblivious and impre...
i think i have to type in this box to submit
Gender Equality is different everywhere, and different to everyone.
Gun violence in the U.S. is out of control and this needs to change.
My essay is about how the president should handle the recent outbreak of police brutalities and black lives matter protests.
The government should spend more money to stop illegal immigration.
Air pollution effects all living things. It's not getting better, and we need to do something about it.
College fees are a main reason that many people don't have a full education. The economy and jobs could be even better if more people were able to ...
We must save the Black-Footed Ferret from extinction.
Here in this letter, I will discuss why I feel abortions should stay legal and also include the counterclaim as well.
This letter is about how Colin Kaepernick has been showing disrespect towards Our flag and National Anthem.
Why is animal abuse a thing that isn't being punished
The importance of affordable education for students of Louisiana
Many believe that abortion is a crime. A murder even. However, it is a woman’s choice, risk, and right to decide if she wants to have a baby or n...
We as a nation need to take in mind that our mental health matters to.They don't realize what people feel daily fighting themselves alone if they'r...
There is a reason behind the late uploading of content on Netflix. I'm bringing it to the public.
The Flint water crisis has been occurring for nearly two years now and it must come to an end. We can no longer have a third world crisis in the Un...
Guns should not have more restrictions or limitations.
Children who are victims to child abuse aren't living the "American Dream". It should be stopped because everyone should live happily and shouldn't...
Why Endangered Animals need our help.
Dear Mr. President
This movement is to strive away from this Black White society where Whites or the racist government control the people.
The guns we own or have can cause a lot of shoot out for defense or it ca be a gang fight.
A letter about the benefits that immigrants bring to America coming from other countries. No matter where they come from but where they arrive.
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.