Fix the problem and help the LGBT community
Discrimination still exists today, and that needs to change now.
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding the issue of climate change
Sexual assault is something that needs a more serious punishment. The person who is getting arrested for sexual assault on average only spends a ye...
I will be discussing about privacy rights in the digital world of the internet.
News channels need to increase coverage on environmental issues in order to raise awareness.
Youth homelessness is a serious problem in the U.S. how can you help? Find out in this essay explaining the problems and possible solutions.
School start times all over the U.S are starting way too early for kids to do well in school.
A debate on the concern of space debris and space exploration, and the importance of doing our part in making our environment safe. -Rebecca K.
These are some facts that the liberal media has gotten wrong about the issue with our 2nd amendment right.
There are over 500 thousand people homeless. There are almost 50 thousand homeless veterans that are homeless. They risked their lives for this c...
Many deaths across America have been caused by having guns in the wrong hands. The background check before a gun sale is the right way to go.
We need to form a plan that is going to defeat ISIS once as for all
This letter is about how our factories are hurting our environment. We can make various things that will make less burning oil.
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Racial inequality needs to be stopped
At the age of eighteen one is considered an adult, and an adult should be able to legally enjoy an alcoholic beverage.
Our military needs to know how to organize military funding and train troops better.
College tuition is on the rise, the more money going out results in higher tuition. Students are continually struggling to keep up with their payme...
People with serious diseases that cause immense pain should have access to something they know will help lessen it.
Dont have one
West Virginia has a serious problem with painkillers.
Most of the drugs being imported to the U.S. are coming from Mexico. How is the President going to strength border control to help stop this problem.
College tuition fees are too high for the ordinary American student, in turn causing students to not have the ability to attend college.
Our planet is slowly dying and we need to act fast. We find that awareness is key to helping problems to begin with so what must be done in our edu...
Immigrants should have the same opportunities as the people who live in the United States and should be treated with respect.
In order for our country to grow we must create new and better innovations and inventions. For these innovations and inventions to happen we must p...
May the value of your character matter more than the color of your skin.
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
Ways I think you can make America a better place.
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
Dear Future President,
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
This letter is about the loss of natural resources in this world.
Terrorism is the number one problem that needs to be addressed by our next president.
Gun violence has gotten out of hand and guns have been used for the wrong reasons.
Illegal Immigration is a huge problem that America is facing today, and we need a president who will end this crisis.
Political Candidates support education for the masses, but do not send their children to public school.
In the US, guns are the biggest problem that must be handled immediately by the US government to save our country from killing innocent people.
i pick this topic because too many people are dyeing from drugs. You can get addicted to drugs.
Dear Next President: The United States plays a substantial role in the percentage of carbon emissions worldwide. Will your presidency seek to take ...
There is a increasing amount of police issues and it needs to be stopped.
Many of us want a chance to be part of the United States of America, but is it worth risking our lives to face later deportation back to the count...
Education is important for everyone. Not just the rich or the poor, but for everyone.
Immigration is causing a lot of problems for our country.
Animal abuse is wrong
I am against animal testing.
Bullying is a huge problem amongst children today.
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
The violence directed at our police in America is ludicrous and completely unnecessary.
People are afraid of the police because of news reports about police brutality.
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
bye bye abortion
A Lot of people are smoking and some of the people are dying from smoking.
For students who are not of the minimum age but are intelligent far beyond their age, I firmly believe they should be offered a better opportunity ...
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
The school dress code needs to be changed in order to apply equally to both genders.
Women make eighty cents per dollar of what men make and that is totally unfair
Colin Kaepernick is kneeling during the National Anthem. There is now a huge uproar across the nation.
Equal rights for women will unite and help advance the United States, as well as set examples for other countries who face similar challenges.
Women employed through many professional work places are expected to choose between having children and working. This expectation is not only unfai...
I think that the laws for allowing someone to purchase a gun should be more strict then they are now. We should be able to trust anyone who buys a ...
Planned Parenthood should be funded.
Education is the most important thing in our society, and it needs to be made a focus.
college should be available for everyone and affordable.
Summary: I was raised to believe in two things: that everyone is equal and as such everyone should be treated with respect. I am worried to see how...
Abortion is killing innocent lives
Keeping our troops safe at home and overseas.
Some people think about the black lives matter protest and agree,but I think that all lives matter.
I talk about how we should change immigration and give everyone a chance to join the country
Police Brutality
Gun control is a big issue in our country. There have been many mass shootings at malls, schools, and airports. If the government would put stron...
UC acceptance rates have declined steadily for Californians and federal regulations are needed.
The U.S is lacking behind in education polls and we need to fix this.
Most people live their lives without thinking about their effects on the world around them. Of course they have heard about the effects of global w...
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
This letter mostly talks about how to better gun control.
College tuition prevents students around the country from attending college. At least 40% of low-income students do not attend college their first ...
Medical marijuana needs to be legalized, and this is why.
Presidential plans for the economy
Illegal immigration is a huge problem in today's society and something needs to be done about it. Able bodied illegals pour into our country and re...
Improving the ecosystem can be achieved through recycling, limiting gas use, and increasing solar panel and windmills.
Letter to the next President
I recently was scrolling through a video which explained how so many things have changed in a hundred years, but the school system hasn't changed m...
Abortion Rights
Why guns are not the problem, criminals are
Not everyone in America has an equal education, which you, Future President, need to change so that American Youths continue to be the next preside...
America is known as the most obese country on earth.
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
Right now, in 2016, the amount of Teenagers wanting to come out and identify themselves as a part of the LGBTQ Community is awe-inspiring, yet how ...
Why education is important and needed in kids' lives