How long until another death causes a protest?
Black Lives Matter
All lives matter to me.
Child labor is an issue that many people look past, and forget about. It is more important than many realize and must be dealt with by Congress imm...
I think the government should do something about all of the police violence.
Police Brutality is an issue in todays society
To fix these race issues, we need to start in our households, teach our families that everyone deserves to be treated as an equal. We cannot ignor...
Enough is enough.
Although some may believe that racism and oppression is old news, but we still face racism every day, and we still see it everywhere.
Immigration and Sexism are problems in the United States that should be changed, after all this country's motto is liberty and justice for all.
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
Despite the criticism it receives, Black Lives Matter is an excellent organization that serves an important purpose in the black community.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
Kids all over our country aren't able to go to school because they are in poverty. There education matters because that is what is going to make th...
A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
Police issues cause a lot of problems in the U.S.A
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
I am asking about your views on climate change.
Recently, the United States has been in controversy over the actions of police officers around the nation. The actions of a few people cannot const...
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
A great poem about this topic
This talks about Police brutality and incidents that have happened over the years, police ¨Consequences¨, and ideas to solve this.
This is my poem about how police brutality is getting out of hand .
More African Americans are being killed than Caucasians.
Police Brutality is a serious issue in the United States. Police Officers need more training and greater government control.
Here you will find the issues, I think are important to perhaps others and myself that should be handled fast.
Black Lives Matter isn't just about police brutality. It also extends to education opportunities for Black community. Focusing on All Lives Matter ...
Police attacking the innocents
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
You need to stop policemen from using excessive force because lots of unarmed people are being killed. You can do this by giving more money to the ...
In the case of police brutality, authorities need to stop taking advantage of their badge.
Although women's inequality has been dramatically improve, it still has years of improvement to come.
I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
This is my letter on the topic of racism and police Brutality
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
The problems I think that need to be solved
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
A popular, and very critical issue that is prominent in the news, revolves around police brutality against black people. However, a long standing p...
Obesity in America
A piece asking for an end to police brutality and the tension between police and civilians.
I am concerned because there have been many innocent people killed this may be because of possible untrained police officers.
Why police brutality needs to be stopped and the wage gap needs to be minimized.
What will you do about the inequality in the U.S?
The media often only shows one side of the story
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Police and the communities they serve are gaining tension due to highly media shown cop shootings, and unjust punishments. Only time can tell how t...
Dear Next President, I think you should hold more social events to build stronger relationships between communities and police, so that more peop...
Police Brutality is often triggered by Racism. People are often judged, mistreated and stereotyped due to ethnicity and due to the color of skin.
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
Black people in America are treated like trash and you as the next President need to make an effort to change how people in our country are being t...
My name is Dylan I'm at West Seattle High and I want to talk about Police Brutality.
Problems with inequality have existed since the beginning of this country, and it is time for a change
Police Brutality
I'm tired of hearing about innocent people getting shot and killed for no reason whatsoever. We need to control our guns.
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
Police brutality and how to help fix it.
In my letter, I will be talking about police brutality in the United States. I will be directing the problems and suggesting ways to solve this pro...
I think the next president should put some effort into stopping police brutality. Police brutality is a horrible thing and here's what I have to sa...
Dear Future President, I know, I know, this is the millionth letter you have read today and you’re probably really tired. Tired of reading the sa...
police brutality
This police brutality needs to be stopped in this country. But what shoud we do about this?
Pollution in America
We need to stop police brutality.
The Black Lives Matter movement is often misunderstood.
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
People of the U.S. disapprove of the LGBTQ community.
In this letter to the next president I evoke the issues of police killing innocent young African Americans and the consequences of there actions ar...
"Nobody can give you freedom.Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything.If you're a man, you take it ~ Malcolm X
Let’s be clear we did not say only black lives matter; social media said that. We know that all lives matter but right now we have to focus on the ...
I wrote about child abuse and how the next President should take more actions on trying to stop or prevent child abuse from happening.
My name is Timothy and I would like for Hillary to read this and help solve this number one issue in our country today. As we all know innocent Bl...
We need to focus on real issues that affect our everyday life. If we don't focus on issues happening within our country then trust between the auth...
two year ago teenagr michael brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson, and this situation riddled with lies and misconceptions spa...
This about the black lives movement and how it affects America.
This is a problem in my community because people everyday, are getting their lives taken away from them, for something that's not their fault.
Many African Americans in the U.S. are starting to die due to the disastrous actions of the police.
Discrimination is a major problem in the US that causes violence, and even death.
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
In this letter shows how the police is abusing their power and killing people. Also, it demonstrates how police kill people and how racist they are...
Police Brutality has to stop
Written for the next president to base decisions on the concept of what America really stands for and not to single out groups of people or general...
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a huge crisis in the U.S. Young teenagers (mostly African Americans), are meeting untimely deaths due...
These are very important questions for the upcoming president
How should America deal with police brutality?
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
Police Brutality is a growing issue in this nation that needs to be the top priority within our country.
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
The letter that i had wrote the the future president was that he needs to do something about these people who are sending death threats to NFL play...
Ellaina Andrew
In recent years there have been many cases of unnecessary force used by the police against Black people. Nowadays, it seems that the situation is g...
The inequality of the gender wage gap.
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
Dear Future President, although the United States is thought to be a great nation for women, gender inequality still remains here in the U.S. Star...
Please fix this recurring problem,
On the issue of preserving the integrity of the National Park System
Students ask what the next president will do for equality for minorities, females and those a part of the LQBT community.
This letter is about how immigrants should be treated fairly. I also address the general mistreatment of P.O.C in America in general.