Dear Future President, Pandas are one of the cutest animals in the world, and they are endangered. Pandas have been on the endangered species li...
We all deserve equal rights and protection.
The environment is a pressing issue that is constantly put on the back-burner. It is time to address this critical issue, before it is too late.
College athletes should not be paid.
Abortion should be illegal.
My opinion on Gun Control.
All around the world their are guns, guns can be very harmful to many different things. Guns can also provide food and protection. Which one would ...
Police brutality and how to help fix it.
Global Warming is an actual phenomenon
The issue of the transgender bathroom policy have recently been brought up and there are many different views on the subject
It's pretty easy to get guns in Chicago, and we should do something about it.
My name is Jessica M., I am a freshman in high school, and I will be going to college in the near future. Money is going to be a concern that I wil...
This letter is about the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana.
Our country is dividing ourselves into groups rather than working together to fix our problems. I do not want to you tolerate me, I want you to acc...
Gun control is a very important topic right now
Over a million animals lives are wasted due to animal testing
Immigrants should have the right to be legalized
My concern with the countries economic problem.
President, I believe that, if we focus on the health benefit more, we could be much more happier, understanding, and healthier to who we as indivi...
Abortion should not become illegal
Why we need to do something about the species that surround us.
This is a broken system and is cruel to those sentenced and to their families.
The division between minorities in America have been a constant factor within the future of this country. Is it finally time for unity, security, e...
Gun control should be banned in America
Global warming is a major issue that if not controlled, will end life as we know it.
Every day millions of Americans use motor vehicles that run on fuel to take them any place in the country. On a monthly basis, an average American ...
For years people have been leaving their homes in fear of being treated different because what they believe in or where they from.
The causes and effects of ocean pollution.
There are 500,000 people in the U.S. who are currently homeless.
This letter is written for the president to emphasis the fact that women's rights need to be in reinforced.
Global warming is a big issue that needs to be solved and the president needs to do something about it.
We need to make sure that the dogs and cats that don't have homes still get the right care. The street is not the safest place for these animals ev...
An argument on gaining your digital privacy back.
Immigration is truly degrading our country as a whole. We have heard over and over that we need to do something about immigration and it is about t...
Veterans are not receiving the benefits that they need, or deserve.
If the price of college tuition was lowered, more students would be able to further their education
America is supposed to be the “free country” yet many American citizens are not really free.
Letter to the president regarding the transition from coal to renewable resources.
With college costs increasing, the debt gets bigger. We need to change that.
In any minute, any animal is being tortured. Many people don’t understand that dogs are like humans, they feel the same pain as us. We can stop ani...
By keeping borders open, we are not only providing opportunities for immigrants but also providing opportunities for the citizens of the United Sta...
Abortion should be stopped.
As a soon to be college freshman who is eagerly preparing for my future career, I have been doing research about possible career options for me and...
Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started. New gun law...
The education system needs to modified greatly.
Racism is becoming a problem in today's world. Racism itself persists in our schools,offices,court systems,police departments, and else where. Per...
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
As the price of college tuition rises, so does the amount of student loan students have to pay to .
schools start too early for students to properly learn
How are we going to help undocuemented immigrants become citizens of the United States?
Obama care is changing today's society. It is causing people to complain, and it's separating our country.
National Security Dear Future President, 9/11 was the most tragic day in America 2,996 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 were wo...
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
There are over 7 billion people on the earth, so why do so many people feel alone?
I believe that immigration is a big racism problem in america.
I think there should be a substantial increase in border control. There are many people entering this country legally and illegally. If the rate of...
We need to stop ISIS before more damage is done.
My letter is to inform you that in small town northeast Iowa high school education is not free.
Most Public Service Announcements about the internet inaccurately represent the internet.
November 2, 2016 Dear Future President, ...
Soon to be adult
Abortion needs to be stopped
No one has the right to change or attempt to change anyone's sexuality. The next step that will lead our country to progress to new heights is by b...
Illegal immigrants don't deserve the same rights as legal Americans
we have a growing America, lets bring the new, old, similar and opposing together.
Our U.S. Drug Policy
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal test...
College costs stress out families and put them in a tough financial situation.
Abortion should be legal only when medically necessary.
Guns in themselves are not evil, even though they hurt, they protect.
Child abuse need to be stop.You can help help by speaking up.
Jared Carter's hope for the next president is simple: show young people in the U.S. that they are all equal and valued.
Essay describes how veterans need more assistance after they return home.
The minimum wage must be raised to help the economy and lifestyles of Americans.
Free college is going to negatively impact our economy.
Learn from me, Mirra Lee, a 15-year old female. I live in West Seattle and the issue I wrote about is on homelessness.
Gun violence in America is increasing every day, and it is time to put a stop to it by creating and enforcing stronger gun restrictions. This is no...
Dear Future President, With being president, I know you have many responsibilities. I understand you can’t cover everything everyone as...
I hope you focus on college tuitions because there many students who are in debt because of the expensive prices.
College Tuition
In your campaign you did not list protecting animals as a major topic. Hopefully after reading this letter you will recognize the huge problem with...
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
Different cases of racism grip the world right now, how are the parents of America raising their children to think?
Animals deserve to live a long, happy life just like us humans, and it is very disappointing to hear that we are stopping them from living those li...
Women should be paid the same amount of money as men for the same work.
What will you do as our president to deal with ISIS?
Americans should understand that Latinos come to this country for a better live, to escape gangs, but when they get here it's still hard for them ...
This is my letter to Mr. Donald Trump explaining my view on global climate change.
Banning the Niqab is wrong.
Racial Inequality is a growing problem in the US and needs to be fix.
So many jobs go unfilled because Americans are not qualified for them. At a time when there is a seismic shift in our economy, people need ways to...
I think that unless a woman is raped or the baby will harm her, she should have the baby.
Cops should not kill people holding a weapon.
I am for Social Networking!
Abortion kills over a million innocent babies in the United States each year. These human beings are denied the right to life, which America claims...
College tuition is too much money.
My letter is about abortion. It is also about why abortion is a bad thing.
This letter will inform you about how much work college gymnasts have in America.