I believe that the President should raise the minimum wage to $13.
The United States is great country that has been built up by the people. With all this power, some things can go to our head. America has now becom...
The national anthem is something that some people have begun to protest. These people, mostly professional sport players, are no longer standing a...
I addressed some issues that have been happening to the LGBT Community.
The idea of abortion is morally wrong and should be replaced with a better alternative.
Every One should learn Sex Ed
Why we need to do something about the species that surround us.
This is a letter addressing student loans being a burden to those who are in a lot of debt.Causing students of today to not even want to go college...
A bisexual student's thoughts on the lacking of LGBT+ representation in the media, why it is an issue, and how to solve said issue.
As medical students give up almost everything to pursue the path of medicine, the price to attend is becoming a problem.
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
Dear future president, Please close Sea World. SeaWorld is very guilty about animal abuse and mistreatment, such as: breeding, capturing marine li...
Many Muslim women are taking off their Hijabs due to the problem of Islamophobia. As a country that goes by "Land of the Free" and "Home of the Bra...
Make the future of America great when the hear the word America
Drugs are doing bad things to our society.
Views on Education
The Right to Bear Arms is what makes us feel safe.
Abortion should be banned.
Thousands of animals go extinct every year. We need to support the people who save them!
The restrictions on abortions are unreasonable and women should be able to do what they want with their bodies.
Human Trafficking is still a prevalent issue in American society that we need to address.
Will you build a wall between the U.S and the Mexican Border?
There are 11 million immigrants who are undocumented and they're benefitting this country.
In this letter I tell you about the importance of enforcing our gun laws.
You need to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline!
I would like for the future president to lower college tuition.
All around the world, children are abused everyday. Something needs to be done, maybe a program that allows children to feel safe in showing that t...
Politicians tend to overlook the issue of Climate Change.
On one side of the argument, there are those who want transgender people to use the restroom that corresponds with the gender on their birth certif...
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
This nation is struggling with the cost of education. We need to change this or kids wont go to college and this nation will now evolve and create ...
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 (www.alternet.org) rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
College is in many students minds as they graduate high school.Many of those students want to attend college but don't have the funds to do so.My ...
In the U.S. conserving water is as important as breathing air and soon we will run out.
If life does begin at conception, abortion is akin to murder. Murder is the act of taking human life. In every abortion an innocent human life is b...
Illegal immigration is hurting the american economy. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans which puts them in poverty.
We need to stop the mass amounts of violence caused by guns every year. In order to limit the amount of gun violence in this country we need to reg...
Police attacking the innocents
Sexual assault on minors is a real thing and we need to show people that it's a serious issue.
Gun violence in the United States kills thousands of people each year. I believe that there are things we can do to bring these numbers down.
A persuasive letter to legalize marijuana
The War on drugs has been a failure.
I wrote this letter to try and convince you to abolish the death penalty.
Racial Discrimination is a huge problem that faces out country. We need to see what we can do to address this problem and prevent it from getting w...
My thoughts on Drug and alcohol abuse. What our next Action?
Air pollution is slowly becoming a bigger problem and we need to take action before it is to late.
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
College tuition in America needs is way too expensive. As next president of the United States of America, I hope you can understand how Americans f...
Guns are bad. Get rid of guns.
Better healthcare should be brought over to more poor countries to help take care of the sick and get the attention they need, whether they can aff...
Free Wrongfully Held Detainees! Independent Inquiry Needed! As a teen what scares me more than fitting in is getting shot or killed without comple...
Lower and middle class work hard and don't get paid for it.
A letter for the future president about abortion.
This letter is about the prevalence of rape culture in our society today, what that means, and how to combat it.
Gun control is not necessary, and will not be effective in the U.S.A.
We must do something about the issue of climate change before it's too late.
Student should not have homework
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Shutting down kill shelters in the United States
We need to help the poor to live a better life.More than 1.3 billion people are poor and we need to help.
No matter what gender, everyone deserves the same rights and privileges.
This is my opinion on saving our oceans from its dangers.
America needs to address discriminating against the rights of LGBT people.
Persuasive Letter to the next President to get rid of the Gender Wage Gap
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
College costs in America have become increasingly high. And this is a huge problem that hopefully our Future President can solve.
Suicide is a serious issue that America has today. Suicide prevention is very necessary if we want this problem to get better. The help of our pres...
Letter to the next president.
1.6 million children will experience homelessness this year, making up one-third of the homeless population.
Drugs are causing people to become addicted to take more drugs
A woman isn't defined by a man, we are not sexual objects, we are human.
The cost of college and student debt is a major issue that needs to be solved.
High school graduates have huge debts because they can't afford to completely pay off their college fees. This is the only type of consumer debt th...
Politics has part of manipulation and deception but in our current election it has created division. The president must bring unity and not lie for...
Racial profiling is a topic that needs to be addressed due to many people being falsely accused.
This is an issue that has been around for as long as the world existed. Yet to this day, it is not identified or acknowledged as much as it should ...
People should stop eating sugary snacks
My family has a difficult time earning a living and paying bills
Fossil fuels are a huge problem in our community because they can add to our atmosphere.
Read about the solutions we can take to reduce the poverty rate in America.
Adoption is a hard and emotional process that can be made easier with a few changes.
Dear Mr./Ms. President, I hope you read my letter and make a few changes on school budget cuts.
Gender Inequity is not so much a problem in this day and age, but its beginning to bubble up again in middle schools.
Everyone should have an opportunity for higher education if they choose.
Sleep deprivation can cause widespread problems to students, and overwhelming amounts of homework are only making it worse.
I think that the president should let immigrants become u.s. Citizens.
Renewable energy: the key to stopping our global warming problem.
Discrimination is a major problem in the US that causes violence, and even death.
This issue focuses on equality between men and women. Women’s rights and women’s equality is where women don’t get treated the same as men in many ...
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
The numbers of unemployers and low wages are the most important economic problem in the USA right now, the low wages and unemployment are slowing d...
Racism is the belief that all members of each race is possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.Racism is known the most in the U....
I think illegal immigration is not a good thing in the U.S right now. I will be telling yo statistics and on why it helpful and why it's not a god...
Gun control is a huge problem in the US, but we shouldn't be penalized for protecting our kids.