Our age law should be consistent on when we want a person to be an official adult or not. Drinking and smoking age should be 18 or being an officia...
In this letter, a concerned 8th grader talks about the voting age, and how the voting age could change.
A little concerned about the Mexican immigration policy
Executing criminals that convicted the most violent crimes should not be put to death; Therefore it should not be a form of punishment. ...
we could save them by saying just yes
This is about wars because some people in the world are dying because other states are thinking about attacking but people in The Unite State of Am...
Many students are not getting into college because standardized tests are lowering their self-esteem and self-motivation. Colleges look at this one...
Gender Equality is the greatest issue America is facing today because women aren't getting paid the minimum wage and they are doing the same jobs a...
My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
In this article you will read about how NCAA athletes should get paid because they do not have time for jobs.
The wage gap should be eliminated between men and women. Women have the same qualifications and work ethic; therefore gender should not affect the ...
Smoking needs to stop.
Tigers are dying. We need save them before they are gone forever.
There are many critical errors in today's Criminal justice system that must be answered, we need reform in our policies from drugs, police procedur...
A letter by Chiyane Perkins
Transgender people need to be able to use the restroom that they identify as. We need to be more mature and accepting of everyone.
People have the right to be free and happy.
Islamophobia is a big problem that you should address because mostly all Muslim students are getting hurt and people are making fun of them by sayi...
Overpopulation is causing major issues to all life on Earth, but if we change now as keepers of our planet, Earth can prevent these issues and make...
This is our future! A song about college tuition.
Gun control is not something to be taken lightly. It is a serious issue.
Many students in the U.S. worry about money when applying to college and the debt they will have after they graduate. Colleges are becoming more ex...
My thoughts on Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion
Dear future president, Please close Sea World. SeaWorld is very guilty about animal abuse and mistreatment, such as: breeding, capturing marine li...
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.
transgender bathroom are the big topic around america if it should be legal or nah these are my reason and opinion on what we should do to fix it.
Lots of kids today are very fortunate and can acquire lots of things, although others aren't. Some kids in the United States of America can't get ...
Animal cruelty should be banned. Humans have anger sometimes even the dogs don't have nothing to do with it. You can help by a small donate.
Plastic pollution is a major issue that is often ignored or pushed aside, but it is a problem that deserves care and attention like all others. Pla...
Even though a college education is important, the expenses for going to college is egregious in the United States. Many students are required to ob...
This has to end today.
American shouldn't raise minimum wage.
The NCAA should not pay college athletes to compete because then nonprofit programs could get cut, It will turn into a professional game, and colle...
Homelessness is disappointing because it is sad to see all those homeless people living on the streets and no where to live and nothing to eat.
The government needs to be funding the scientific community for the integrity of the research and the benefits of their discoveries and additional ...
Is a physical wall really required to control immigration?
my name is CiCi and live in Albuquerque and i want to address the information on abortion.
This letter discusses the issue of rising college tuition prices. Providing statistics and evidence to prove that this topic is in fact real. ...
Public transportation is needed a lot more in the United States. Here's my reasons why.
As this funny quote says “ their is NO elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." What I am trying to point out is that education is the O...
In this letter to you, Mr. Trump, I will be bringing up my concern of public opinion on your policies and overall views of the right side of the sp...
We need to help ALL of the drug addicts and save them and others from being miserable. Forcing the drug addicts into rehab will make a big differen...
The LGBTQ community has been mistreated for a long time and there needs to be something done about it. People are ending their lives because they ...
We need a change in our education system. It needs to change so we are learning more and can have more time to focus on school.
My letter to the next President.
2016 letter to President
A letter to the future president about the cost of college.
Forest aren't being treated correctly and now fires are burning all of the forest in our nation. But we can fix the problem we have created.
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
Current drug policy is taking a toll on our country as a whole but by taking steps towards the legalization of cannabis we can alleviate issues suc...
Veteran lives matter too in health care
Bees are dying and need to be saved. Humans need bees and other pollinators to have the earth be habitable and if bees die out then humans will be ...
I do agree with many of your policies or ideas that we need to change in our county. However I think that we should keep abortion as an option for ...
The government should focus more on terrorism and put more effort into resolving it, because it not only affects those countries being attacked, bu...
As the President of our country, it is your job to make our lives a priority and to make us feel safe anywhere we are.
Global warming is a huge problem, everywhere, on our Earth. It has hurt many people already, and many more to come, if we don't do something about ...
We need to help put a stop to pollution, deforestation, global warming.
Islamophobia, or the extreme fear of Muslims, is infecting the minds of modern Americans and leading to discrimin
Dear next president, ...
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Dear Next President, Please make the college tui...
The unnecessary chemicals added in our food is harming us. They must be eliminated to improve the health of our country.
Why texting while driving is dangerous to teens.
Terrorism is increasing and many lives are in danger. How are they using social media to plan these attacks?
Super Bowl Monday should be a national day off
The next president needs to put an end to racial inequality and show America that we are equal and skin color should not stop that.
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
The once flourishing charter school movement is now being derailed.
I discuss the immense issue of police brutality and provide a potential solution for the problem. This is an ever growing issue, but genuine soluti...
We must come together to educate ourselves on mental health/illnesses as a community.
Abortion is a highly controversial topic. Some believe the fetus has rights so abortion should be illegal, but i believe it is the woman's right to...
I wrote this letter because I would like to put a stop to guns. People should have there live and not having to worrying that they might get hurt.
Inequality in the criminal court system
It's about illegal people and why its a problem
How long until another death causes a protest?
Gun control
This needs to be stopped... now!
Have you ever wanted to go to college, but feared at the expenses it would cost? Why should college be so expensive to the people who can't afford ...
Immigrants should have the same opportunities as the people who live in the United States and should be treated with respect.
Global warming and climate change are real, current, and man-made. We need to be the ones to fix the issue.
The Children of our world need meals not scooters.
People around the world are suffering from starvation leading to death. They deserve a fair shot at life like everyone else, to ensure this world h...
A consideration of the unlawful and disgusting acts forced upon animals.
Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our generation, but I believe every can fix it.
Police Protection
Fish substitution has slowly become more and more a problem.
Some people can use guns wisely. most of human society can't use guns properly. I type this letter to inform you of gun control. You should conside...
My letter to the president I'm pointing out how important Affirmative Action is in today's world.
i think that tutors should get payed by schools to help students who are struggling in school because tutors are really helpful.
Dear President, “We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to” (Terri Swearingen). Are you littering, or are you picking trash ...
America needs to prevent illegal immigration.
Uprise of gang violence
I believe we should have more Poke Stops and Poke Gyms. Pokemon go is a fun and very amusing game which is a great way to exercise
My opinion on women getting less money then men for the same job.
Drugs are like a virus in this country, spreading from person to person with no intent on stopping.
We need to put a stop to terrorism.
A letter about why it's a good idea for schools to stop giving us standardized tests.